Chit Chat

Moron. I do not live in India. I also do not have the patience for another 18hour flight to-and-from India just to beat you into a pulp. I also know how you are and you will get your entire "colony" (lol. You people really are ants aren't you?) to come after me once you're bloody and bruised. I also have better things to do with my time and money.

Edit: Reading comprehension skills. Very seriously lacking.
Moron. I do not live in India. I also do not have the patience for another 18hour flight to-and-from India just to beat you into a pulp. I also know how you are and you will get your entire "colony" (lol. You people really are ants aren't you?) to come after me once you're bloody and bruised. I also have better things to do with my time and money.

Edit: Reading comprehension skills. Very seriously lacking.

If you are not a basturd child of your mother then let me know when are you coming to India and let's meet then.

Let see who will get pulp ..... I think one more lesson you left to learn.

I promise, I will make sure, you will never ever ask anyone else to meet anywhere in India in future.

Sabko Delhi wala jaisa samjhna jhod de....

Mind your mouth. I will ask moderators to censor you if you continue to behave in this manner. I did not mention anybody in your family or your dharma. Mind your mouth.

Edit: I also love that you, who thinks he is so intelligent, just ignored my entire post and fixated on meeting me. Do you know what "raja dharma" is? Do you think you can play by "raja dharma" ruleset if you were to ever meet me?
Mind your mouth. I will ask moderators to censor you if you continue to behave in this manner. I did not mention anybody in your family or your dharma. Mind your mouth.

Edit: I also love that you, who thinks he is so intelligent, just ignored my entire post and fixated on meeting me. Do you know what "raja dharma" is? Do you think you can play by "raja dharma" ruleset if you were to ever meet me?

Listen Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. Don't talk about Dharma it doesn't suit from your filthy gutter mouth.

You challenged me to meet anywhere in India. I will treat you as a Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars Brown Sipoy should be treated.

I learn a lot from History. Will never repeat the mistake done by ancestors.
Can we ban this guy? He is simply trolling at this point. He has selective hearing and is gaslighting members using propaganda.
Listen Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. Don't talk about Dharma it doesn't suit from your filthy gutter mouth.

You challenged me to meet anywhere in India. I will treat you as a Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars Brown Sipoy should be treated.

I learn a lot from History. Will never repeat the mistake done by ancestors.

I'm going to teach you a little bit of logic. I know you may not understand it, but I'm going to try.

"If I was in India, I'd gladly meet you anytime, any place." - This type of statement is known as a "conditional statement". We can rephrase this to mean "If X, then Y". Basically, the supposition (this is another new word for you, this means assumption) is that "In case X is true, therefore Y is also true." The idea here is that X is the hypothesis, and Y is the presumed result if that hypothesis is true. This cannot be reversed, meaning if Y is true, then X also must be true.

We can use some examples to help clarify this piece of logic:

1. If the sky is blue, I must be living on the planet Earth (reverse: If I'm on Earth, the sky may not necessarily be blue).
2. If you eat healthy, you won't get sick (reverse: You may be sick, but still eat healthy)
3. If you're alive, your mother must have given birth to you. (You may be alive, but perhaps you were born of a surrogate mother and not necessarily your biological mother).

We can contrast this with an "If and only if" statement. Eg if I rephrased this as "If and only if I was in India, I would meet up with you anytime, any place, anywhere" or whatever I said. This would mean that if I'm in India, I'm going to meet with you anywhere in India. If you and I were to meet anywhere in India, I would have to be in India.

Seeing as how I am not in India currently, can you see how my "challenge to meet anywhere in India" is not actually true?

By the way, let's continue our lesson. This statement was preceded by you threatening me. Here's the quote: "When you don't learn manners at home then you will be taught manners on street forcefully." My response, which doesn't necessarily have to be fulfilled to be true, was just that, a response to your threat.

BTW, empty threats and callous disregard for intelligence is not how our ancestors would have handled any of this.

I gave you one warning. I will respectfully request mods to censor you.
I'm going to teach you a little bit of logic. I know you may not understand it, but I'm going to try.

"If I was in India, I'd gladly meet you anytime, any place." - This type of statement is known as a "conditional statement". We can rephrase this to mean "If X, then Y". Basically, the supposition (this is another new word for you, this means assumption) is that "In case X is true, therefore Y is also true." The idea here is that X is the hypothesis, and Y is the presumed result if that hypothesis is true. This cannot be reversed, meaning if Y is true, then X also must be true.

We can use some examples to help clarify this piece of logic:

1. If the sky is blue, I must be living on the planet Earth (reverse: If I'm on Earth, the sky may not necessarily be blue).
2. If you eat healthy, you won't get sick (reverse: You may be sick, but still eat healthy)
3. If you're alive, your mother must have given birth to you. (You may be alive, but perhaps you were born of a surrogate mother and not necessarily your biological mother).

We can contrast this with an "If and only if" statement. Eg if I rephrased this as "If and only if I was in India, I would meet up with you anytime, any place, anywhere" or whatever I said. This would mean that if I'm in India, I'm going to meet with you anywhere in India. If you and I were to meet anywhere in India, I would have to be in India.

Seeing as how I am not in India currently, can you see how my "challenge to meet anywhere in India" is not actually true?

By the way, let's continue our lesson. This statement was preceded by you threatening me. Here's the quote: "When you don't learn manners at home then you will be taught manners on street forcefully." My response, which doesn't necessarily have to be fulfilled to be true, was just that, a response to your threat.

BTW, empty threats and callous disregard for intelligence is not how our ancestors would have handled any of this.

I gave you one warning. I will respectfully request mods to censor you.
You are the one who needs a break from the forum to reflect on their mindset. You made assertions which can’t be backed by facts. When presented with facts, you changed the goal posts. Reading comprehension requires criticality and a discourse to articulate your position. Your assertion was that hotel rooms in India have dirty sheets. You were making a blanket statements about hotels that cost $50/night have dirty sheets. The counter point made was… there are hundreds of thousands of hotels in India which have a better ambiance and upkeep than US hotels at 50/night. When presented with evidence where we directly contrasted a tiny home in Houston Texas which used to be a barn with penthouse condos which you can rent in a metro like Hyderabad, you had no rebuttal and degraded the conversation into India is filthy, my gori friends get asked for their pictures taken. When you were checked on that by plenty of video evidence of Gori girls settling and living alone in India for multiple years, you further changed the topic to the streets are filthy.

The point being you open up new topics and when there is a perspective or facts that contradicts what you say; you changed the goal posts. This is a signal of debating with someone with textbook narcissism. Your assertion was those things that I listed above and they were proven false. Anecdotal evidence is insufficient as proof. If that is what’s required to establish an assertion; then all the videos I shared also establish the West as Filthy. With respect to girls being taken advantage of in the west; the less stated about the statistics the better.

The main panga most forum members have with you is based on the intentionality of your posts. You want Indians in India to be apologetic about their existence and you want to establish yourself higher on a social hierarchy which you fabricated in your mind. You get upset when that construct is being challenged. You grasp at any idea or assertion that keeps that construct in place so you can feel good about yourself. The textbook definition of this is narcissistic behavior.
Regarding all the pretentiousness about your medical domain expertise, in the valley there are a hundred companies working on automating your job. There is no difference between your capabilities and what ChatGPT will be able to do in terms of diagnosis, and routine medical examinations. Furthermore multimodal models are also capable of inspecting and classifying lab reports. It’s a matter of time when world models and precision sensors replace doctors entirely. So I’m not sure you should act so pompous about your domain expertise or look down upon Indian doctors.
Regarding my reason for moving to the west. It has nothing to do with cleanliness or standards of living. In fact I sacrificed my standard of living by moving to the west. However, my motivation is mainly based on the community I surround myself with (mostly Indians and other Asians) who work on cutting edge problems / research in the valley.

I put up with the faults in the west because the trade off between my personal growth and standard of living compels me to stay. Surrounding yourself with the smartest, most motivated people who are inspired to work on hard problems is like an addictive drug. Once you experience it, you can’t go back to the mundane life.

These opportunities are a result of American immigration policy around importing the best talent. My personal motivation is the opportunity to work on cutting edge research and accelerating my personal growth. If you have money, your standard of living is much higher in India than in the US.
Both of these things can be true at once.

Indian lifestyle is better and staying in west for personal growth is better.
I've been ignoring your posts since yesterday. I didn't realize you even replied until just now. Makes good sense why I'm ignoring. Personal growth is better in the USA but somehow the lifestyle in India is better. Leave. Don't come back. Your "standard of living" isn't just about money. I can go outside for a walk and not breathe noxious, pollution filled air. My eyes aren't decimated by seeing trash all over the place. I don't have to worry about watching men, in very public places, urinating openly. For women, they don't have to worry about men asking them to take pictures and then just looking at them nonstop at best, taking pictures of them at worst. I know that if I'm in line, a horde of people won't try to cut me even though I may have been waiting for one hour. At least the priests at the temples here don't demand cut money also.

Hotels in the US for what you pay are substantially better than anything in India. Your argument is that if you pay $1000 or whatever, you will get 5* treatment. I have very very basic hygiene standards. Clean sheets isn't about how much you pay. It's basic civic decency. This is what is missing in India, and the Indian consciousness. And based on how people in this thread have handled it, India will never, never modernize. Instead leeches such as yourself will migrate to the West and refuse to return.

Edit: How could I forget! When you go to a restaurant, you don't have to worry about strangers sitting at your table. You can rest easy with your family, or your boyfriend or girlfriend, knowing it's only you. No accosting by strangers. Yes, definitely better for personal growth!
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When you don't learn manners at home then you will be taught manners on street forcefully.

You called India Filthy and want to get away under the garb of FOE and constructive criticism.

You threatening forum member with violence and advocating deportation.

@moderators of this forum are dumb who taking insult of India ( Called Filthy) as freedom of expression. If this is a FOE let @londonparistokyo tell this to his employer and let's see the reaction.

He is showing temple picture just to get brownie points like Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars. He is Anti-hindu.
Large sections of India are indeed filthy. Patriotism doesn't mean being blind to our own drawbacks.

And yes, calling India filthy comes under FOE. If India was actually clean, you'd laugh when someone calls it filthy. You are triggered because, you know that the guy saying India is filthy, is correct.

Instead of crying, we need to pressurize our local municipality clowns to ACTUALLY do their job. Also, certain citizens lack any civic sense whatsoever. We need to start actually penalizing such citizens with heavy fines.
Large sections of India are indeed filthy. Patriotism doesn't mean being blind to our own drawbacks.

And yes, calling India filthy comes under FOE. If India was actually clean, you'd laugh when someone calls it filthy. You are triggered because, you know that the guy saying India is filthy, is correct.

Instead of crying, we need to pressurize our local municipality clowns to ACTUALLY do their job. Also, certain citizens lack any civic sense whatsoever. We need to start actually penalizing such citizens with heavy fines.

I will concede this point: I perhaps could have been kinder with my words. But I was genuinely disappointed, and shocked, and appalled at what I saw.
I've been ignoring your posts since yesterday. I didn't realize you even replied until just now. Makes good sense why I'm ignoring. Personal growth is better in the USA but somehow the lifestyle in India is better. Leave. Don't come back. Your "standard of living" isn't just about money. I can go outside for a walk and not breathe noxious, pollution filled air. My eyes aren't decimated by seeing trash all over the place. I don't have to worry about watching men, in very public places, urinating openly. For women, they don't have to worry about men asking them to take pictures and then just looking at them nonstop at best, taking pictures of them at worst. I know that if I'm in line, a horde of people won't try to cut me even though I may have been waiting for one hour. At least the priests at the temples here don't demand cut money also.

Hotels in the US for what you pay are substantially better than anything in India. Your argument is that if you pay $1000 or whatever, you will get 5* treatment. I have very very basic hygiene standards. Clean sheets isn't about how much you pay. It's basic civic decency. This is what is missing in India, and the Indian consciousness. And based on how people in this thread have handled it, India will never, never modernize. Instead leeches such as yourself will migrate to the West and refuse to return.

Edit: How could I forget! When you go to a restaurant, you don't have to worry about strangers sitting at your table. You can rest easy with your family, or your boyfriend or girlfriend, knowing it's only you. No accosting by strangers. Yes, definitely better for personal growth!
Once again delusional. Stop changing the goal posts, where would you rather stay. The tiny home in Houston or a penthouse condo. They cost the same.

lol, you have no idea how bad the west is. Seems like you recently migrated there or you walk on egg shells.

Your food is poisoned and your water is heavily contaminated with chemicals. It is next to impossible to get uncontaminated food. You are constantly inflamed because the food supply is chemically altered.

Why do you think US has such high levels of autism and other mental disorders?

Regarding the air quality, the western air quality is better but you are exposed constantly to a bad food supply. If you had any kids, you have a second layer to worry about.

The water in Flint Michigan to this day is still contaminated. Can you go to Flint Michigan without water bottles?

Regarding trash, I have lived in Metros like San Francisco. The city is littered with human poop, drug needles and waste. If you want to point fingers at India, then you HAVE to concede that America has it too.

Regarding emigration back to India, I’m living in India half the time. So your comment about going back doesn’t really have affect on me. Like I said, I have a subsidiary in India and I travel back and forth between the two countries.
Large sections of India are indeed filthy. Patriotism doesn't mean being blind to our own drawbacks.

And yes, calling India filthy comes under FOE. If India was actually clean, you'd laugh when someone calls it filthy. You are triggered because, you know that the guy saying India is filthy, is correct.

Instead of crying, we need to pressurize our local municipality clowns to ACTUALLY do their job. Also, certain citizens lack any civic sense whatsoever. We need to start actually penalizing such citizens with heavy fines.
I have no problem criticizing India as long as the lens for criticism is the same for the west. What I despise is people who ape the western narrative of infallible lifestyles in the US and unobtanium criteria for India.
I've been ignoring your posts since yesterday. I didn't realize you even replied until just now. Makes good sense why I'm ignoring. Personal growth is better in the USA but somehow the lifestyle in India is better. Leave. Don't come back. Your "standard of living" isn't just about money. I can go outside for a walk and not breathe noxious, pollution filled air. My eyes aren't decimated by seeing trash all over the place. I don't have to worry about watching men, in very public places, urinating openly. For women, they don't have to worry about men asking them to take pictures and then just looking at them nonstop at best, taking pictures of them at worst. I know that if I'm in line, a horde of people won't try to cut me even though I may have been waiting for one hour. At least the priests at the temples here don't demand cut money also.

Hotels in the US for what you pay are substantially better than anything in India. Your argument is that if you pay $1000 or whatever, you will get 5* treatment. I have very very basic hygiene standards. Clean sheets isn't about how much you pay. It's basic civic decency. This is what is missing in India, and the Indian consciousness. And based on how people in this thread have handled it, India will never, never modernize. Instead leeches such as yourself will migrate to the West and refuse to return.

Edit: How could I forget! When you go to a restaurant, you don't have to worry about strangers sitting at your table. You can rest easy with your family, or your boyfriend or girlfriend, knowing it's only you. No accosting by strangers. Yes, definitely better for personal growth!
lol. What kind of bullshit restaurants do you go to where you are pinching Pennies fighting over tables.

I have traveled with my wife and kids in India and have spent as less as 70INR per meal and never had to fight for a table.

Even if you had to share tables, using it as standard of measurement for some sort of cleanliness or showing disgust is not something I will concede. People throughout the world share tables. This happens in Japan, Germany, and southern Europe and most of Latin America. I don’t have to prescribe to the Eurocentric standard which you adopted and feel guilty about it.

If you actually travel, you would know that Germany has beer gardens. Japan most people eat on bar stools shoulder to shoulder in ramen shops on the side of the road. In southern Europe in every small town the tables are shared space in countries like Italy and Spain. Most of these tables are on the sidewalk where random strangers walk by you and invade your space. So don’t give me that I can’t get a table to myself without interacting with strangers as a measuring stick to say India is undeveloped.

Japan has public baths where you get naked with other strangers and take baths together.

In Europe there are urinals where you all piss into the same flowing stream.

You assume that your standards are something the rest of the world will abide by. I have high standards for my diet and cleanliness in my house. I find it disgusting that Americans wear their shoes indoors. I find it disgusting that they make out with their dogs. I find it gross that they don’t wash and just wipe. I find it weird they don’t shower everyday. Using your logic; America is also filthy. Let’s all post about it on this forum on how Americans need to self improve.

Your sense of disgust is not from poor standards in India but rather how you perceive yourself on a social hierarchy compared to other Indians. No one has challenged you or cut you down to size from an Indian perspective. You don’t know better and have little to no appreciation for criticizing the west with the same vigor you criticize India. This is called eurocentrism.
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I have no problem criticizing India as long as the lens for criticism is the same for the west. What I despise is people who ape the western narrative of infallible lifestyles in the US and unobtanium criteria for India.

BTW, I'm heavily pro-India and West has plenty of drawbacks when it comes to their family values, general levels of accepted degeneracy etc

I also believe that the true, elite Hindu culture is much better than anything the West has. I'm surrounded by conservative, Brahminical Hindus who are high achievers and good people in general with little to no degeneracy.

India's issues are that 50% thinks this Brahminical high culture is bad and ooga booga, subhuman tier culture should be the norm.

The first culture produces ISRO Scientists who succeed in Mars missions while the second culture produces Street shitters. Sadly both get to share the same country.

This is also why I criticise BJP a lot. Instead of actively promoting Hindu high culture, they do Bhimta appeasement for votes.

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