Chit Chat

I genuinely hope somebody else tells you how stupid you sound. You won't understand the number of times I tell you this. I will try again.

You introduce a completely unrelated point ("We Indians have better mental health because we don't need to worry about monthly BILLS.") - I mention in response that it's maybe not as good as you think. You then make this completely unrelated issue the focus point of your response. << Parenthetically, from my village, a man could only see a doctor for 1 minute and even then for 5000INR or something (I can't remember the price). 1 minute consultation because the doctor was too busy with the 9999 other people he had to see. Have you ever spent 15-minutes with your physician before for a consultation? Or maybe more time than that? My own uncle who is a physician in India, retired from the Army, spent maximum 5-minutes with patients. Maximum. He charged 5000 INR per consultation also. >>

Not owning our own hospitals here is a good point. I have no counter. But I am again emphasizing that this is unrelated. Also if you knew anything, anything at all, you'd perhaps be aware that American private equity companies are purchasing Indian hospitals at a breakthrough pace ( ; )

We do this too?

And 2 last points. 1. Stand-up comedy dude. Seriously, consider it. You're a natural. and 2. Relevance of any of these points to the main issue that was brought up?
So your uncle who is a physician charged Rs 5000 per consultation. Even doctors in your village charged Rs 5000 and it was long time ago. Bhai dont expose yourself like this.
Can you say your ABCs? You know how A comes before B which comes before C? Your post about knowing more about Western life and BHK came before I brought up the fact that I'm a physician. I'm serious, if you are representative of the average Indian, I really worry for the future of India.
If you are a Physician, tell me how would you treat a patient with septicemia?
Parenthetically, from my village, a man could only see a doctor for 1 minute and even then for 5000INR or something (I can't remember the price).
Really? INR5000?
Chal be gandu, kisko chutiya Bana raha hai.
Apni ye sad but mockingly funny brown coolie mentality kisi librandu space me le ja.

Aur Sala word salad se gaslight to hum bhi Kar sakte Hai.
" I do kinda pity you, how sad must have your life be with this kind of mentality, but at the same time I can't help but laugh at how you try to lie to cope."
Reality me rehna seekh le fantasy se nilkal.
Desh me vaishe hi itni gandki Machi, tu Saala online bhi gand Macha raha hai.
No, filthy like how the gori girls told me that 99% of the places they went (South, North, Central, didn't matter), Indian men would ask to take pictures with them. When they said no, they'd take pictures of them anyway. This is the typical Indian mentality.

Are you a physician like Jonny Sin?? Why every whore come to you and cry??
None of such incident noted by me or anyone else here.

You traveled through the gutter during your last visit in India??

Why ?? Why are you so filthy?? Why it happening with you only??

Because you are a Narcissistic person
@londonparistokyo You understand there are plenty Doctors on this forum? Infact DFI is owned by a doctor. @RocketMan @Sanatani are also doctors. I don't remember name of others.

One thing I can definitely say one thing: healthcare in US sucks!!! I had my colleagues there going to Mexico for dental operation,other was flying to Taiwan to get appendicitis removed. One of my friend was recommended stomach operation in US. He flew back to India and got himself checked again both in private top hospital and top govt medical research institute. He was cured by medicines for infection as the condition for which US docs wanted operation to be done, was deemed unnecessary. Not to mention insane wait times and price gouging. Mr. Mahindra himself had an experience where indian doc resolved her daughter 's problem when doctors in uk and France could not. Infact specialist in France recommended him Indian doctor residing in India.

Healthcare for middle class and poor in US - sucks. Salaries for doctors though are great in US, but then they also especially surgeons need to invest in expensive insurance.

5000rs for visit to village doctor? Even this day in cities it's 500 to 1200 for first vist + free follow up visit within week for good experienced doctors! For rest rates are even lower.

Granted getting surgery in private without good insurance sis expensive. While in Govt hospitals cost is less but crowding and wait times are high
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Are you a physician like Jonny Sin?? Why every whore come to you and cry??
None of such incident noted by me or anyone else here.

You traveled through the gutter during your last visit in India??

Why ?? Why are you so filthy?? Why it happening with you only??

Because you are a Narcissistic person
He's a "self loathing doomer".
His colonial shackled mind also has was liberals call "internalized racism" against his own.
And has a desire to be accepted by goras if he distanced himself from people of his race and culture.
That's why he only talks negatively, his mind feels at peace and helps him cope by doing it.
I genuinely hope somebody else tells you how stupid you sound. You won't understand the number of times I tell you this. I will try again.

You introduce a completely unrelated point ("We Indians have better mental health because we don't need to worry about monthly BILLS.") - I mention in response that it's maybe not as good as you think. You then make this completely unrelated issue the focus point of your response. << Parenthetically, from my village, a man could only see a doctor for 1 minute and even then for 5000INR or something (I can't remember the price). 1 minute consultation because the doctor was too busy with the 9999 other people he had to see. Have you ever spent 15-minutes with your physician before for a consultation? Or maybe more time than that? My own uncle who is a physician in India, retired from the Army, spent maximum 5-minutes with patients. Maximum. He charged 5000 INR per consultation also. >>

Not owning our own hospitals here is a good point. I have no counter. But I am again emphasizing that this is unrelated. Also if you knew anything, anything at all, you'd perhaps be aware that American private equity companies are purchasing Indian hospitals at a breakthrough pace ( ; )

We do this too?

And 2 last points. 1. Stand-up comedy dude. Seriously, consider it. You're a natural. and 2. Relevance of any of these points to the main issue that was brought up?
5000 INR is way too much bruv
Even in Mumbai doctors in hospital like lilavati and nanavati don't charge this much for consultation
Not even in clinics
If u are visiting a extremely premium doc even then max would be 3000-3500 INR and this being in Mumbai
You seem to be really scared of leaving Canada to go back to India lol. Interesting. India can't be as great as you claim.
scared ?
I am as scared to leave canada and go back to india as your white masters were to leave canada and go back to europe. i am a colonizer. colonizers dont go back to their motherlands, bub.
But you seem to be scared to man up and show up to beat me up as you wanted to do, like a typical idiot keyboard warrior.
No, filthy like how the gori girls told me that 99% of the places they went (South, North, Central, didn't matter), Indian men would ask to take pictures with them. When they said no, they'd take pictures of them anyway. This is the typical Indian mentality.

99% of the places don’t give a shit. The 1% of the chapri slum places where gori girls go for poverty porn do this.
What’s the common thread. Women who go to touristy places where chapris hang out experience the staring and photos.

Women who assimilate into India not as a tourist but work or live there, do not get bothered. Moral of the story, it depends on where you and stay. Most tourists chase poverty porn, so they overindex on this behavior. Wealthy foreign tourists visiting the ghetto of USA would likely get robbed or jumped for their luggage. At least in India, even the poorest in the society, there is a sense of safety that foreign tourists feel brave enough to travel to the poorest places in India. For the US, the same cannot be said. If I travel into Oakland or Chicago, it’s very likely I will be robbed at gunpoint.

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