Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

IMO, if India really wants to establish herself as the undisputed "regional hegemon", India must make an example of this Nobel Prize winner. Leaving this issue for Trump makes little to no sense, doesn't make good optics.

India never invaded any other country for 5000 years why will we start now?

This is the sad reality, yours truly's haseen sapna is to see the Chicken's Neck widened into the Whale's Neck and for all of Chittagong including the Hill Tracts be ansclhussed into the India Republic without Alom, Rockybul and Sockybuls that infest it.

But the sad reality is that it will not happen
IMO, if India really wants to establish herself as the undisputed "regional hegemon", India must make an example of this Nobel Prize winner. Leaving this issue for Trump makes little to no sense, doesn't make good optics.
He will be the victim of another revolution which is brewing in the background unless , of course , he croaks before that which given his advanced age is a distinct possibility.

That's usually the fate of all leaders in BD if you go through their history. The reason I stated earlier India's back in business is coz the so called revolutionary students have finally shown their hand & organised themselves into a political party with a charter of demands including a new constitution.

The BNP has now been jolted & has promised to to hit the streets in a week if there's no road map to restoring democracy by holding an election. Very interesting times in BD. If AL is weakened , we can always patch up with the BNP .

Although the latter can't afford to be seen in India's camp publically , behind the scenes we can get them to do our bidding. After all , they've been out of power for 15 years . They'd be as desperate to get back to power as Yunus is in holding on to it . Game on !
The 5000 year thing is a myth. The Cholas invaded half of South East Asia.

Gupta empire went all the way to Iran
slight correction- guptas borders in the west are ambiguous. Parts of Sindh definitely belonged to Sassanians, as we have shit tons of Sindhi-Sassanian coins from this period in Sindh and no local coinage, indicating imperial sassanid mints controlled trade in parts of Sindh (mostly west bank of Indus).

Gupta control directly went into skardu, gilgit region- we have rock carvings of that, which means peshawar region MUST also be under Gupta direct control, else you cannot get into skardu-gilgit area from India without controlling the north Indus watershed.
Now how far into Afghanistan Gupta empire extended, is subject to question :from foundation of Sassanian empire in 230s CE to about 360s, the area was under a junior sassnid line, called kushanshahs. Then that line ended/got revoked by senior line and these turkic people called Chionites in roman sources and kidarites in Iranic sources took over and they did what steppe nomadic tribes pouring into balkh region always do - fight for a while with Iran and become its vassals, except for a period the Kidarites also were Gupta vassals- but if it happened before or AFTER they crossed into gandhara half a century later (in 400s) and settled under pressure from the Yeopthal huns ( Abdalis, aka the Hepthalites) is unknown.

What we do know, is the extent of Sassanian Imperial power at its lowest ebb in the east, for period of 300-500 CE, the period of gupta empire's rise, dominance and decline to near end : Balochistan & Entire Balochistan region + parts/all of Sindh, everything in Sistan basin west of Kandahar and everything west of the Maryy oasis + herat line = Sassanian.
The few times this eastern front changed, is under pressure from Turks such as Chionites, Hepthalites, Alkhan huns etc pouring in and facking over iran, but this region - the region of Kandahar west-wards has consistently been either iranic or central Asian irano-turkic for ALL of this period. Gupta empire, therefore, at its maximal extent in the west, either conquered or vassalized Sindh +Kabul valley where the chionites lived.
The 5000 year thing is a myth. The Cholas invaded half of South East Asia.

Gupta empire went all the way to Iran
cholas hv no direct rule in south east asia, according to maps. but they hv influence in many south east asia countries. coz we see local hindu kings there. if cholas hv direct rule over some south east asia according to history books, plz explain. nd which chola king ruling those south east asia countries.
images (6).webp
gupta empire hv extended near afganistan, but not in iran. i m saying this by maps. if u hv historical data than provide about it.Map_of_the_Gupta_Empire.webp
Wow quota after starting a "revolution" that was against quotas :hot:

Not to pour water on anyone's parade, but that's not what is happening strictly speaking. They had a 5% existing reservation for descendents of freedom fighters. Now that very 5% will also be available for descendents of those injured or killed in last years protest. And if for any reason the seats under the 5% reservation cannot be filled by these descendents, then the unfilled seats will be joining the 95% merit based seats.
This is actually quite a good thing, I am curious, does our reservation system revert the unfilled seats to merit category?
Not to pour water on anyone's parade, but that's not what is happening strictly speaking. They had a 5% existing reservation for descendents of freedom fighters. Now that very 5% will also be available for descendents of those injured or killed in last years protest. And if for any reason the seats under the 5% reservation cannot be filled by these descendents, then the unfilled seats will be joining the 95% merit based seats.
This is actually quite a good thing, I am curious, does our reservation system revert the unfilled seats to merit category?
They had 5% quota for freedom fighters against which the revolutionaries revolted, now instead of abolishing the quota after booting out SHW... they are giving the same to their own "freedom fighters". We are not comparing India and BD, we are comparing BD and BD.
2 women got beaten up in Dhaka for smoking by you-know-who,

Le Kanglu home advisor:

The 5000 year thing is a myth. The Cholas invaded half of South East Asia.

Gupta empire went all the way to Iran

Here is my theory:

Empires always expand from the resource-constrained or resource-deficient regions towards the regions which can offer additional resources to cover the shortfall.

Ancient/Medieval India (the Northern plains in particular) was wealthy, agricultural land was plentiful, water was easily available. There existed no motivation to look/venture outwards. No wonder, it made our ancestors lazy and less aggressive.

'Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.'
They had 5% quota for freedom fighters against which the revolutionaries revolted, now instead of abolishing the quota after booting out SHW... they are giving the same to their own "freedom fighters". We are not comparing India and BD, we are comparing BD and BD.
Negative, that's not true, please go read about the movement. The original quotat was either 5% or 7% which Haseena in her stupidity decided to increase to 30%. That's when the students revolted. Not for the 5%. That has remained and now that 5% will also include student protectors descendants.

While downplaying and mocking enemy has its own place in psy ops, if you don't really understand or know the enemy you are setting yourself up for failure.
If you tweet or post wrong information or come to the opposite conclusion of what is happening that can be disseminated with just a quick glance, then it is you who is setting yourself up for mockery because kanglus and anti India hoardes that you (not you specifically, but this is in reference to our SM fighters) are trying to fight on SM will jump on you like a pack of hyenas on a rotting carcass.
Don't be another Banaras baba, loosing all credibility even within our own ranks because he posts either false information or comes to made up conclusion without using his head.
Negative, that's not true, please go read about the movement. The original quotat was either 5% or 7% which Haseena in her stupidity decided to increase to 30%. That's when the students revolted. Not for the 5%. That has remained and now that 5% will also include student protectors descendants.

While downplaying and mocking enemy has its own place in psy ops, if you don't really understand or know the enemy you are setting yourself up for failure.
If you tweet or post wrong information or come to the opposite conclusion of what is happening that can be disseminated with just a quick glance, then it is you who is setting yourself up for mockery because kanglus and anti India hoardes that you (not you specifically, but this is in reference to our SM fighters) are trying to fight on SM will jump on you like a pack of hyenas on a rotting carcass.
Don't be another Banaras baba, loosing all credibility even within our own ranks because he posts either false information or comes to made up conclusion without using his head.

June 5- HC reinstates 30% quota, not Sheikh Hasina

July 21- SC rolls back quota and brings situation to what was PRE-June 5

Yeah the 30% quota that lasted 45 days
Quota in BD is not Sheikh Hasina's creation, it has been there since 1972!

Come to ~2010, out of the 30% that was allocated for freedom fighters, only 10% were used

In 2018, Sheikh Hasina cancelled all quotas in civil service

June 2024- HC terms Sheikh Hasina's order illegal and restores quota

July 1- protests starts, reason?
no maaritrocracy for youth saar ( started by semi-literate unemployable goons- one of them, a 26 year old who did not even have a bank account till he was put up an "advisor")

July 2024- SHW appeals to SC and gets HC order revoked

maaritrocracy for youth restored saar

March 2025- quota for my fraaans too
because maaritrocracy for youth can go to hell saar

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