Union Budget

Why is BJP not learning anything from recent events?

You needed to change the mood of the nation and make masses happy.

So many random schemes are being launched but no restructuring of existing Tax slabs and any meaningful benefits.
This is the new Tax Slabs:

New tax rates in the new tax regime
  • 0-3lakh - Nil
  • 3-7 lakh -5%
  • 7-10 lakh -10%
  • 10-12 lakh -15%
  • 12- 15lakh -20%
  • Above 15Lakh -30%

Guys can you compare with previous slabs and find any benefits if possible.
This is the new Tax Slabs:

New tax rates in the new tax regime
  • 0-3lakh - Nil
  • 3-7 lakh -5%
  • 7-10 lakh -10%
  • 10-12 lakh -15%
  • 12- 15lakh -20%
  • Above 15Lakh -30%

Guys can you compare with previous slabs and find any benefits if possible.
2.5 to 3 Nil
3 to 5 5%
5 to 6 5%
6 to 9 10%
9 to 10 15%
10 to 12 15%
12 to 15 20%
15 and above 30%
Overall disappointing Budget!!

It was a chance to change the growing resentment in the country again Center but done nothing to curb that.

The random schemes launched does not attract the Middle class and lower strata of society.
What assets come underr Long term capital gain tax :pray:

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