Listen Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. Don't talk about Dharma it doesn't suit from your filthy gutter mouth.
You challenged me to meet anywhere in India. I will treat you as a Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars Brown Sipoy should be treated.
I learn a lot from History. Will never repeat the mistake done by ancestors.
I'm going to teach you a little bit of logic. I know you may not understand it, but I'm going to try.
If I was in India, I'd gladly meet you anytime, any place." - This type of statement is known as a "conditional statement". We can rephrase this to mean "If X, then Y". Basically, the supposition (this is another new word for you, this means assumption) is that "In case X is true, therefore Y is also true." The idea here is that X is the hypothesis, and Y is the presumed result if that hypothesis is true. This cannot be reversed, meaning if Y is true, then X also must be true.
We can use some examples to help clarify this piece of logic:
1. If the sky is blue, I must be living on the planet Earth (reverse: If I'm on Earth, the sky may not necessarily be blue).
2. If you eat healthy, you won't get sick (reverse: You may be sick, but still eat healthy)
3. If you're alive, your mother must have given birth to you. (You may be alive, but perhaps you were born of a surrogate mother and not necessarily your biological mother).
We can contrast this with an "If and only if" statement. Eg if I rephrased this as "If and only if I was in India, I would meet up with you anytime, any place, anywhere" or whatever I said. This would mean that if I'm in India, I'm going to meet with you anywhere in India. If you and I were to meet anywhere in India, I would have to be in India.
Seeing as how I am not in India currently, can you see how my "challenge to meet anywhere in India" is not actually true?
By the way, let's continue our lesson. This statement was preceded by you threatening me. Here's the quote: "
When you don't learn manners at home then you will be taught manners on street forcefully." My response, which doesn't necessarily have to be fulfilled to be true, was just that, a response to your threat.
BTW, empty threats and callous disregard for intelligence is not how our ancestors would have handled any of this.
I gave you one warning. I will respectfully request mods to censor you.