Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

i hv little knowledge about kuki....r they pro india? some says kuki was migrated to manipur by british nd later jwaharlal nehru allow them. In social media i found kuki nd methei blaming each other to kill indian army. Who wants christian country in these tribes? can u clear their stand, if u r following their news.
TBH none of the party (meiti or kukis) are anti Indian until now, but there exist some separatist elements in both. The situation on the ground now is such that meitis want to expand into hills which are exclusive tribal areas(nagas+kuki) whereas kukis are not only opposing such movement but outright demanding seperation of adminstration or merger with mizoram. However things could change very quickly and i fear mizo uprising like incident happening in the kuki areas if GOI is not careful. President rule declaration was a good first step, i hope cnetral govt is able to pacify both the parties without going into violent phase.

"kuki-chin-zo" is an umbrella term for a group of tribes residing in manipur-mizoram-assam-tripura in India and few western states of Myanmar. Some example of tribes are thadou, paite, baite, lushai, hmar,vaiphei, ralte and many more who speak the namesake language, some of which are mutully intelligible while others are not. The entirety of mizoram state are these people. Asking who are Kuki people is analogus for ask who are brahmin people or who are rajput people.
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