More manpower is needed at the front for Ukrainian army along with weapons like fighter jets, artillery, armour & moreover units at the front need to refit & rest . Continuous firefights at the front has battered most of the brigades & situation in donbass is grim & Kursk is nearly lost. I sincerely admire how brave Ukrainian soldiers have fought the Russian warmachine to a standstill for 3 years , no country in Europe could have ever last that long against Russia. But time has come for an armistice at least.
Maybe it will be armistice. In connection with the new US President, various versions are being discussed, including that Trump will not live to see the inauguration, but there is not a single official statement.
Personally, I am against a truce. You can't bring the finishing tape from Russia, which has run out of steam.
Yesterday we discussed the news: the Moscow film studio handed over 28 T-55s and 10 PT-76s to the Russian army. They are raking out everything they have. Soon they will start removing tanks from monuments.
Regarding manpower. Are you following closely and have you seen new brigades at the front? Here I have already shown a video of a train with Swedish Pbv 301s moving here. Have you noticed many M1117s or Baredleys in new camo?
Sometimes new battalions are introduced, even airfield security and medical battalion service personnel are transferred to the infantry, but the main reserve is not involved. In fact, this is a new army of 150-200 thousand.
Indeed, more light (jaeger) brigades are being created now than mechanized/motorized infantry. This is due to the lack of military equipment 79 APC and a company of tanks instead of 109 IFV/APC and a battalion of tanks.
There is also a difference in the number of howitzers/MLRS in the artillery group + the anti-aircraft battalion is more simply equipped.