Russian Ukrainian War

This war is already lost for US/NATO/Ukraine. Until Biden leaves, it will keep going. The results will be bad for the West, because Russia will not vacate any territory under military pressure. Settlement will be on the lines proposed by India/Modi/Jaishankar. That is Ukraine will be neutralized and Russia will leave Ukraine territory except Crimean.

Hence what has Biden gained….. Nothing, but lost $150 billion in military equipment some of which in Russian hands…… Bad….. bad…… bad for the West.

They gained a lot, all of the EU is now lining up for US military gear, and chindi and cowardly "peaceful" country like Germany now wants F35s, France's Rafale sales have increased etc.

btw Russia won't leave any territory unless they feel a humiliating military reversal is about to happen, they won't leave as a part of some peace treaty, makes the judo black belt, KGB James Bond and shirt-less horse-riding Leaderji of Russkies look like a little bitch and a waste of Russian blood and treasure to gain that land.
This war is already lost for US/NATO/Ukraine. Until Biden leaves, it will keep going. The results will be bad for the West, because Russia will not vacate any territory under military pressure. Settlement will be on the lines proposed by India/Modi/Jaishankar. That is Ukraine will be neutralized and Russia will leave Ukraine territory except Crimean.

Hence what has Biden gained….. Nothing, but lost $150 billion in military equipment some of which in Russian hands…… Bad….. bad…… bad for the West.

Russia isnt giving up Donbass or any section of Zaphorizia/Kherson. Thats not happening and, regardless of what Jayshankar may say in public, he knows this to be a fact in reality.

For Russia, at the very minimum, it will require freezing the border along current LoC in Ukraine, because Russia understands geopolitics of its own backyard.
The historic KEY to controlling the black sea is Crimea and the key to controlling Crimea is to have a land bridge to it. Kherson-Zapho-Donbass is that land bridge. Also, as 2014-2022 showed, Crimea has a severe water problem. The only way Crimea gets water is from Dneiper canal and Ukraine shut it off after 2014, causing massive water logistics problem for Russia in crimea.
So Russia is under no shape or form vacating any of the territory it currently holds, for that is the minimum it needs to hold to guarantee Crimea and its canal.

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