Chit Chat

Brahminical high culture stop putting out caste-supremacy thinking. It is a hindu culture. I have seen retared people from all caste also.
Majority of Brahmins are now poor without much inherited wealth, and due to high reservation in publicly financed education sector and govt jobs, have nowhere to go except for studying harder and looking for jobs in pvt sector. Except if you have exceptional IQ levels
I guess that's won't stop someone to reply or quote us.
Mods do give warning but if repeatedly misbehaving users are not banned then they may keep provocking others. It affects site's reputaion also when there are many forums like this.
Anyways, thanks.
But why do you care about replies or quote? You won't be notified or see his comment.
Read ASER report you will get a clearer picture.

I don't understand, why are the numbers going down? Btw, from what I saw PISA is extremely easy. Tests very basic reading comprehension skills and stuff...?

edit: I think the numbers are going down because it means less students are unable to do it. It's like backwards English. Also, it's absolutely pathetic that states like MP and Gujarat, where BJP have dominated, have done apparently nothing for education for children. Absolutely pathetic.
But why do you care about replies or quote? You won't be notified or see his comment.
But i'll be visiting the threads, so no notification doesn't change situation if immatured personal comments continue directly or indirectly in the open thread. Anyways, it is over. All the grown-ups here were also kids once, so every youngster must learn formal communication or soft skills w/o which all intelligence, knowledge is waste. Fresher to CEO, everybody is dispensable today.

do we have this at major airports in india?? south korean incident is a reminder this is quite alarming in india as well .

Majority of Brahmins are now poor without much inherited wealth, and due to high reservation in publicly financed education sector and govt jobs, have nowhere to go except for studying harder and looking for jobs in pvt sector. Except if you have exceptional IQ levels
Bro both Amdekardite and people like you are same. If we need to develop people like you should be less in quantity.I don't care which castes of people are poor i see them as hindu if they respect our culture we need to uplit them all. Majority of Brahmins are now poor is cope. I do think Indian state is against hindu I don't see them as different castes.

I don't understand, why are the numbers going down? Btw, from what I saw PISA is extremely easy. Tests very basic reading comprehension skills and stuff...?

edit: I think the numbers are going down because it means less students are unable to do it. It's like backwards English. Also, it's absolutely pathetic that states like MP and Gujarat, where BJP have dominated, have done apparently nothing for education for children. Absolutely pathetic.
Yeah man india is shit you can enjoy America while it lasts.
If we need to develop people like you should be less in quantity.
True, we are just too much in quantity.
I don't care which castes of people are poor i see them as hindu
On the contrary I do care about rampant poverty in our society. Not a fan of religious politics.

Majority of Brahmins are now poor is cope.
Maybe or maybe not. Anyway it’s just not worth arguing. So I’ll let it pass

I do think Indian state is against hindu
I honestly don’t
This is very much true , i'll tell you about electronics (as it is my branch) from what i have observed in my college in two years. Electronics is booming no doubt about it there are many more companies now recruiting than before , when i researched about this found that 20% of global IC design is done in india ,
listened to a podcast by cpu architect Jim Keller the entire zen architect for AMD is done in India and Taiwan , Also NVIDIA does in IC design in India apart from Taiwan and USA but simply all this never translated to IC Design companies or Semicon manufacturing mind you the first American company to start a branch in bangalore was not a tech giant but Texas instruments (for VLSI etc roles) . A reason for not opening of IC design companies may be due to after certain year of experience in India in this electronics field many just go to abroad for pHD and Masters for better prospects in research and to advance in this field (this is what i have heard from my seniors what they usually do after having good amount of experience ) and even salary is not much issue in electronics they pay more than enough (but ofc not at par with it). so if you are in tier 1 and tier 1ish college there will be opportunity in electronics and other college students usually do masters to get into VLSI etc roles
I read about the CHIPS act of usa and i think they will try to attract design engineers more and more it was mentioned in it. Also afaik there is a good startup something regarding drones they give to bsf etc my friend does internship there it was partly funded by gov scheme small steps but i think we have started slowly
some more things regarding this , when SCL (gov owned semicon lab) first started its production somewhere around 1980 or so it got into collab with some company named american microsystems
they started with tech transfer of older tech like 5 micron cmos (comp metal oxide semi) tech and i think soon after some year we reached to 800 nanometer we were like one generation behind the likes of intel and other giants at that point of time , we were manufacturing some components for hitachi and many other companies , assembly of bbc acorn computer etc , everything was going great until a fire broke out in 1989 in the facility and halted it's growth
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and it took 8 years to restart the production there but till then it was too late and we never recovered from it, sometimes it looks like luck was clearly not with us . Everything was going good we had financial backing , talent but alas

link regarding bbc microcomputers made by SCL :-
and it took 8 years to restart the production there but till then it was too late and we never recovered from it, sometimes it looks like luck was clearly not with us . Everything was going good we had financial backing , talent but alas

link regarding bbc microcomputers made by SCL :-

How the SCL Fire destroyed India’s Semiconductor Dreams​

Twitter has these disease of generaziling things too much. Retard didn't think about people who are against this shit in kerala itself.

This meme of "Where are you from? I'M FROM KYERALA SAAR!" while in a foreign country, is very old, they are like this apparently.

>Kerala saar, not India saar, we eat beeph
Is a new development though, maybe greens and commie mallus do this.

TLDR is like their other commie bhois in the East of the country they too have some meme superiority complex, supposedly their state is well known worldwide per them i guess?
This meme of "Where are you from? I'M FROM KYERALA SAAR!" while in a foreign country, is very old, they are like this apparently.

>Kerala saar, not India saar, we eat beeph
Is a new development though, maybe greens and commie mallus do this.

TLDR is like their other commie bhois in the East of the country they too have some meme superiority complex, supposedly their state is well known worldwide per them i guess?
As far as the 'former commie state of east' is concerned, I can assure you that it is a very loud mouthed minority that keeps yelling that way. The avg WB guy (including the ones that vote for the Queen) knows that his state is fucked.
@Admin @Vinash @Suryavanshi do we have a specific section for these type of posts ?
Electronic and semiconductor thread.

As far as the 'former commie state of east' is concerned, I can assure you that it is a very loud mouthed minority that keeps yelling that way. The avg WB guy (including the ones that vote for the Queen) knows that his state is fucked.

I am convinced that "We wuz superiur n sheeit" mindset is purposely spread by Commies to keep people distracted from the failure of their rule and retarded policies.
High skilled Bongs migrate all across the country for jobs.

Mallus of all skill levels migrate to the Gulf for jobs
So much so that al-Geralam has 4 international airports, highest in the country for any state.

Thank god Coomie parties are on the decline nationwide, they should only be preserved in JNU type places like how you have animals in the zoo

Kerala was ok-ok when country got independence but Kolkata and Bengal were equal-equal to Bombay and Delhi and all and 35 years of hammer and sickle chutiyas ruined the state, city and the mindset of the people too.
I am convinced that "We wuz superiur n sheeit" mindset is purposely spread by Commies to keep people distracted from the failure of their rule and retarded policies.
You overestimate commies. They have a grand total of 0 MLAs right now as we speak.

High skilled Bongs migrate all across the country for jobs.
Even the low skilled ones migrate. Everybody leaves Bengal. :bplease:
Mallus of all skill levels migrate to the Gulf for jobs
So much so that al-Geralam has 4 international airports, highest in the country for any state.

Thank god Coomie parties are on the decline nationwide, they should only be preserved in JNU type places like how you have animals in the zoo

Kerala was ok-ok when country got independence but Kolkata and Bengal were equal-equal to Bombay and Delhi and all and 35 years of hammer and sickle chutiyas ruined the state, city and the mindset of the people too.

Kolkata's decline is not entirely on the commies tho, they only accelerated it (look up my last post on economy thread for more details).

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