LCA TEJAS MK-I & MK-IA: News and Discussion

Not just engines, Tejas Mk-1A delivery could be hit over key Danish part, now on export blacklist

India is in talks with Denmark over the engine charge amplifiers, while HAL has contracted a local firm to indigenise them, it is learnt. HAL was supposed to start the delivery in March.

“It was a small product which was being imported. But now, because of this export blacklisting, HAL has contracted a Bengaluru firm to indigenise it. The firm, we are told, has almost completed it, and then HAL will carry out tests. It can then be mass produced,” a second source said.

HAL expects the process to be completed sooner than expected and is hopeful of delivering the initial lot of aircraft with some charge amplifiers that came in under the previous contract.

Not just engines, Tejas Mk-1A delivery could be hit over key Danish part, now on export blacklist

India is in talks with Denmark over the engine charge amplifiers, while HAL has contracted a local firm to indigenise them, it is learnt. HAL was supposed to start the delivery in March.
Indian sucessfully indenized amplifier
Whenever we are denied a tech we excel in it
In theory if America deny us jet engines we should be able to build it ourself
If american all together deny it and refuses to give us jet engine than only long term option we have is kaveri project so yeah
In India we have the potential and funds for critical tech but we don't have that kind of motivation so whenever some one deny us very important tech than our visionary leadership starts investing in it
Arrow missile and there are countless other cases

Even for kaveri that project was almost closed
Not just engines, Tejas Mk-1A delivery could be hit over key Danish part, now on export blacklist

India is in talks with Denmark over the engine charge amplifiers, while HAL has contracted a local firm to indigenise them, it is learnt. HAL was supposed to start the delivery in March.
Quite frankly I wonder in all sincerity what kind of due diligence HAL as a system integrator is conducting ? Aren't they aware that all NATO countries & even non NATO ones like US allies - Japan Australia RoK etc have export control lists ?

Were guarantees sought while supplies were being negotiated with this vendor or other such vendors for emergencies like this ?

If it isn't a monopolistic item surely there must be alternate suppliers . Have we explored these & qualified them technically for quick replacement ? The very fact that no timelines are provided proves that things are still in the air.

Finally do we even have a list where all such items are alloted weightage in terms of its criticality & earmarked for indigenisation ?

It seems decades of being involved with a single vendor be it the Russians or the British who served as a 1 stop shop for all requirements for any given product has dulled HAL's senses into not considering all these possibilities for vendor evaluation in their SCM !

Really sad at this unprofessionalism on display. It's an absolutely pathetic situation partly made worse by misfortune as seen in the case of the delays in delivery of the TFs but mostly an internal problem be it with HAL or MoD or the various development agencies.
GE Delay of Engine delivery

America is repeatedly pushing upgraded F-16 fighters or otherwise F-18 fighters for the MRFP contract for 114 planes. The Americans fully well know that both F-16/F-18 is an old technology and India needs something for next 40 to 50 years and these two Americans planes do not fit the bill.

What America is saying indirectly that if you do not buy American fighters then we will delay or sabotage the GE engine supply of F404 and F414. It has already happened. The engine supply delay may continue even after a years delay already indicated. It is all to sabotage MK1A and MK2. …. Bad commercial policy.

For GE the above two engine order of roughly 400 engines order is a large one. If it is a purely commercial deal then they will do everything to speed up the supply chain delivery. In fact they are beating about the bush trying to hide behind supply chain issues. That is not the case; GE is waiting for political signal from the U.S. White House. Until that happen, the supply of engine is deferred.

The White House will react positively, if you buy their planes. Alternative is persuading the two sides in Ukraine to ceasefire and peace talks. The former one is not possible. The latter one, the Modi is trying his hand in diplomacy to persuade Russia and Ukraine to peace talks.

The outcome of above effort will be known in next 6 to 8 weeks after Modi visit to Washington. It is well known that Russia is all ready for peace talks, so is Ukraine. It is US pressure on Ukraine to prevent peace talks. Modi is likely to persuade Biden to hold military supplies which will begin the peace talks.

That is the only visible scenario in the present context.
On the contrary, IAF will jump to ground LCA and demand to terminate LCA program so that money could be recourse to next new fangled import.
I do not think that will happen - HAL is reportedly set up to assemble 16 or more Mk1A each year (if that is actually the case, not just a hope by HAL). IAF needs fighters ASAP. The only new build fighter that could be delivered in less than 2+ years is Mk1A.
I do not think that will happen - HAL is reportedly set up to assemble 16 or more Mk1A each year (if that is actually the case, not just a hope by HAL). IAF needs fighters ASAP. The only new build fighter that could be delivered in less than 2+ years is Mk1A.
GE 404 Blockade is the spanner which can ground all orders and planes in air to ground.
Kaveri wants a word.
Just few questions
How much did our government actually invested in it ?
Do we even have basic testing facility for jet engine development?( We don't)
Why for 14 years no fund

Did you know iaf and mod denied su30 testbed for kaveri
Our leadership seriously lacks motivation to devloping a jet engine now after ge drama they realise it and wants to restart it
IDRW today says that Mk1 trainers will be delivered by March 2025. Whether or not they not right on the date, are the trainers scheduled for delivery before the Mk1A?

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