Chit Chat

It'll take at least 70 years for India to reach the levels of cleanliness of Japan (US is a shithole country in comparison) when everyone pays taxes & corruption is less along with a disciplined population . One more thing is India is a victim of climate change & extreme weather events for which Americunts & BriShits are directly responsible (Industrial revolution).

Climate change has very very little to do with it. Criticizing India because it's suffering due to American and British policies is reasonable, however not really when you compare it to its peers. Also, you can blame Congress and it's fair. BS2 gasoline was the standard until 2014 IIRC. Or enforced. It's been a while since I investigated why toxic fumes and a horrible two-stroke gasoline smell is everywhere
If you are a Physician, tell me how would you treat a patient with septicemia?

Gaddha. You don't just blindly treat septicemia. What does septicemia even mean? Do you know what the suffix (do you know this word) -emia implies? Don't pimp me on third year medical school nonsense. You don't just throw antibiotics and hope something sticks. Wait, you're in India, that's exactly what you do.

Really? INR5000?
Chal be gandu, kisko chutiya Bana raha hai.
Apni ye sad but mockingly funny brown coolie mentality kisi librandu space me le ja.

Aur Sala word salad se gaslight to hum bhi Kar sakte Hai.
" I do kinda pity you, how sad must have your life be with this kind of mentality, but at the same time I can't help but laugh at how you try to lie to cope."
Reality me rehna seekh le fantasy se nilkal.
Desh me vaishe hi itni gandki Machi, tu Saala online bhi gand Macha raha hai.

Tbh I pulled 5000 out of my butt. I don't know the rate, but I do remember the villager saying he cannot afford it and when he could, it was a 1-minute consultation. Yours' hyperfixation on the number and not the time is sad, but you're Indian and only know how to insult. So I am not even offended.

scared ?
I am as scared to leave canada and go back to india as your white masters were to leave canada and go back to europe. i am a colonizer. colonizers dont go back to their motherlands, bub.
But you seem to be scared to man up and show up to beat me up as you wanted to do, like a typical idiot keyboard warrior.

You lack serious reading comprehension abilities. The mods locked this post because of you and you are continuing here. I genuinely pity you.

Edit: Go back to India. Leave Canada. You're not a "colonizer", you're a low intelligence zergling that can't think for himself
5000 INR is way too much bruv
Even in Mumbai doctors in hospital like lilavati and nanavati don't charge this much for consultation
Not even in clinics
If u are visiting a extremely premium doc even then max would be 3000-3500 INR and this being in Mumbai

I made the number up. So I take responsibility for this. I don't live in India full time, I just remember the villager telling me it's very expensive for him to afford and he gets literally only one-minute. Oh also, since some moron here wants to pimp me on septicemia, he doesn't ask ANYTHING about basic history and just prescribes nonsense treatment. I will tell you, he was prescribing Chlordiazepoxide (Librium in the US), Doxylamine (idk what you call this there), and something else completely useless for a gallbladder problem. Not even Ezetimibe which could help somewhat, or telling him to eat more fibrous foods. Also, no bloodwork or laboratory analysis. I will however give credit where it is due: I'm impressed that you can have a phlebotomist come to your home, draw your blood, ship it, and get results within the same day. We do not have this in the USA. This is very impressive.
I made the number up. So I take responsibility for this. I don't live in India full time, I just remember the villager telling me it's very expensive for him to afford and he gets literally only one-minute. Oh also, since some moron here wants to pimp me on septicemia, he doesn't ask ANYTHING about basic history and just prescribes nonsense treatment. I will tell you, he was prescribing Chlordiazepoxide (Librium in the US), Doxylamine (idk what you call this there), and something else completely useless for a gallbladder problem. Not even Ezetimibe which could help somewhat, or telling him to eat more fibrous foods. Also, no bloodwork or laboratory analysis. I will however give credit where it is due: I'm impressed that you can have a phlebotomist come to your home, draw your blood, ship it, and get results within the same day. We do not have this in the USA. This is very impressive.
Your job is going to be automated by AI. Enjoy your smug attitude while it lasts.
You lack serious reading comprehension abilities. The mods locked this post because of you and you are continuing here. I genuinely pity you.

Edit: Go back to India. Leave Canada. You're not a "colonizer", you're a low intelligence zergling that can't think for himself
'no you' isnt going to get you anywhere. There is no comprehension skills lacking, there is only calling out your BS, such as you can find better quality stuff for 50 bucks a night in US than India as far as hygene and amenities go, then even more BS about accomodations, which caused u to shift tack to 'street of poo' stuff and then you got all butthurt, threatened to beat me up and i said 'aah ja yahan' and you pussed out.

I am high intelligence, high income colonizer. The one who cant think for himself is you, which is why you lick the white master's behind so hard like a typical gungadeen.
but you're "Indian"and only know how to insult. So I am not even offended.
See told you all, this fucker has deep internalized racism and self loathing mentality.

as for " only know how to insult."
You are honestly a sad person. But honestly, extremely funny. I pity you, but I can't help laugh at you.

Thread was locked yet this "pajeet" continues to bicker.
That seems be your miserable ass trying to use to word salad to insult the other, instead of arguing by putting your point across.

What a miserable hypocrite, feeling sorry for his parents for giving birth to him.
You lack serious reading comprehension abilities
That's just your claim about him, without any evidence or reason to back it up
The mods locked this post because of you and you are continuing here
And what about the chances of mods locking it beacuse of you, instead of him?
. I genuinely pity you.
Again, trying to gaslight
", you're a low intelligence zergling that can't think for himself
And now insulting.

Not even a single attempt to argue or put your point forward.
Just trying to gaslight and insult the other hoping he will feel inferior so that your sick self loathing mind can feel satisfied.
That's just your claim about him, without any evidence or reason to back it up

And what about the chances of mods locking it beacuse of you, instead of him?

Again, trying to gaslight

And now insulting.

Not even a single attempt to argue or put your point forward.
Just trying to gaslight and insult the other hoping he will feel inferior so that your sick self loathing mind can feel satisfied.

Do you know how this entire "discussion" even started? Or are you jumping in as a zergling would to defend it's own kind?

Edit: I can say that you're just jumping in because you haven't seen any of my messages based on your first "without any evidence" claim lol. "gaslight". Another copycat word taken by Indians lol

Edit 2: Honestly I've said this before but I mean it this time. I'm done with you lot. You are extremely, but unintentionally, very very funny. You don't even realize just how stupid you are. That's the best part. You really can't fix stupid.
Gaddha. You don't just blindly treat septicemia. What does septicemia even mean? Do you know what the suffix (do you know this word) -emia implies? Don't pimp me on third year medical school nonsense. You don't just throw antibiotics and hope something sticks. Wait, you're in India, that's exactly what you do.

Now I'm 10000000% sure that you are not a doctor.

You are a delhite chutiya with zero knowledge whatsoever the subject is

I even doubt you live in USA. May be you are a pizza delivery man from greater kailash New Delhi.
'no you' isnt going to get you anywhere. There is no comprehension skills lacking, there is only calling out your BS, such as you can find better quality stuff for 50 bucks a night in US than India as far as hygene and amenities go, then even more BS about accomodations, which caused u to shift tack to 'street of poo' stuff and then you got all butthurt, threatened to beat me up and i said 'aah ja yahan' and you pussed out.

I am high intelligence, high income colonizer. The one who cant think for himself is you, which is why you lick the white master's behind so hard like a typical gungadeen.

Gauda ji, sorry for interrupting you. What does Gungadeen means??
'no you' isnt going to get you anywhere. There is no comprehension skills lacking, there is only calling out your BS, such as you can find better quality stuff for 50 bucks a night in US than India as far as hygene and amenities go, then even more BS about accomodations, which caused u to shift tack to 'street of poo' stuff and then you got all butthurt, threatened to beat me up and i said 'aah ja yahan' and you pussed out.

I am high intelligence, high income colonizer. The one who cant think for himself is you, which is why you lick the white master's behind so hard like a typical gungadeen.

I just can't help it with you people. My original point had NOTHING to do with a "quality per dollar" spent. It had to do entirely with the country being dirty. Some third rate person introduces "oh if you spend zyx you will get 5* quality in India!" completely ignoring me talking about literal filth everywhere your eyes look. Do you think, honestly, I'm the only person to point out how dirty the country is? Honestly? I even posted pictures from temples lol! I really need to step away. You people are just dragging me down.
I just can't help it with you people. My original point had NOTHING to do with a "quality per dollar" spent. It had to do entirely with the country being dirty. Some third rate person introduces "oh if you spend zyx you will get 5* quality in India!" completely ignoring me talking about literal filth everywhere your eyes look. Do you think, honestly, I'm the only person to point out how dirty the country is? Honestly? I even posted pictures from temples lol! I really need to step away. You people are just dragging me down.

Every country is dirty, what’s your point? We already explained. You can only afford the cheap places in India.

Meanwhile in the US.
I just can't help it with you people. My original point had NOTHING to do with a "quality per dollar" spent. It had to do entirely with the country being dirty. Some third rate person introduces "oh if you spend zyx you will get 5* quality in India!" completely ignoring me talking about literal filth everywhere your eyes look. Do you think, honestly, I'm the only person to point out how dirty the country is? Honestly? I even posted pictures from temples lol! I really need to step away. You people are just dragging me down.

When you don't learn manners at home then you will be taught manners on street forcefully.

You called India Filthy and want to get away under the garb of FOE and constructive criticism.

You threatening forum member with violence and advocating deportation.

@moderators of this forum are dumb who taking insult of India ( Called Filthy) as freedom of expression. If this is a FOE let @londonparistokyo tell this to his employer and let's see the reaction.

He is showing temple picture just to get brownie points like Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. He is Anti-hindu.

When you don't learn manners at home then you will be taught manners on street forcefully.

You called India Filthy and want to get away under the garb of FOE and constructive criticism.

You threatening forum member with violence and advocating deportation.

@moderators of this forum are dumb who taking insult of India ( Called Filthy) as freedom of expression. If this is a FOE let @londonparistokyo tell this to his employer and let's see the reaction.

He is showing temple picture just to get brownie points like Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. He is Anti-hindu.

When you don't learn manners at home then you will be taught manners on street forcefully. - This is a threat. If I was in India, I'd gladly meet you anytime, any place.

You called India Filthy and want to get away under the garb of FOE and constructive criticism - It is dirty, it is disgusting. Let me teach you a new word, synonym.


You threatening forum member with violence and advocating deportation.- He is doing this to himself. He is the one that does not respect the land that he has supposedly immigrated to. He denigrates the people that are already there. He clearly believes that India is better than Canada, so why should I not advocate for him to return to India?

@moderators of this forum are dumb who taking insult of India ( Called Filthy) as freedom of expression. If this is a FOE let @londonparistokyo tell this to his employer and let's see the reaction. - Another threat. And if you're trying to scare me, keep trying. It's also probably not a good idea to call the moderators dumb. Edit 2: Btw. I work for myself and I have an employer. I told my employer I went to India. "How was it?" - "Very, very dirty. But it had other pluses". You can find my other post in this very thread about the positives of India if you want.

He is showing temple picture just to get brownie points like Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. He is Anti-hindu. - You and your kind made this personal before I did. I will not stoop. It is extremely bad karma to insult somebody that believes in dharma and goes on this pilgrimage. I will not insult you in this manner. Anything else is fair game to me, except your family and mine. So, you, who constantly tells others to mind their tongue, watch your mouth.

You have nothing to actually counter any point I've raised, so you make it 1. Personal and 2. Drag irrelevant items into the discussion. I'm anti-Hindu because I brought up how dirty temples are, how people who go to temples willfully pollute (including into the rivers), and how pujaris at the temple ask for bribes. Lol. K.

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