Zorawar Light Tank

Stryker can’t even handle the recoil of the gun that much. That’s why you need the Zorawar tank.
I can't get over the absurdity of the booker .. A 42 ton "light tank" meant for paratroopers.
A 42 ton tank that is only proof against 30 mm rounds and has a 105 gun .. At this this point why not just copy the t 90 (45 tons) .
I can't get over the absurdity of the booker .. A 42 ton "light tank" meant for paratroopers.
A 42 ton tank that is only proof against 30 mm rounds and has a 105 gun .. At this this point why not just copy the t 90 (45 tons) .
It's also taller than the Abrams, stands out more. It's a fire support tank that engages soft armor and infantry. But it's a shot magnate and will attract all the munitions because Yanks usually deploy wide and this thing has no hull armor.
Wolfpack is a very different system compared to what actually goes on a tank.
It isnt much different it can be further improved for tanks that's why I said it's next iteration could go on tank.
Being capable enough and actually making something are 2 different things, we are capable enough of making a IIR WVR missile but still ASRAAM is being planned as the standard CCM of IAF
Yeah just like they invested in India for the Rafale offset clauses, I don't trust French 1 bit, they always make big promises and go wuss when it comes to actually following on to those promises
Ig they will just assemble with some indigeneous outsourcing.
Ohh you don't know the history of most of those sensors do you, up until very recently we sucked at making miniature IIR seekers and used to get them fabricated in Israel and situation only slowly started to change after 2015
I know we have fabrication facilities now the seeker in hellina is fabricated in India. Many issues have been sorted out since then.
If you are using someone else's turret you are bound to use their FCS, that's just how the things are

Once again having capability to do something and actually doing that are 2 different things, Optronics and FCS are not some random items that you can plug and play, changing FCS means literally redesigning the whole system, it's not as easy as you are making it out to be, even after so many years we haven't completely changed the FCS of T 90's, I wonder why ?
The only way we are ever going to get an indigenous FCS and Optronics on Zorawar is when the whole turret is indigenous which we don't have any solid Indication of happening.
We can develop indigeneous fcs.

He just said it would be made in India which can be interpreted in many ways, from what I understand he most probably meant the turrets would be locally produced.
Would be happy to proven wrong tho, but till then a Belgian turret it is.
No he said indigeneous turret.

Sauce cuz as far I remember Kalyani was literally proposing a screwdrivered Israeli tank, what are you even talking about
Idrw reported it but I also heard abt it on x.
You mean they would be locally assembled, brother please don't use such confusing "corporate speak" terminologies here on a defence forum.
Ohh yeah sorry brozzer.
According to Alpha Defence GoI only released money for 1 prototype, so obviously I expect more from that 1 frame since all your testing is happening on it.
These user trials are for ordering the 1st lot of 59 tanks,
Ok thanks for the info.
Add on Armor and complete protection against 30mm rounds using better/thicker plates are 2 different things, you can't mount add on Armor everywhere but bullets raining down from a Chinese APC standing on a higher ground will hit you everywhere

I hope that's the case.
Well yeah we aren't making a 35ton LT tank like the Chinese did. I have appreciated Chinese light tank many times now they have developed it's next iteration with crew less turret would be much more secured for crew and lighter too. Ig they will put more armour if they can.
While ours has got inherent cons with it. Chi ese approach is best.
It isnt much different it can be further improved for tanks that's why I said it's next iteration could go on tank.

Ig they will just assemble with some indigeneous outsourcing.

I know we have fabrication facilities now the seeker in hellina is fabricated in India. Many issues have been sorted out since then.

We can develop indigeneous fcs.

No he said indigeneous turret.

Idrw reported it but I also heard abt it on x.

Ohh yeah sorry brozzer.

Ok thanks for the info.

Well yeah we aren't making a 35ton LT tank like the Chinese did. I have appreciated Chinese light tank many times now they have developed it's next iteration with crew less turret would be much more secured for crew and lighter too. Ig they will put more armour if they can.
While ours has got inherent cons with it. Chi ese approach is best.

I hope you are not letting out any confidential information.

My point is that nothing made in China works for a longtime. It is copy and hence open to breakdowns.
I hope you are not letting out any confidential information.
Lol I'm just a usual defence enthusiast
My point is that nothing made in China works for a longtime. It is copy and hence open to breakdowns.
This notion was right till 15 yrs ago. Today it is a factory of world. I think someone had talked abt how many scientists work in drdo vs Chinese equivalent. We can't take china lightly.
It's growth engine might have slowed down but it is still a very formidable force.

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