Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

Hilarious, how these morons rig their numbers. If underwear manufacturing can give you $500 billion economy, then I wonder what should Vietnam's GDP be like? Vietnam has 100 million people and they have now become a hub for electronics manufacturing. They themselves are claiming their GDP to be $500 billion this year. And these Kanglus who import food, electricity, and even the cotton to make those underpants are claiming they have the same GDP? Like seriously?

Vietnam's exports are $400 billion and their GDP is $500 billion which makes their numbers easily believable since they are exporting 80% of the GDP. Whereas Kanglus don't even know their numbers. Their last year numbers of $50 billion exports is fake admitted by themselves.

Just like their inbred cousins in Porkland, Kanglus will now be in big delulu land thinking they have a growing economy.
Vietnam itself consumes some 280 TWh of electricity, kanglus meanwhile consume some 80 TWh, that itself tells you that my estimate of them being a mere $100 billion economy makes a lot more sense.
Look at these chor kanglus stealing ornaments from a woman

Tulsi Gabbard on Bangladesh

Thank you Tulsi Gabbard for telling Mohammad Yunus to behave and not to fall into Islamist/ISI trap.

Trump is hell bent on dealing with Islamists. He wants to deal with all trouble makers. After Ukraine, Islamists are next.

No amount of George Soros, or Clinton or Obama will help. They have no influence left.

Best thing for Yunus is to dump Islamists, hold a new elections and tell Pakistan of 1971 atrocities to go away and set their own house in order.

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