Indian Special Forces

ex SEAL Kristen Beck (Chris Beck), worked on the Iron Man project and when they got too far they shut that program because it was deemed impractical
Some of the black ops i came across mentioned devices with Black ops teams that had gadgets which didnt exist in 2000s and were used…

Late 2020s these gadgets are coming with the Tear 1s.

We have no idea how advanced the US govt is…they release a downgraded form of tech after having it for decades.

(The tech i am talking about for example is a gadget used to identify people by measuring their finger bone length or smartphone type of devices in late 90s)
Most of our officers and jawans have a pretty small frame..if u get to see them u will realise.
and i disagree with the theory some of them put that the real physique is that of a runner and how it is more suited.

When you leave the fauj at around 40 your bones density with start reducing so if you want to not just run and do other things too in your 70s and 80s like lift a bag or help someone walk or get up from bed easily…

Then my friend you have to lift weights in proper stances…Running will just keep your legs fit and cardio good it wont help all the joints.

Swimming is much much better than running.
What is the focus on pull-ups in the Special Forces?

The regular US Marine has to pass a test of minimum 5 pull-ups from deadhang even for 50 yr olds.

Pull-ups has the max score for their annual PFT.
What is the focus on pull-ups in the Special Forces?

The regular US Marine has to pass a test of minimum 5 pull-ups from deadhang even for 50 yr olds.

Pull-ups has the max score for their annual PFT.
Idk about now but usual Army bharti used to have the same Pull ups thing from dead hang with chin about the bar their used to be numbers per pull ups and a min. Requirment too I don't remember the particular numbers thou.

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