Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

i hv little knowledge about kuki....r they pro india? some says kuki was migrated to manipur by british nd later jwaharlal nehru allow them. In social media i found kuki nd methei blaming each other to kill indian army. Who wants christian country in these tribes? can u clear their stand, if u r following their news.
TBH none of the party (meiti or kukis) are anti Indian until now, but there exist some separatist elements in both. The situation on the ground now is such that meitis want to expand into hills which are exclusive tribal areas(nagas+kuki) whereas kukis are not only opposing such movement but outright demanding seperation of adminstration or merger with mizoram. However things could change very quickly and i fear mizo uprising like incident happening in the kuki areas if GOI is not careful. President rule declaration was a good first step, i hope cnetral govt is able to pacify both the parties without going into violent phase.

"kuki-chin-zo" is an umbrella term for a group of tribes residing in manipur-mizoram-assam-tripura in India and few western states of Myanmar. Some example of tribes are thadou, paite, baite, lushai, hmar,vaiphei, ralte and many more who speak the namesake language, some of which are mutully intelligible while others are not. The entirety of mizoram state are these people. Asking who are Kuki people is analogus for ask who are brahmin people or who are rajput people.
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TBH none of the party (meiti or kukis) are anti Indian until now, but there exist some separatist elements in both. The situation on the ground now is such that meitis want to expand into hills which are exclusive tribal areas(nagas+kuki) whereas kukis are not only opposing such movement but outright demanding seperation of adminstration or merger with mizoram. However things could change very quickly and i fear mizo uprising like incident happening in the kuki areas if GOI is not careful. President rule declaration was a good first step, i hope cnetral govt is able to pacify both the parties without going into violent phase.

"kuki-chin-zo" is an umbrella term for a group of tribes residing in manipur-mizoram-assam-tripura in India and few western states of Myanmar. Some example of tribes are thadou, paite, baite, lushai, hmar,vaiphei, ralte and many more who speak the namesake language, some of which are mutully intelligible while others are not. The entirety of mizoram state are these people. Asking who are Kuki people is analogus for ask who are brahmin people or who are rajput people.
Yet around 3 decades ago there were bloody Kuki Paite clashes , succeeding or preceding the more bloodier Kuki Naga clashes in Manipur.

Neither are the Kuki - Zo - Chin - Mizo super tribe a monolith nor are the Nagas. The Nagas in Nagaland are opposed to the NSCN (I-M) demands asking for a united Nagalim for the simple reason that the top leadership of the NSCN are Nagas from Manipur.

Nagas from Nagaland see themselves as integrated with the Indian Union or at any rate have made their peace with it. They're not interested in the NSCN's demands of a united Nagalim either within the Indian Union or a separate State.

There are often clashes between the former & NSCN on the "taxes" the latter levy . There have been plenty of instances reported in the local press which sometimes makes its way to the national media as well .
India has approx 20 million foreign tourists & almost 900 million domestic tourists annually.
Do they really believe that 3% Kanglus coming to India to settle illegally would matter?
yes....kanglus r super rich. nd they spend only in luxury tourism in india😂. dont take kanglus higher per capita income lightly. whole west bengal nd north east economy dependent on kanglus. 😝


Turkish blood near the border areas are using Indian sims just to enjoy the privilege of the internet. What happened to richy rich Kangloos? Too poor that they've to use smuggled sims.
Indian govt can steal their data & sell on the black marker for a hefty price.
Turkish blood afterall. Whole world will make their panties wet.
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Yet around 3 decades ago there were bloody Kuki Paite clashes , succeeding or preceding the more bloodier Kuki Naga clashes in Manipur.

Neither are the Kuki - Zo - Chin - Mizo super tribe a monolith nor are the Nagas. The Nagas in Nagaland are opposed to the NSCN (I-M) demands asking for a united Nagalim for the simple reason that the top leadership of the NSCN are Nagas from Manipur.

Nagas from Nagaland see themselves as integrated with the Indian Union or at any rate have made their peace with it. They're not interested in the NSCN's demands of a united Nagalim either within the Indian Union or a separate State.

There are often clashes between the former & NSCN on the "taxes" the latter levy . There have been plenty of instances reported in the local press which sometimes makes its way to the national media as well .
I agree, but unlike the nagas there is some chatter in public forum regarding unification. Unlike kuki-zo-chin , naga is just a political identity (failing one) , where as former seems to have picked up some steam for unification either political or ethnical
there are many discussion like following in public forum and it does give some insight which is absent in case of nagas

I agree, but unlike the nagas there is some chatter in public forum regarding unification. Unlike kuki-zo-chin , naga is just a political identity (failing one) , where as former seems to have picked up some steam for unification either political or ethnical
there are many discussion like following in public forum and it does give some insight which is absent in case of nagas


That's coz the central government is pussy footing around the Kukis. Much of this stems from our bad relations with China but since a get years it's the terrible mishandling of the situation by the Tatmadaw & as if that wasn't enough BD underwent a coup.

The Kukis instead of appreciating the situation seem to think they've the central government where they want it . A lot of this encouragement is from the Mizos. I'd argue a lot of our problems also stem from the Mizos.

They've a practically independent state with the GoI footing the bill as far as subsidies go plus they get to be educated & work in India . It's the best of both worlds. That's what keeps the Kukis going in the hope that they'd get their own state & if not that at least a quasi autonomous council like the Bodos did .

If they keep stretching their luck they'd get it like that group which challenged the CRPF a few months ago.

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