Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

What I think he meant was that the in situ supply is enough for only those limited number of folks with deep enough pockets (and the craze for it) but this does not apply to the majority of the population, for whom the fish remains out of their reach due to its exorbitant price and the influx of mere 3000 tons from the other side isn't gonna put a dent in the price and thus, it'd be inconsequential. @Jackprince , feel free to correct me if I've got it wrong.
There's a contradiction in what you're posting . You can't have a situation where a product is costly yet in great demand where for one local produce can't keep up with the demand yet in spite of imports prices remain high .

This clearly means though the prices are high , affordability has increased as people with disposable incomes have increased which in turn means in spite of high demand prices continue to remain high in spite of imports.

He couldn't bring himself to explain such a simple phenomenon & tied himself in knots eating up unnecessary bandwidth just to play up his chauvinism denying any need for imports then claiming supplementation and on and on...
There's a contradiction in what you're posting . You can't have a situation where a product is costly yet in great demand where for one local produce can't keep up with the demand yet in spite of imports prices remain high .

This clearly means though the prices are high , affordability has increased as people with disposable incomes have increased which in turn means in spite of high demand prices continue to remain high in spite of imports.

He couldn't bring himself to explain such a simple phenomenon & tied himself in knots eating up unnecessary bandwidth just to play up his chauvinism denying any need for imports then claiming supplementation and on and on...
Understand this. If Chanel and Gucci prices rise, the buyers of such niche products would still buy it. But the general folks wont care either way because they wouldn't buy Chanel or Gucci. Hilsa is the Gucci among fishes in Bong market.

How difficult is this to understand?

I abhor people who tries to act holier than thou pointing out to the imperfection of Bengali Hindus of WB, just as I abhor Bengalis who act holier than thou claiming intellectual superiority over others.
There's a contradiction in what you're posting . You can't have a situation where a product is costly yet in great demand where for one local produce can't keep up with the demand yet in spite of imports prices remain high .

This clearly means though the prices are high , affordability has increased as people with disposable incomes have increased which in turn means in spite of high demand prices continue to remain high in spite of imports.

He couldn't bring himself to explain such a simple phenomenon & tied himself in knots eating up unnecessary bandwidth just to play up his chauvinism denying any need for imports then claiming supplementation and on and on...
Well, may be the gap between the demand and supply is too high for the import to bridge, and thus unable to bring down the overall price, who knows. Perhaps people crave it but can't have it or at least, not as often or as much as they want.

Anyway, to all the Benglais and fish lovers here - does this fish really taste that delicious to warrant a price tag that high?? I mean, 2000/- for a kilo??!! You could get 2 kilos of top quality mutton in that and then some!! Does Hilsa taste even better than red meat??!!
we can thank coupta for it..

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Pfft. A fish that is only reserved for exactly 2-3 occasions in a year. This fish has quietly exited the plates of most Bengalis over the past 10 years. And nobody really feels it's absence. Enough Indian Ilish is fished for Durga Puja ceremonies. And people who can afford to buy the remaining limited supply at 2000-5000 INR will do so anyway to "flex". Bengalis will be very happy to buy Ilish below 1k INR if given, but won't cry at the heavens otherwise either. Those days were already gone, when Ilish supply started to dwindle years back as a result of overfishing.

The Bengali is the ultimate foodie, we really like food (and that's an understatement). We are particularly snobbish about what we eat when we have the means to do so (something only amplified by past famines). But Ilish isn't even the ultimate fish to the Bengalis anymore. That crown has long been taken by Chitol and Pabda. And good quality Katla has always been available. But I do agree with a previous comment that if Mutton prices go out of hand, you'll see small riots. The Bengali lives in a "well curated designer studio-home complete with a garden". As long as all is well in this safe space, and a century old routine tradition (mostly involving Parbons and food) can be flawlessly maintained undisturbed, The Bengali is satisfied. But that doesn't make the Bengali ignorant to the reality or geopolitics. In fact the Bengali are the world champions of reading, analysing and debating a piece of news to death. I don't believe even other Indians come close in this aspect. The Bengali hindus are well aware of what's happening next door and despises anything bipedal that comes over the fences. Only shared attachments the Bengali have left in regards to Bangladesh are the ancestral history, "Gram Bangla culture" and food commonality. This stupid headline is a reflection of that. Desperately clutching on to the "good old times". Food is to Bengalis an inseparable part of our identity and culture, part of our sentiments and emotions you could say. And this is just the routine time of the year to post headlines like this to tickle that sentiment. Bait if you will.
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