ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

All the tech for tejas mk2 is already here.
For amca lots of tech can take upto 2033 to develop and then 2035 to test and certify.

Amca's initial prototypes will be flight capable airframes only with some lru's.
Tejas mk2 protypes will be fully developed fighter jets.
Many LRUs for Mk-2 & AMCA are same. Mk-2 will derisk AMCA
Tejas mk2's funding was choked by GoI due to engine uncertainty. Before this there was also a long delay in ccs clearance for the jet, really no fault of Hal in all these.
The issue really is with ADA and their directors who have been pushing out the roll out dates every year. Any physical product requires the associated design bureau to complete the development of tech and all the sub-assemblies/modules to freeze the design before an integrator like HAL can reach out to it's suppliers to procure components for prototypes.

Nevertheless, we should still plan for a backup in regards to the engine with Russians or French in case things go haywire with the US

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