Bharat Rakshak Forum Issues


Jul 1, 2024
The forum has certainly gone to the dogs. The admins/mods are incredibly thin-skinned especially hnair and Rakesh. They ban anyone who would dare to question them and cannot handle criticism at all but dish out criticism and ad hominem attacks against posters. It has become the personal shoutbox of those two mods.

Posters who lurk at or cannot post at BR out of concerns of their posts being deleted or silenced, feel free to make your posts to rebut those mods because those mods will delete any post they disagree with or get easily offended with.

Here's a start:

Hnair simply cannot handle any kind of criticism against himself and is pretty much acting as the wanna be poster boy of CCP secret police. Rakesh is pretty much full of crap and cannot tolerate any criticism of him and has to resort to ad hominem attacks against posters who would dare to disagree with him. Ramana pretty much wants everybody to suck his own dick.
I never understood their registration system. Tried to create an account few years ago, but apparently they need the email to be with some custom domain. So much gate-keeping for probably the shittiest UI of all the forums I've visited. That website is stuck in the 90's and honestly even spammers won't waste their time there.
I never understood their registration system. Tried to create an account few years ago, but apparently they need the email to be with some custom domain. So much gate-keeping for probably the shittiest UI of all the forums I've visited. That website is stuck in the 90's and honestly even spammers won't waste their time there.
that thing of having custom domain is a thing of past from era of AOL dot com and so where you could get a custom domain through registering there, but since emergence of mail service websites like yahoo mail, google mail that thing faded to irrelevance...

i got my account there by mailing a mod there to help me set up an account and he obliged, giving me an account via first registering a mail on their domain then once an account was made they provided my gmail account to it - not sure if that kind of generosity is still shown by them

this is what i received as a mail from one of mod there


edit - i just checked and my account there is still active

and as others complained about its clunky interface, which is based in simple but reliable php, the forum is usable if you're accustomed to simpler websites from past - in fact i still prefer php forums over xenforo based ones as they readily offer ability to go 'read only mode' for easier backup and so, then plugins are plenty and freely available - the tech when enhanced with laravel can readily rival any paid forum software if the maintainers are technically inclined

anyways coming back to the topic in hand, i barely had any discussions there and i believed them to be ex-military guys or guys who have friends/family in military so that kind of moderation was expected

i still regard BRF to be gold standard in desi defense forum scenario, with the passing of our beloved DFI it's the only standing defense forum that has perhaps most active presence of military (both current and former ones) personnel there - but discussing there is more or less..."dur se namaste" like affair for me
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I was banned for questioning the tactics of special forces during pathankot attack, in which one of the personal got KIA, I was banned for two days. Later late sri Manohar Parikar made the same statement that during sanitation operation if a special forces man is KIA , then there is a reason to worry. Because Millions of rupees is spent on the training.

That was my first and last post on that forum even though i could post more.

improvisation and thinking is not there among people in defence. This is why SFF is kept away from army.
that thing of having custom domain is a thing of past from era of AOL dot com and so where you could get a custom domain through registering there, but since emergence of mail service websites like yahoo mail, google mail that thing faded to irrelevance...

i got my account there by mailing a mod there to help me set up an account and he obliged, giving me an account via first registering a mail on their domain then once an account was made they provided my gmail account to it - not sure if that kind of generosity is still shown by them

this is what i received as a mail from one of mod there

View attachment 2499

edit - i just checked and my account there is still active

and as others complained about its clunky interface, which is based in simple but reliable php, the forum is usable if you're accustomed to simpler websites from past - in fact i still prefer php forums over xenforo based ones as they readily offer ability to go 'read only mode' for easier backup and so, then plugins are plenty and freely available - the tech when enhanced with laravel can readily rival any paid forum software if the maintainers are technically inclined

anyways coming back to the topic in hand, i barely had any discussions there and i believed them to be ex-military guys or guys who have friends/family in military so that kind of moderation was expected

i still regard BRF to be gold standard in desi defense forum scenario, with the passing of our beloved DFI it's the only standing defense forum that has perhaps most active presence of military (both current and former ones) personnel there - but discussing there is more or less..."dur se namaste" like affair for me

That forum has gone to the dogs. The mods have pretty much stifled robust debate and arguments and only want to hear their own thoughts and cannot tolerate any sort of dissent.
My BRF membership dates back to 2003. While forum activity has undeniably declined, navigating even lengthy threads remains manageable. Thankfully, there's less wading through off-topic content, personal attacks, insults and abuses and general forum noise compared to other places.

The past few years have brought significant change. In my early days on the forum, I attended several BRF meetups (back when they were held in desh and US). Many members were already in their 40s and 50s (circa 2003-2006), putting them in their 60s and 70s now. This demographic shift, coupled with the forum's longstanding strict moderation (which suited the many members in public-facing professions), likely contributed to the decreased activity.

One of the greatest aspects of BRF has been the opportunity to engage with some truly brilliant minds. It's a forum that once boasted B. Raman, former head of RAW, senior members of SAAG, and even the outspoken Varsha Bhosle, among others. (For privacy reasons, I won't mention current members who still grace this world are are in the public eye.)

I will acknowledge a shift in moderation style, particularly with newer moderators. The forum that once encouraged spirited yet civil debate now feels less welcoming to opposing viewpoints.

Despite this, BRF's archive remains a treasure trove. From in-depth book analyses to the legendary Kargil War thread (started during the conflict itself), insightful perspectives on Pakistan, and expert commentary on US policy, the content is truly valuable. I particularly enjoyed Suraj's economic insights (both on the forum and in his Swarajya articles).

While the outdated UI feels comforting for an old member like myself, I find myself contributing less and less. The lack of consistent engagement, coupled with the possibility of moderator intervention for everything, has shifted my primary use of the forum to browsing the archives to educate myself and perhaps indulge in bit of nostalgia.
My BRF membership dates back to 2003. While forum activity has undeniably declined, navigating even lengthy threads remains manageable. Thankfully, there's less wading through off-topic content, personal attacks, insults and abuses and general forum noise compared to other places.

The past few years have brought significant change. In my early days on the forum, I attended several BRF meetups (back when they were held in desh and US). Many members were already in their 40s and 50s (circa 2003-2006), putting them in their 60s and 70s now. This demographic shift, coupled with the forum's longstanding strict moderation (which suited the many members in public-facing professions), likely contributed to the decreased activity.

One of the greatest aspects of BRF has been the opportunity to engage with some truly brilliant minds. It's a forum that once boasted B. Raman, former head of RAW, senior members of SAAG, and even the outspoken Varsha Bhosle, among others. (For privacy reasons, I won't mention current members who still grace this world are are in the public eye.)

I will acknowledge a shift in moderation style, particularly with newer moderators. The forum that once encouraged spirited yet civil debate now feels less welcoming to opposing viewpoints.

Despite this, BRF's archive remains a treasure trove. From in-depth book analyses to the legendary Kargil War thread (started during the conflict itself), insightful perspectives on Pakistan, and expert commentary on US policy, the content is truly valuable. I particularly enjoyed Suraj's economic insights (both on the forum and in his Swarajya articles).

While the outdated UI feels comforting for an old member like myself, I find myself contributing less and less. The lack of consistent engagement, coupled with the possibility of moderator intervention for everything, has shifted my primary use of the forum to browsing the archives to educate myself and perhaps indulge in bit of nostalgia.
I always say the best moderation is no moderation. I also thought that no one lies on the internet and have no agenda but opinion based on their understanding of the subject.

I will still believe that the best moderation is no moderation however people lie and paddle their agenda. There is another type, which is subsumed in their ego and cynicism. The fourth types are status co-ists who are playing safe and do not admit to evolving understanding of subjects but keep discouraging new ideas in the name of fancy words like strategic restraint etc.

From the forum's POV, we need people to visit us and share their ideas even if they are disingenuous. We can not, should not hate people because they appear to be misfit subalterns. This is a bloody debate forum not one's shelter or a safe space per se for disgruntled runaways.

This is our space where we must debate dispassionately; fully knowing that people are complex.

So paradoxically DFB is a safe space as long as one is not abusive, have no intent to lie or paddle agenda backed by a strong revulsion to the other side's POV.
yahan par bhi kuch hai so called experts in special forces who think they know everything but this is screambowl and I will nail them. I have been reading their crap past 2 years how they fool and keep people in dark.
that thing of having custom domain is a thing of past from era of AOL dot com and so where you could get a custom domain through registering there, but since emergence of mail service websites like yahoo mail, google mail that thing faded to irrelevance...

i got my account there by mailing a mod there to help me set up an account and he obliged, giving me an account via first registering a mail on their domain then once an account was made they provided my gmail account to it - not sure if that kind of generosity is still shown by them

this is what i received as a mail from one of mod there

View attachment 2499

edit - i just checked and my account there is still active

and as others complained about its clunky interface, which is based in simple but reliable php, the forum is usable if you're accustomed to simpler websites from past - in fact i still prefer php forums over xenforo based ones as they readily offer ability to go 'read only mode' for easier backup and so, then plugins are plenty and freely available - the tech when enhanced with laravel can readily rival any paid forum software if the maintainers are technically inclined

anyways coming back to the topic in hand, i barely had any discussions there and i believed them to be ex-military guys or guys who have friends/family in military so that kind of moderation was expected

i still regard BRF to be gold standard in desi defense forum scenario, with the passing of our beloved DFI it's the only standing defense forum that has perhaps most active presence of military (both current and former ones) personnel there - but discussing there is more or less..."dur se namaste" like affair for me
As you mentioned in first line the whole forum is a thing of past!

You have to keep up with time and update and upgrade yourself. Simplicity does not mean to retain age old format. You can achieve that with latest tools also.
yahan par bhi kuch hai so called experts in special forces who think they know everything but this is screambowl and I will nail them. I have been reading their crap past 2 years how they fool and keep people in dark.
Bas Mahanubhav , aap hi ki kami thi. Warna pichla forum jaise yeh bhi be rang forum hone jaa raha tha . Sab ke sab ek doosre ke haan mein haan milaa rahe the.

Umeed hain aap pehle jaise hi sab ka sakth mazammat karoge kade shabdon mein. Kisi ko bakshna mat.
Not specific to BRF, but any place that doesn't allow open discussion isn't really a forum.

The definition of a forum is a place that allows open discussion.

If you are censoring people for merely holding views that go against the grain, you are anything but a forum.
Not specific to BRF, but any place that doesn't allow open discussion isn't really a forum.

The definition of a forum is a place that allows open discussion.

If you are censoring people for merely holding views that go against the grain, you are anything but a forum.
Too much freedom will also leave to situation like on the SDF where pakis openly post their haterd posts and no quality discussion at all with them. Left if after 2022. As moderation become too lenient against them.

DFI was better of both, bewteen them not too much or too less moderation.
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A certain level of moderations is always required.

An open forum should allow flow of view but not of abuses. Things go haywire quite easily and foul language is used immediately.

It is ok to not agreeing with others, but your disagreement should come in a civil way.
Too much freedom will also leave to situation like on the SDF where pakis openly post their hated posts and no quality discussion at all. Left if after 2022. As moderation become too lenient against them.

DFI was better of both, bewteen them not too much or too less moderation.
A forum should have both i.e quality discussions and carefree discussions bordering trolling.

The trick is to do it in the correct sections. In this forum for example, moderating should be very lenient in the members corner.

Like all things in life, "balance" is the key. Neither too strict nor too lenient.

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