Small Arms and Weapons

The requirements of the end customer changed to separate rifles in each calibre instead of a modular one. Also this trend of emergency procurement proved to be the final nail in the coffin

Also it needed a bit refining. A rifle that's supposed to do everything is always a bit tough to master, especially for countries like India where there's absolutely abysmal R&D in firearms field.
DRDO be likeIMG_0183.webp
New standard issue weapon of a Central German state Police(Thüringen).
Transitioned from MP5 to Scar SC
Duty weapon and Training weapon
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what's your opinion about the design at
Hehehe...the first thing about the design is that it won't open 😭
See where the pivot point is for the barrel and how much barrel is sticking out beyond it. A significantly long barrel would be there above the shotgun barrel as typically military barrels tend to be atleast 14.5" long, not 10". So as soon as you would try to swing this shotgun barrel down it would instantly hit the rifle barrel above it and won't move enough to load or unload it.

Now assuming it's a very simply misunderstanding and would be solved in the next iteration. Let's talk about the concept.
People always keep falling in this trap of thinking that the thing we're lacking in drone defence is weapon and then come up with the wackiest of shotgun, shotgun shell, net, bolo round and what not. No my guy, weapon is perhaps the easiest of the links. You can make a pocket sized full-auto belt-fed .22LR machine gun in under an hour to destroy even the best of the FPVs. The problem is detecting the drone as early as possible. And the problem is aiming at the drone with as high of a hit probability as possible.

Also an additional issue with shotguns is that after a certain (very close tbh) distance the shot spread is too much to hit a drone.
Spoiler: FN Herstal is doing collaboration!!!
I know for a fact that the colour coded difference was a German demand :D if only you could experience the paranoia when it comes to Firearms and the rules around it, you would understand why this country is the way it is.

The problem is detecting the drone as early as possible. And the problem is aiming at the drone with as high of a hit probability as possible
Absolute Air Superiority. The only way anyone is conventionally winning over drones.
Shoot and scoot attacks would have to be dealt with on ground level.
this time b/w this & barett
Meanwhile Barrett was bullpupping his bullpup rifle the most bullpuped anyone has ever bullpuped their bullpup rifle
@Ayan Barat bullpup sniper - thoughts?
The tagline should be;
Bullpup Bolt Action : Answering the question no one asked

• Bullpup is good when there's a feasibility of shortening a gun. You can't fold your barrel so the barrel length becomes the defining factor of the "compactness". It definitely makes sense if you can shorten your 10-14" carbine to a similar form factor of a SMG or a full sized 16" rifle to that of a 12" carbine. But when dealing with snipers the barrel length you get are 22" (7.62x51mm), 27" (.338LM) and 30" (.50BMG). So now the question is even if you shorten a rifle with 27" barrel, would it really make much difference?

• Not to mention the fact that snipers are supposed to stay under cover for more than a day in overwatch. Not a single sniper is ever going to take his bolt action rifle and clear tight buildings with it. So why bother with shortening in the first place?

• Lastly perhaps the most important fact. And this is something that only someone who has ever handled both will tell you. Bullpup bolt action rifles are very uncomfortable to operate.
LEGENDS : (1) Yellow line = grip, (2) Yellow arrow = finger on trigger, (3) Green box = the place you'd find your bolt handle, (4) Red arrow = the minimum distance your hand must come back with the bolt handle to cycle it and (5) White line = the shouldering line

A. For the conventional rifle, you pull the trigger and the gun fires. As soon as you pull you trigger finger out of the trigger guard and move it slightly above (without breaking your grip) you find the bolt handle. You pull the handle back and it comes approximately 12" near you face. In all these you forearm and wrist never goes into a "stress position" as you are not coming beyond the comfortable angles of wrist and elbow.

B. Same as above but now as you move your finger to grab the handle you find nothing. So now you break your grip, come back, find the handle and then grip it. Basically what was happening very smoothly and as a continuous motion is now bit erratic and definitely more time consuming. Now comes the trickiest part, you start cycling it. If you compare both pics you'd find that starting point of the bolt handle on the bullpup is even farther than the maximum extended point of it on the conventional. And the bolt comes as close as 5" to your face. Now this movement becomes weird to do as you're moving past the comfortable angles of your elbows and wrist.

• The specific rifle you posted, ASVK-M tries to solve this by using a complicated mechanism of bolt, handle and linkage to move the handle closer to the trigger.
This is perhaps the only bullpup rifle in service that actively tries this much to solve the issue. But the thing is, in firearms designing every single thing is a compromise. So now this contraption runs into other problems like complexity, lack of leverage

• All in all, the cons of a bullpup bolt action rifles slightly overweighs whatever pros it bring on the table
Meanwhile Barrett was bullpupping his bullpup rifle the most bullpuped anyone has ever bullpuped their bullpup rifle
View attachment 16469

The tagline should be;
Bullpup Bolt Action : Answering the question no one asked

• Bullpup is good when there's a feasibility of shortening a gun. You can't fold your barrel so the barrel length becomes the defining factor of the "compactness". It definitely makes sense if you can shorten your 10-14" carbine to a similar form factor of a SMG or a full sized 16" rifle to that of a 12" carbine. But when dealing with snipers the barrel length you get are 22" (7.62x51mm), 27" (.338LM) and 30" (.50BMG). So now the question is even if you shorten a rifle with 27" barrel, would it really make much difference?

• Not to mention the fact that snipers are supposed to stay under cover for more than a day in overwatch. Not a single sniper is ever going to take his bolt action rifle and clear tight buildings with it. So why bother with shortening in the first place?

• Lastly perhaps the most important fact. And this is something that only someone who has ever handled both will tell you. Bullpup bolt action rifles are very uncomfortable to operate.
View attachment 16471
LEGENDS : (1) Yellow line = grip, (2) Yellow arrow = finger on trigger, (3) Green box = the place you'd find your bolt handle, (4) Red arrow = the minimum distance your hand must come back with the bolt handle to cycle it and (5) White line = the shouldering line

A. For the conventional rifle, you pull the trigger and the gun fires. As soon as you pull you trigger finger out of the trigger guard and move it slightly above (without breaking your grip) you find the bolt handle. You pull the handle back and it comes approximately 12" near you face. In all these you forearm and wrist never goes into a "stress position" as you are not coming beyond the comfortable angles of wrist and elbow.

B. Same as above but now as you move your finger to grab the handle you find nothing. So now you break your grip, come back, find the handle and then grip it. Basically what was happening very smoothly and as a continuous motion is now bit erratic and definitely more time consuming. Now comes the trickiest part, you start cycling it. If you compare both pics you'd find that starting point of the bolt handle on the bullpup is even farther than the maximum extended point of it on the conventional. And the bolt comes as close as 5" to your face. Now this movement becomes weird to do as you're moving past the comfortable angles of your elbows and wrist.

• The specific rifle you posted, ASVK-M tries to solve this by using a complicated mechanism of bolt, handle and linkage to move the handle closer to the trigger.
View attachment 16472
This is perhaps the only bullpup rifle in service that actively tries this much to solve the issue. But the thing is, in firearms designing every single thing is a compromise. So now this contraption runs into other problems like complexity, lack of leverage

• All in all, the cons of a bullpup bolt action rifles slightly overweighs whatever pros it bring on the table

We should make gunbot aka chatgpt wrapper and train it on your answers, lol.

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