Turkiye: News, Discussions & Updates.

During idex fair in Abu Dhabi ,many Turkish companies signed deals with UAE companies or uae to supply units. Some of the deals given below.

Meteksan milyar will be integrated to garmoosha uav of uae.

View: https://twitter.com/SavunmaSanayiST/status/1892567517152899563?t=_1GNWw4_0Lu5pp8b6xx0GA&s=19

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=32ng1ss-B7c&pp=ygUPTWV0ZWtzYW4gbWlsc2Fy

FNSS and uae company Al taif will modernize more than 600 bmp-3 of uae.

View: https://twitter.com/SavunmaSanayiST/status/1892521700165648666?t=pBZYeUl4BW4NNoUAr65mQA&s=19

View: https://twitter.com/FNSS_Global/status/1892522808355258824?t=wU6_4W9F2e6H0pXtshJy2A&s=19
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Turkish defense and aerospace companies mostly located in Ankara,Eskişehir, İstanbul,İzmir and Gebze/Kocaeli cities.
Now Kayseri ,another center Anatolian city, will have a huge area for defense and aerospace companies to set up. In the coming years, 1,6 billion USD will be allocated to set up factories,research institutes in Kayseri special area for technology for defense and aerospace.
Beside these mentioned cities, there are private companies in another cities but they are few and they do not have special industrial area for defense and aerospace companies to set up together. Mentioned cities house more than 20-30 defense companies operate in same area.

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1895742468530061467?t=BpqPgIvrMS9MIzoFMEqlBQ&s=19
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AKINCI flew with MURAD-100 AESA radar for the first time. It's a nose mounted, liquid-cooled GaN FCR radar.

View attachment 26412

A different version of the radar has been flying with an F16(for Özgür-2 modernization project) for a year now but we were not delivered any footage of it mounted on an aircraft before.

View: https://x.com/BaykarTech/status/1895780190162469116






General Specifications

• Wide Frequency Band
• High Aspect Angle
• Power Amplification Using GaN Technology
• Graceful Degradation
• Digital Beam Forming at Sub-Array Level

Air-to-Air Modes

• Missile Guidance
• All-Aspect Search
• High Aspect Search
• Multiple Target Tracking
• Multiple Agile Target Tracking
• Weather Mode

Air-to-Ground Modes

• Strip Map / Spotlight SAR
• Ground Moving Target Indication, GMTI
• Ground Moving Target Tracking, GMTT
• Ground Moving Single Target Tracking, GMSTT
• Ground Mapping
• Fixed Target Tracking
• Air-to-Ground Ranging
Beside these cities, there are many small -middle scale companies in another cities who work for huge defense companies.most of the these small-middle scale companies have research departments in their home cities university technopolises.

see below companies research offices. These companies work under major defense giants and produce sub paets-components for them.
Within university technopolis, they employ quality personnel and use universities laboratories during their personnel's master and PhD thesis. Or they can make research with university professors together.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2eqYtt7qs7g&pp=ygUOT2R0dSB0ZWtub2tlbnQ%3D

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ-lWewrhkc&pp=ygUOT2R0dSB0ZWtub2tlbnQ%3D

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=igfZAvDuvnM&pp=ygUOT2R0dSB0ZWtub2tlbnQ%3D

Saar plz saar gib we idiot greeks who think we are mughals and Changgiz himself some kafir gold so we can spread islamiyat to you and make stronk idiot greeks confused as turks empire in middle east and europe again sar.
Last time we were able to use our naval superiority to just show up and trade with kufr saar but now kufr navy good so saar plz saar gib fta.

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