Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

Icymi, there's a new trend of wannabe jihadis in BD calling themselves razakars & taking pride in it.

Awami League's goons have started taking care of them though

One of my all-time favourite delulu from a 40 year old teenager.

Sometimes I just marvel thinking what's going on in their minds?

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Was not their PM in Chinkyland last week for 5 Bn USD loan?
Was not they rather got offered a mammoth 100 million $ loan instead from chinkis?
Was not kanglu PM back to her/their dumpistan, cutting short her chinki tour of 1 working day for that glory?

Their value and ookat does not pass the level of puncture and 'Kabbar'( here in Bengal, most of the kabaris are those illegal subhumans ). Or fenkte hy lambe lambe!!!

Dear @ MODs, would humbly request you to Please consider adding a 'green katora behind a Camel's back' and a 'Goat wearing green Lungi' in emoji part.

It will be far more easier then to point out these homoSpns with more ease....
Yeah, it funny you say sporting achievements. They have achieved nothing yet even in cricket. Just look what Sri Lanka and even a war torn Afghanistan has achieved in a short time. Underachievers of the highest order.

Good at breeding like vermin and spreading across the border. Its painful to watch what a Islamic religious influence can create to once your very own people. With 70 years of independence you can already see a divergent phenotype of Indic people on high cousin marriage, religion and historical detachment to the land and its culture and civilizational connectio

Their cricket team suffers from outright influence by Politicians, Mullahs and every crook. Just a screwed up version of PCB and milder version of SLC. Currently only AFC and BCCI are running something competant cricket board. CN is another joke with various problems.
Just informed them yesterday evening, turns out that at least 2 dozen complaints have already been registered before me.....let us give them some time to look into it.
But don't worry, if found guilty, they will give them an exemplary punishment.

Do you have an ABVP chapter at your university or in the town you live at? Report it to them as well. They'll make sure this kangroach wakes up in a hospital the next day.

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