Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

This is an ITeS SEZ in some Andhra town, most Indians don't even know this even exists. And pretty much would be generating much more revenues than these glass cladded condos in kanglu capital.


Kanglus think after building a few diasporoid glassboxes in their biggest city they're now asian tigers.


Meanwhile some random sector in Noida mogging their entire "CBD" multiple fold.


"Indians citzens got shocked in dhaka" :pound:

This is an ITeS SEZ in some Andhra town, most Indians don't even know this even exists. And pretty much would be generating much more revenues than these glass cladded condos in kanglu capital.


Kanglus think after building a few diasporoid glassboxes in their biggest city they're now asian tigers.


Meanwhile some random sector in Noida mogging their entire "CBD" multiple fold.


"Indians citzens got shocked in dhaka" :pound:


Kanglus really think we are shocked by this lmao. Meanwhile:


Indians are shocked
Because the expectation is everything in Kanglustan including their capital to be a Somalia tier shithole. :bplease:

If there are any working braincells in GOI , border along BD needs to be sealed ASAP.

Keep the border open, seal it when they all run back to where they came from.
Chunus/KangluFauj govt that will be hostile to Bharat is a blessing to Bharat

Kanglus think they can be Paki 2.0 by giving sharan to NE Ooogah Boogah rebels and jihadis, we will give them the same treatment that Pakis recently gave to their Afghan neighbors 💣✈️
Average sub continent cope.
5% of bangladesh looks like that much like our own.
the said area has premium housing, hotels and luxury shopping stores.

Until 50% + of the city starts looking like that it cannot be considered developed.
Nowhere on earth does 50% of city look like that. If anything a larger portion of Indian cities resemble that than many others on earth simply because India's commercial real estate market is pretty huge. Problem comes in general architecture of other buildings in surroundings that make subcon cities look shit.

A european city for example without any Grade-A offices, hotels or mall will still look more appealing due to general architecture of all other buildings, while cities in India will have big business parks, malls and all with rest of the buildings being ugly brick/concrete blocks making the entire urban area appear shitty, simply because much of the Indian population can't comprehend building aesthetics. Only Himalayan states seem to comprehend that.

And no, not even 0.1% of entire bangladesh is like that.
Nowhere on earth does 50% of city look like that. If anything a larger portion of Indian cities resemble that than many others on earth simply because India's commercial real estate market is pretty huge. Problem comes in general architecture of other buildings in surroundings that make subcon cities look shit.

A european city for example without any Grade-A offices, hotels or mall will still look more appealing due to general architecture of all other buildings, while cities in India will have big business parks, malls and all with rest of the buildings being ugly brick/concrete blocks making the entire urban area appear shitty, simply because much of the Indian population can't comprehend building aesthetics. Only Himalayan states seem to comprehend that.

And no, not even 0.1% of entire bangladesh is like that.
Ugly blocks 3-4 story buildings on 20ft roads is literally 50% of blore .. The issue is all these properties are rentals or PGs where enginiggers live in while their place of work ,1st world "Global capacity centers" are 400 meters away. The issue is most of these enginiggers do not vote where they work so there is literally 0 incentive to improve these areas. And if I was more conspiracy theory minded I would guess It is a trick to make the enginiggers stay in office longer, which are infinitely more appealing as compared to where they live.
. Only Himalayan states seem to comprehend that.
Himalyan states disagree with you( barring few NE states). Have you seen Simla , Haridwar, Ramgarh Bushehar, Or seen how scenic, charmingvplace was Divine Ma Chamunda Devi in HP before tourism and unplanned dense commercialization made it similar to any himalyan touristy place? Whatever cleaniness you see - is at places where tourism has not reached. When tourishm comes, greed upsets the scenic charm of place.
Himalyan states disagree with you( barring few NE states). Have you seen Simla , Haridwar, Ramgarh Bushehar, Or seen how scenic, charmingvplace was Divine Ma Chamunda Devi in HP before tourism and unplanned dense commercialization made it similar to any himalyan touristy place? Whatever cleaniness you see - is at places where tourism has not reached. When tourishm comes, greed upsets the scenic charm of place.
You think I am talking about cleanliness? I'm talking about the general appearance of urban/rural areas in Himalayan states. They certainly are much better in terms of architecture than whatever that's built in mainland. That said, this is not the appropriate thread to discuss this.
This is an ITeS SEZ in some Andhra town, most Indians don't even know this even exists. And pretty much would be generating much more revenues than these glass cladded condos in kanglu capital.


Kanglus think after building a few diasporoid glassboxes in their biggest city they're now asian tigers.


Meanwhile some random sector in Noida mogging their entire "CBD" multiple fold.


"Indians citzens got shocked in dhaka" :pound:


You guys are comparing too much... there Kanglu Capital usually gets compared to Kalkatta ( A regional state capital with similar characteristics) .
Here is one at the Street Level video of Calcutta's New Town and Salt Lake


Here is another one from Bhubaneswar, Odisha

You think I am talking about cleanliness? I'm talking about the general appearance of urban/rural areas in Himalayan states. They certainly are much better in terms of architecture than whatever that's built in mainland. That said, this is not the appropriate thread to discuss this.
I am talking about cleaniness in architecture and general layout of new build-ups in last 20-30 years. But yes not this thread for this discussion. continue kb...
They have finally started accepting the reality, I suppose.

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Only because the current reality is good to smear the deposed Hasina.
Earlier the swamp-pigs used to curse Hasina and in the same breath screech about their "good economies" and "development" and "per capita gdpee" with 0 self awareness.

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