US: News & Discussions

Trump is ripping into pieces this doctrine of "Liberal internationalism" or the so called "rules-based liberal world order" that the US foreign policy establishment irrespective of their political inclinations built and championed for many decades post WW II.

This is a gigantic transformation in US foreign policy in the postwar era, really an epochal transformation. And that's exactly why I like Trump - an agent of chaos. He's slowly but surely weakening the Pax-Americana based western global order by tearing apart all these carefully built alliances that helped the Yanks stay on top. When the Landlord himself(Amriika) wants to blow up and bulldoze the house, what exactly can the freeloader majdoor tenants(Ewwros) do? They've no choice but to comply.

But what has surprised me even more is the speed with which it is being dismantled. We're barely 1 month in to the Trump administration. It's going to be 4 long years for the Ewwros. And even after Trump goes away, Trumpism is here to stay.

Ultimately, this splintering and weakening of the West as a collective force is good for India as well in many ways.

pentagon has been trying to pivot to asia since obama, cross-atlantic wallahs are putting up one hindrance after another preventing it from happening. i don't think it is clear yet, which side will ultimately win.

cross atlantic wallahs have more bench strength than asia pivot wallahs as of now.
pentagon has been trying to pivot to asia since obama, cross-atlantic wallahs are putting up one hindrance after another preventing it from happening. i don't think it is clear yet, which side will ultimately win.

cross atlantic wallahs have more bench strength than asia pivot wallahs as of now.

Obama's pivot to Asia was more of a realignment of priorities, he was working within the framework that the 'policy establishment/deep state' had given him and didn't seek to disturb the status quo too much.

Trump's pivot looks more like a permanent thing with each passing day. Hard to repair this relationship and the loss of confidence.
In hindsight, Topji was right every single time throughout the war.
Resisted the western pressure, deepened cooperation with Russia while keeping China at a distance (until they decided to a temporary thaw).
And finally like you said played the US visit very well with the MAGA MIGA rhetoric while also earning praise from Trump as a ‘tougher negotiator’.

Even a single misstep would have been catastrophic for us.

All this while also somehow managing to scrape through with 240 seats against all that is thrown at him and in light of the recent USAID news.


This is excellent evidence on why Priest King is babbar sher of diplomacy and this zelensky is a chooha.
any 2-bit salesman knows that you have two option with Trumpwa : come prepared with entire bailgari quantity of makkan to apply on his ego or come prepared with lube to take his danda up ur bunghole if u dont bring makkhan.
Modi didnt just bring makkhan, he brought amul fresh hand-churned makkhan from kalsi with baalak krishna image.
Zelensky brought neither.
In hindsight, Topji was right every single time throughout the war.
Resisted the western pressure, deepened cooperation with Russia while keeping China at a distance (until they decided to a temporary thaw).
And finally like you said played the US visit very well with the MAGA MIGA rhetoric while also earning praise from Trump as a ‘tougher negotiator’.

Even a single misstep would have been catastrophic for us.

All this while also somehow managing to scrape through with 240 seats against all that is thrown at him and in light of the recent USAID news.



EU will seek to get much closer to us after the events of the past few days, one should have seen the huge delegation they sent yday and how many of our own were seated opposite them. India are sitting pretty with their Sigma level diplomatic game at present, even relations with the Chongs have gone back to pre-Doklam days now with the resumption of Kailash Mansarovar pilgrimage. We continue to hedge our bets in the event that there may be another regime change in a few years time, geopolitics is a fickle bitch after all.
pentagon has been trying to pivot to asia since obama, cross-atlantic wallahs are putting up one hindrance after another preventing it from happening. i don't think it is clear yet, which side will ultimately win.

cross atlantic wallahs have more bench strength than asia pivot wallahs as of now.
The European component of NATO will try to prolong the war by supporting Ukraine but with their state of defence preparedness & the economy ,I really don't see them going far .

Having said that , if they actually are pig headed about the whole thing , they can stretch things for around 6 months to a year though I very much doubt it .

Ideally all sides in this viz the US , Europe & Ukraine should be looking out for a peace maker within their ranks who mends the rift & comes up with a solution to everyone's satisfaction.

Otherwise this could escalate which wouldn't be to our advantage as this has the potential to create a permanent rupture in EU US relations.

Long short story , we & the rest of the world especially in East Asia require that the US & EU co ordinate their economic policy vis a vis China apart from the US co ordinating it's policies with the Quad & other friendly countries in the Asia Pacific .

If the Chinese sense a rift between the EU & NATO you can bet they'd jump at the opportunity & deepen that rift . Long term it affects EU economies but then since when has the EU & the European component of NATO had a long term view of anything.

What you have are a bunch of midgets running the show in Europe who've still not grasped the full implications of the rise of China & the fact that the a section in the US with the full backing of the Democrats in the last dispensation ostensibly in weakening Russia thru their machinations have actually weakened Europe increasing its dependencies on the US .

Trump actually is bitter medicine but his actions while certainly not altruistic may be the best thing that's happened to Europe in a long time for it gives them an opportunity to take stock of the situation & come up with a corrective framework for collective decision making on ending this war apart from the fact that this is a golden opportunity for them to take charge of their own destiny.

Will it happen ? Eventually it will but I suspect not in full measure & not before a lot of drama on the part of the Europeans. They've just lost the capacity for strategic thought & planning having not exercised it since the end of the Cold War. To think nearly half the think tanks "respected" the world over are in the EU & this is the extent of their strategic vision.
The European component of NATO will try to prolong the war by supporting Ukraine but with their state of defence preparedness & the economy ,I really don't see them going far .

Having said that , if they actually are pig headed about the whole thing , they can stretch things for around 6 months to a year though I very much doubt it .

Ideally all sides in this viz the US , Europe & Ukraine should be looking out for a peace maker within their ranks who mends the rift & comes up with a solution to everyone's satisfaction.

Otherwise this could escalate which wouldn't be to our advantage as this has the potential to create a permanent rupture in EU US relations.

Long short story , we & the rest of the world especially in East Asia require that the US & EU co ordinate their economic policy vis a vis China apart from the US co ordinating it's policies with the Quad & other friendly countries in the Asia Pacific .

If the Chinese sense a rift between the EU & NATO you can bet they'd jump at the opportunity & deepen that rift . Long term it affects EU economies but then since when has the EU & the European component of NATO had a long term view of anything.

What you have are a bunch of midgets running the show in Europe who've still not grasped the full implications of the rise of China & the fact that the a section in the US with the full backing of the Democrats in the last dispensation ostensibly in weakening Russia thru their machinations have actually weakened Europe increasing its dependencies on the US .

Trump actually is bitter medicine but his actions while certainly not altruistic may be the best thing that's happened to Europe in a long time for it gives them an opportunity to take stock of the situation & come up with a corrective framework for collective decision making on ending this war apart from the fact that this is a golden opportunity for them to take charge of their own destiny.

Will it happen ? Eventually it will but I suspect not in full measure & not before a lot of drama on the part of the Europeans. They've just lost the capacity for strategic thought & planning having not exercised it since the end of the Cold War. To think nearly half the think tanks "respected" the world over are in the EU & this is the extent of their strategic vision.

if europeans were so open minded historically, two "world wars" wouldn't have started there, and walking into a third one. ultimately all their political and bureacucratic leaders and think tankers are product of their civil society, they have a habit of entrenchment and need for excessive force to dislodge them.

this too will play out the same way. not sure what an "excessive force" in diplomacy looks like.

People have undermined our Modiji time to time. Once again BJP Govt has navigated India beautifully in the in the recent troubled Geo-Political world. We will understand this full after 5-10 years down the line.​
The European component of NATO will try to prolong the war by supporting Ukraine but with their state of defence preparedness & the economy ,I really don't see them going far .

Having said that , if they actually are pig headed about the whole thing , they can stretch things for around 6 months to a year though I very much doubt it .

Ideally all sides in this viz the US , Europe & Ukraine should be looking out for a peace maker within their ranks who mends the rift & comes up with a solution to everyone's satisfaction.

Otherwise this could escalate which wouldn't be to our advantage as this has the potential to create a permanent rupture in EU US relations.

Long short story , we & the rest of the world especially in East Asia require that the US & EU co ordinate their economic policy vis a vis China apart from the US co ordinating it's policies with the Quad & other friendly countries in the Asia Pacific .

If the Chinese sense a rift between the EU & NATO you can bet they'd jump at the opportunity & deepen that rift . Long term it affects EU economies but then since when has the EU & the European component of NATO had a long term view of anything.

What you have are a bunch of midgets running the show in Europe who've still not grasped the full implications of the rise of China & the fact that the a section in the US with the full backing of the Democrats in the last dispensation ostensibly in weakening Russia thru their machinations have actually weakened Europe increasing its dependencies on the US .

Trump actually is bitter medicine but his actions while certainly not altruistic may be the best thing that's happened to Europe in a long time for it gives them an opportunity to take stock of the situation & come up with a corrective framework for collective decision making on ending this war apart from the fact that this is a golden opportunity for them to take charge of their own destiny.

Will it happen ? Eventually it will but I suspect not in full measure & not before a lot of drama on the part of the Europeans. They've just lost the capacity for strategic thought & planning having not exercised it since the end of the Cold War. To think nearly half the think tanks "respected" the world over are in the EU & this is the extent of their strategic vision.
Part of Euro problem is ALSO that it is a total zoo.
Imagine poor Ukro engineering corps battalions. No respite. Even when you get 100 facking arty guns from Ewwrope, its gonna be dozen from this guy, 20 from that guy, etc. meaning learn 5 differnt makes of facking arty gun. All for the same howitzer class too coz they all make their own little bullshit cute euro shit.

The democrat plan is simple - they want to hold on to European vassals at any cost and finally fatally weaken Russia one day. Which means they are content at G2 plan, which is share world power with China and create G2 sphere.

Trump wants one of two options- either USA wins and remains world #1 and only 1 or world becomes multipolar but no top dog status for China-shared or solo. Which means disengage from Europe and focus MOAR on China.
In this, the DoD is Trump's ally, coz DoD cares only about military might and facing up to that, which currently is China by a country mile, so DoD wants to realign to Asia. but their freaking Dept of State is infested with dumbocrat career beurocrats.
if europeans were so open minded historically, two "world wars" wouldn't have started there, and walking into a third one. ultimately all their political and bureacucratic leaders and think tankers are product of their civil society, they have a habit of entrenchment and need for excessive force to dislodge them.

this too will play out the same way. not sure what an "excessive force" in diplomacy looks like.
This part of the world was always a backwater, it is only reverting back to that state if seen from PoV of a larger historical timescale/trend. Their belief in inherent cultural superiority compared to the Russians and the Americans when they're extremely dependent on one for energy and the other for security is an amusing recent phenomenon. Such a people are unlikely to have any original strategic thought, they kang over Greek and Roman achievements and appropriate them. Napoleon and von Clausewitz don't count here.
if europeans were so open minded historically, two "world wars" wouldn't have started there, and walking into a third one. ultimately all their political and bureacucratic leaders and think tankers are product of their civil society, they have a habit of entrenchment and need for excessive force to dislodge them.

this too will play out the same way. not sure what an "excessive force" in diplomacy looks like.
To be honest at the outbreak of WW-1 , people who warned of a prolonged conflict were outliers in spite of massive industrialization.

They were laughed off by politicians , bureaucrats , journalists , the academia , lay people & the generals including the best military minds . Their frame of reference were the Napoleonic wars of a century ago where every damn war fought didn't exceed a few days even if the campaign per se took months to plan & weeks to arrive at the battlefield .

The last " industrial " war fought between peers was the Franco Prussian war in the 1870s which paved the way for German unification. Hence it was their considered view this was something which would last a few weeks or months .

That it turned into a vicious war of attrition where the war literally began with cavalry charges only for heavy artillery to obliterate them & ended in the trenches & tanks with airplanes should tell you a tale of its own . Strategies were unmade & made on the fly where some worked & most didn't but the mistakes of the generals cost thousands of lives unlike in the past where a few hundred lives would be lost.

If the US didn't enter when they did , the war would've been prolonged & probably would've ended in another cease fire which would've seen resumed hostilities when either side was strong enough not that events turned out otherwise with US intervention.LOL. Enlightened commentators see the war in Ukraine as another WW-1 moment.

But I see your point. I believe Europe is in many ways similar to India except that they've excelled individually & as a small group in temporary alliance with each other but where mutual distrust & suspicions ensured disunity as a whole till the world wars especially the second one , the loss of colonises , the utter devastation it faced , the onset of the Cold War & most importantly the intervention of the US as arbiter of Europe's destiny .

It's as if they need an overlord to tell them what's right & how to behave without which they'd revert back to their bad habits. I suspect the Europeans or at least those who matter know this to be a fact but would rather die than admit to it. That more than anything else terrifies them - the loss of the US both as Lord Protector & final arbiter of their collective destines.

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