We are still bit behind. Our future tokamaks shall catch on or be on par. SST -1 with a toroidal magnetic field of 1.5T generates plasma current of around 100 kA and is able to confine the plasma for 450 milliseconds(0.45 seconds). Chinese have been able to do for 1000 seconds(approx 16 minutes).![]()
'20x hotter': How India quietly built a Sun in the shadow of China’s record plasma feat
India’s SST-1 Tokamak achieves plasma 20x hotter than the Sun, marking a leap in fusion technology and rivaling China’s EAST reactor. ITER collaboration boosts India’s global role.www.businesstoday.in
Anyone wondering the reason we don't read about stuff like this on the Indian media often ? We wouldn't have collective breast beating on MSM & SM then wouldn't we!