Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

Btw,i hate to say this as a bong,but when you see the kanglus,remember one thing - we bharotiyo bangalis are basically kanglus+ hinduism upgrade. hence why at least we produce an intellectual/educated class amongst the sea of hindu kanglus, who's kanglugiri is focussed on just being a general crab in the barrel chootiya.
We even have a term for our behaviour : 'pode kaathi' ( skinny stick in your ass). The specific implication is behaviour that is highly annoying that produces an irate response from the victim that seems OTT. What the kangludeshis are showing, is when you mix banglu +islam = kanglu, meaning 'pode kaathi', aka khaalee peele lafraa that will get you own ass beat if it escalates = national passtime.

Kanglus are gonna be a general pest in the future to come.

President Obama's Letter to Professor Yunus.​


Lunderican obamacrats played a vital role here. Lets not forget that.

It is ironic that Muslims being literally genocide'ed in Palestine & now der jude occupying Syrian terrotories (with the blessing of Lunderica), the Kangluroaches have chosen to bury their head in their own rectums.

What is happening now is Lunderica's belated response to 1971 at the behest of the stinking Obomber democrats. Hope these Kanglu snakes turn against their masters soon.
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President Obama's Letter to Professor Yunus.​


Lunderican obamacrats played a vital role here. Lets not forget that.

It is ironic that Muslims being literally genocide'ed in Palestine & now der jude occupying Syrian terrotories (with the blessing of Lunderica), the Kangluroaches have chosen to bury their head in their own rectums.

What is happening now is Lunderica's belated response to 1971 at the behest of the stinking Obomber democrats. Hope these Kanglu snakes turn against their masters soon.

Banglus/kanglus do not have high tolerance for suffering through jhappars like the afghan bros they THINK they are but are not. Banglus will always bend over and open wide if you show up in banglu-land and stick around screwing shit up.
Thats who we always have been in history - once u show up to banglu-land, ok, u win, we dont put up a fight.just take what u want and leave, be it 20 turki horsemen or some tamallu dude who just wants ganga water and shit tons of gold.

So kanglus will basically be forever whining for Unkil's help and get troops in it continuously to save the bangbros. This is the play for the base in bangladesh.
This was the whole plan for overthrow of Hasina : to gain base in kanglu-land. Coz kanglus = pode kaathi deoa people. But no stamina for war/occupation. They will start shit they cannot handle, things will fall apart, they will cry 'help help' and we will show up to help.then we will leave, acting like we dont wanna be here. then in a couple of years kanglus will show kanglugiri and again start something they cannot control and go help help, then we will show up and help and leave and after 4 times, we will get irritated and tell them u know what, gib one of the BoB delta islands for Unkil's base and we will even let u mine any oil & gas around it and take ur cut as long as u use unkil oil companies and not lindu ones and then we win. India, China, Tibet all under our surveillance, right from the mouth of maa ganga herself. This will be Asia's Incirlik airbase, where the great eye keeps a singular watch on half of the BRICS equation and its regional chamchaas and urchins, in one fell swoop. Nepal bhi hamaara, bhutaan bhi, burma bhi aur lanka bhi.

That is the play being set up with kangludesh.
Aisi madad Hinduo ki koi nahi karta. 10 years mein Buddhist logo ne apni army bana li. Wo bhi bas 20 lakhs ki population . Bangladeshi Hindu crores mein hai
Myanmmar as nation state has Buddhist supremacist ideology and this was encouraged during military junta rule

India as democratic nation doesn't have such a mindset. BJP govt contributes to this mindset certain extent, but still is very far from supporting or creating a Hindu equivalent of Arkan army.
Aisi madad Hinduo ki koi nahi karta. 10 years mein Buddhist logo ne apni army bana li. Wo bhi bas 20 lakhs ki population . Bangladeshi Hindu crores mein hai

these buddhist insurgent group hv more courage than our leaders....even xristian kuki tribe hv more guts for dreaming nd acting to create their "cult country" from 3 countries (india, bangladesh nd myanmar).... meanwhile our coward leaders hv no guts to make chicken neck wider in bangladesh from their rangpur state.
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never ever think that our coward leaders take back our lands:-
1:- POK nd ajad kashmir from pakistan.
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2:- shaksgam valley nd aksai chin from china.
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3:- coco islands from Myanmar/china.
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4:- katchatheevu island from srilanka.
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meanwhile some indian think we will take tibbet back from china, dont make me laugh 😂. this is our condition as 4th strongest army in world😝
i met last year a far friend nd we discussed about pakistan nd china. when i tell him that 47% approx part captured by pakistan nd china in jammu kashmir map....he was so surprised🥶. he thought whole jammu kashmir is in our control, coz we show whole of it in our map from school to everywhere. i m 100% sure that many our people even dont know about it. 😂

Hindus are Akhand Non-Violent CHU's. Other than Gau-Rakshak stuff they can't do much. All those Naga Baba and Kumbh Mela Sanyasi are of no use either who used to fight and protect Dharma. Who else will fight? Single child Hindu families are just too delicate to fight with hum 2 hamare 40. RSS se bas Danda march niklwa lo vo bhi police protection mein. Problem is Hindu system by DESIGN can't match the Jihadipana of mullas.

Freedom and creation of new countries usually need sacrifices. Example is 1947 and 1971.

India needs to do two things - not just widen chicken's neck, but india ALSO needs to annex the chittagong hill tracts.
What Indians do not know/ignore, is that we **DO** have a native ally in the region, who WANT to be Indians and are loyal to India but slowly dying out/being absorbed out in both India and Bangladesh: The Chakmas.
CHAKMAS are the original hill tribals of the Mizo hills - the Kukis are the new arrivals over the last 500 years and Chakmas are mostly buddhists. They are the ones who make up the 10% or so Buddhists in Mizoram too, FYI.
Annexing CHT will allow us to carve a Chakma state. Which will be basically the 'jammu' of the region and pincer the Christo-fascists with manipur on the other side.

India needs to do a lot of things but internal conflicts sponsored by SOROS/US Deep state & executed by BHINDI alliance is keeping BJP busy!

They might end up divided into smaller states. Bangladesh DESERVES to be like that now due to the Hindu GENOCIDE and attacking the country which rescued them when they were getting Gang Raiped by Pakjabis.

The Buddhist insurgent group is an insurgent group within a nation already facing sanctions. They are not a nation of 1.3 billion people. Their people care mostly about freedom and 3 meals a day or perhaps 2 meals. In India freedom is a given and only a very few people care about basic things like 3 meals a day. So India cannot act without blatant provocation against either Bangladesh or Pakistan. Why do you think Pakistan always treads the fine line between war and conflict?

Taking POK is not going to be cake walk and we will lose our boys in thousands. It is very easy for us keyboard warriors sitting pretty at home passing remarks about how POK should be captured by Indians army. But it will be young boys full of life who would be carried back in coffins, even if we win the game skirting a nuclear catastrophe. Such mountainous terrain would take huge toll on any aggressor army. Just think how many boys we lost during Kargil when the insurgents weren't even properly supplied. So, the general consensus among the masses has to be there to sustain any war at a scale that would be required to take back POK. Do you think there is such environment today where masses would agree to lose their own economic prosperity and security for something as ambiguous as POK where the net gain may be in negative considering the plethora of sanctions and economic drain the masses at the bottom would be facing?

Forget about taking anything back from China. China is too big and too powerful - both in military as well as economic terms. India can stare China down so long India is in defensive mode coz China would have to traverse the perilous terrain in order to attack. If India is in offensive, the terrain then will play against India. Even US army cannot sustain a bulldozing attack against an enemy who can match them. Forget about India whose defence spending is nowhere closer to China. Add Coco Island to that too.

Kacchatheevu has been given over through a treay and India cannot claim it back legally. An illegal occupation would be stupid given how little the gain would be vis a vis loss diplomatic clout.

Armies don't plan their battles based on some keyboard warrior's wish-list. They live in real world because lives lost wouldn't be regenerated once the game is reset.

India is powerful, yet vulnerable. Did you notice how many balls India is juggling right at this minute? Just imagine how much India had to strain its diplomatic muscles to maintain the relationship with Russia while staying cordial with the West even when Biden has been sharpening its knives.

Btw, POK would be ours. Soon Pakistan will disintegrate and POK will choose to be with India. But, would that be a good thing or bad? How many terrorists that would choose not to die on the hill against Indian army would get access to the rest of the India? What demography would we be getting in return of losing thousands of men? Did you check the recent J&K election result. Despite lives of ordinary Kashmiris getting better since 2019, they still voted those very same people back in power who looted the resources meant for them. The demography that we would be inheriting if POK is absorbed in India, would work against the ethos of India at every stage. Don't forget those people in POK are of the same kinds as the Bangladeshis - ingrates to their bones because we are kafirs and cheating us is their duty.

Nah nah... as per some Armchair Jarnails, India should just attack and capture entire Asia and then march to Europe and Americas. To hell with what happens later. On TV channels Bhindi alliance and some TOPI wala was calling BJP as NAPUNSAK to instigate some knee jerk reaction to Hindu Genocide. :lol:

Anyways below is the latest. Seems like things are boiling very slowly so gotta wait. Just some knee jerk OPEN reaction/action will be counter productive. India should not get into the TRAP as SOROS/US Deep State wants. Mainstream media is not showing much. Best WINS are always without firing a bullet.

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So Bangladesh has been faking it all along....


Bangladesh’s per capita income could stand at $2,200 in FY24, not $2,784 put by the official statistical agency in its provisional data, said the committee member.

So Bangladesh has been faking it all along....

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Bangladesh’s per capita income could stand at $2,200 in FY24, not $2,784 put by the official statistical agency in its provisional data, said the committee member.

Well. Sheikh Hasina indeed cooked the books. But if Indians start slapping BhosdDeshis with this news, it will make SHW's return very difficult. We need to find out our prospective puppets in BNP ASAP .
So Bangladesh has been faking it all along....

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Bangladesh’s per capita income could stand at $2,200 in FY24, not $2,784 put by the official statistical agency in its provisional data, said the committee member.
may be they r doing this, coz lower per capita give them special treatment in europe market. we r hearing that europe will revoke special status of Bangladesh, that makes their clothes also expensive like india nd china. otherwise i dont think they mind to show themself higher than india in per capita income😂.
Inbred kanglus keep harping on attacking Siliguri corridor forgotten their own choke points. Now Arakan army sitting on their border 😂

And lets not forget, unlike India's "chicken's neck" which has Nepal on the other side, kanglus only have sea. And on top of that to make matters worse for them, their Feni corridor is already divided by a river body (Feni river) making their "chicken's neck" a bigger chokepoint than Siliguri corridor can ever be.
And lets not forget, unlike India's "chicken's neck" which has Nepal on the other side, kanglus only have sea. And on top of that to make matters worse for them, their Feni corridor is already divided by a river body (Feni river) making their "chicken's neck" a bigger chokepoint than Siliguri corridor can ever be.
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yeah...i dont think indian chicken neck is that much problem, like others project. india can airlift nd bypass nepal area easily, even by land. either nepal like it or not. even nepal nd bangladesh hv no capabilities to stop india for using their air space. india chicken neck is actually goat neck...😂
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The amount of cope Indians are performing over Bangladesh's situation is gigantic.

No self-respected country will allow in her neighbourhood something what is happening in Bangladesh against Hindus and India.

Funny thing is, India which have a defence budget of 60 Billion dollar in avarage easily fall flat so easily in front of countries having defence budget merely 2 billion USD.

Perhaps, Our UN Generals are foreign agents who keep India perpetually under prepared. Even Bangladeshi Byraktar UAV flying in Indian territory without any hesitation.

Bangladeshi official are openly ridiculing even our PM.

Indians will never be respected on earth because most of us even don't know how respect looks like.

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