Chutiya, it is called relax Stability, not a stable design.
Please spare us from your knowledge.
Please u spares us from you're knowledge
F15 was not a relaxed static stability design. Relaxed stability is same as unstable design or intentional instability.
Old fighter aircrafts had slight positive static stability close to zero or neutral static stability because of this they can sustain there maneuvers even after control surfaces are brought to ideal.
(Basically flying sustained inverted after disturbance (control surfaces is brought back to ideal)in you're language)
Which means they are not a stable design but also they are not intentionally unstable.
Now neutral stability induces slight instability which is manageable by slightly moving its stability to +ve. F15 & mig29 have slight positive static stability close to neutral stability. Where best combination is gotten. For non fbw aircraft. This doesn't help in muneuvering this can just sustain the last external change and will not get stabilised in levelled flight that's it. Neutral static stability induces slight dynamic instability (which I explained)
This slight instability is not relaxed static stability.
Positive stability means a stable design it will return to levelled flight after external disturbance. So that's why old jets have slight +ve but almost neutral stability. Which is why they sustain the external disturbance and dont return to levelled flight which is what needed in muneuvering. So this combination doesn't need fbw.
And having true +ve static stability is of no use as it would stabilise the aircraft.
+Ve static stability induces dynamic stability
Keeping complete neutral stability would might need fbw but if fbw is put in a aircraft then -ve stability is desired to exploit maximum munuvering.
-ve stabilizer is same as neutral stability but instead of maintaining/sustaining the same attitude after external disturbances it keep on increasing in amplitude without much of use of control surfaces. -ve stability induces dynamic instability.
So with a bit of external disturbance the -ve stability design would not stop banking even after external disturbance is removed this seems impossible to be managed by human so fbw is behind the controlled use. With slight control surfaces input without facing much of drag the aircraft can munuever at angles where a stable design would require alot of control surfaces action increasing drag reducing energy.
This is the feature called intentional Instability which is found in f16, Tejas f22, all kind of relaxed static designs.
The close to neutral stability design induce slight instability but it's sustained after control surfaces is brought to ideal it doesn't keep increasing at rate like in -ve stability.
If aircrafts is inverted it will remain as it is .
While in -ve stability even the slight increase in pitch would result in increasing the pitch at a very high rate even after control surfaces are brought to ideal. That's why fbw is there. This behaviour is limited with fbw.
This is relaxed static stability. Or a unstable design.
I had explained in my previous to previous response f16 has com behind centre of lift. Which causes it to -ve static stability. So with just slight horizontal stabilizer input It can pitch up very high. This is intentional instability for pitch, f16 wings design made it neutral in roll (not Unstable). So it could also sustain a inverted flight or remain to
continue in the same motions following a disturbance, neither increasing nor decreasing(unlike -ve), causing the aircraft to maintain constant deviation from its initial position.
Also f16 looses it instability as soon as it passes mach 0.8
Speed has role in stability as centre of lift shifts.
While +ve static stability doesn't help in such muneuvering f4 had which was countered balanced by horizontal stabilizer which generated dowforce in ideal to flight straight.
This aircrafts had quite high +ve static stability.