Chit Chat

Yes I did that!

Those small changes make the post more engaging and easy readable.

Have a balance in highlighting and bold text. If you have 50-50% in normal and bold text then it make is hard to read.
It is meant for quick readers. All news media, earlier newspapers & now online news work like that.
The TV news channels also have running banners which many people find irritating, they find it difficult to hear the news & read the banner simultaneiously, but can't do anything.
This is very much true , i'll tell you about electronics (as it is my branch) from what i have observed in my college in two years. Electronics is booming no doubt about it there are many more companies now recruiting than before , when i researched about this found that 20% of global IC design is done in india ,
listened to a podcast by cpu architect Jim Keller the entire zen architect for AMD is done in India and Taiwan , Also NVIDIA does in IC design in India apart from Taiwan and USA but simply all this never translated to IC Design companies or Semicon manufacturing mind you the first American company to start a branch in bangalore was not a tech giant but Texas instruments (for VLSI etc roles) . A reason for not opening of IC design companies may be due to after certain year of experience in India in this electronics field many just go to abroad for pHD and Masters for better prospects in research and to advance in this field (this is what i have heard from my seniors what they usually do after having good amount of experience ) and even salary is not much issue in electronics they pay more than enough (but ofc not at par with it). so if you are in tier 1 and tier 1ish college there will be opportunity in electronics and other college students usually do masters to get into VLSI etc roles
I read about the CHIPS act of usa and i think they will try to attract design engineers more and more it was mentioned in it. Also afaik there is a good startup something regarding drones they give to bsf etc my friend does internship there it was partly funded by gov scheme small steps but i think we have started slowly
Perfectly written
In this industry u need high specialization it's not like there are shortage of jobs in this industry but simply a btech grad isn't that skillful to do anything substantial
U definitely need to pursue Mtech and for advance u need phd
Companies like amd nvidia TI, analogue devices do hire btech from clgs
Even design companies like Synopsys arm MG hire btech grads
But again growth is limited unless the person does Mtech
After got introduced to vhdl verilog and PCB design in clg I understood how critical these topics are
The IT Kool-Aid has spread brainrot that jobs in Electronics, Semiconductors, Materials, Chemicals can be achieved by doing 6-Month courses just like in CS. Even a entry level job needs Masters.
yeah it's true but hardly a few people opt for masters when they see IT companies offering high packages on campus (for btech grads) as many of middle class peeps can't afford to study for extra 2 years for masters , so they rather change the whole trajectory of their careers towards IT
And much of people who pursue masters in electronics are generally those who are placed on campus after achieving some experience and money in the field , even my plan is the same i have huge interest in electronics field mainly aiming for digital and analog design roles if i get placed then only i will follow the electronics path , if not then i'll be just another codejeet
yeah it's true but hardly a few people opt for masters when they see IT companies offering high packages on campus (for btech grads) as many of middle class peeps can't afford to study for extra 2 years for masters , so they rather change the whole trajectory of their careers towards IT
B.Techs are fine but we are not producing enough M.Techs and Ph.Ds, they are actually required if we want to advance past the value chain. At my IIT, half of the PhDs does it all while looking for alternatives like Gormint Job.

Do we lack people unwilling to do Masters? Heck No. Most people are selling their lands to go abroad to do Masters. The fault lies in low wages relatively to CS. Either the CS wage bubble has to burst or should our Dhandomaxxers should spend more on wages and less on their useless kin marriages.
The fault lies in low wages relatively to CS. Either the CS wage bubble has to burst or should our Dhandomaxxers should spend more on wages and less on their useless kin marriages.
That's true i asked some of my batchmate about doing job in core the main reason they gave were that core companies salaries are less compared to the IT ones, even tho the packages being offered by majority of core companies in electronics domain is >11lpa which i think is reasonable as we are still freshers but when compared to IT they look less
heck even some of my batchmates prefer doing non-tech jobs rather than core ones as they offer much more packages
I've an even better strategy Sensei

As of now I've never had a beef on this forum with anyone except for that gentleman, so I'll just completely ignore whatever his opinions are and continue my usual brainrot shitposting with other members; they seem pretty chill about it.

Take my words, there won't be any more least from that gentleman.
Enough of your snarky attitude. You have already been warned of this. Are you asking for another warning?
The IT Kool-Aid has spread brainrot that jobs in Electronics, Semiconductors, Materials, Chemicals can be achieved by doing 6-Month courses just like in CS. Even a entry level job needs Masters.
Yeah but Indian students don't have european or American financial security
Most of them aren't single child most of them have their parents retired when they passout
Easier way is the best way but even IT isn't easy
Attaining coding skills are difficult especially for product based companies
Students can't change everything
Namaste everyone! :clap2:

To start off, I would like to wish each and everyone here on this forum a very Merry Christmas and a very happy new year in advance as the new year is going to be in a few days.


Looking forward to 2025 being a new year full of new experiences, and moments to witness!


I hope all of you are doing fine. It's been a long time since I have been actively posting on this forum.

Actually I was supposed to write this post on the very early hours of 25th December but unfortunately I didn't get time, actually now I hardly have any time to spend on online forums with the exception of a little lurking here and there on DFB. I tried to search up DFI a few days back but for some reason I am not able to operate the site anymore, don't know if it's some issue with my browser or something else but irrespective of that, DFB is now where it is.

Incase anyone is wondering what I am pursuing currently, then for those people:
  • I am currently pursuing a B.Sc, I am in Sem-II with Zoology as my major and Geology as my minor.
  • I am preparing for NEET simultaneously alongside my B.Sc. I just started preparing for it recently. I am trying my best to clear the cut-off for general category for an MBBS seat at Goa Medical College.
  • My Final Goal is like this: Prepare for NEET Fully, give it my best next year, if Goa Medical College cut-off is cleared, then I will go for it.
  • If I am not able to crack NEET, I will not be feel disheartened rather I will go ahead and continue with B.Sc and work very hard there, do M.Sc and even Ph.D, either I will opt for Zoology or Geology. If I am able to pursue a Ph.D, then I will be one of the first or actually the very first in my family lineage or bloodline to pursue a Ph.D in any field.
  • I will make sure to cultivate all the necessary skills during college which will be needed by me to survive in this world because my mother always reminds me that competition is very high in today's world and it's very difficult to get a job, as there is competition on each & every turn of life and I need to be prepared for the worst both mentally and physically.
  • Regardless of graduation, I will answer UPSC to try for an IAS position or get into real estate position.
So how is life going on for me?
All I can say is that I am going through the ups and downs of life. I learnt so many valuable lessons in this year that I couldn't ask for more. Today I realise that I am so privileged to be blessed with so many things. If it weren't for my mother, and several of my family members, I would have been a clueless youth who wouldn't have even want to finish schooling let alone even think of pursuing a Ph.D in anything. Also I am very happy to know that I will never get into bad habits like smoking or drinking, courtesy my very strict upbringing by my parents.

Just to share an incident: A few days back a relative of mine had expired in an accident. Coincidentally the very same night he passed away, we met him in the evening at Panjim city on 24th of December, he passed away the same night. He was drunk while riding, and now he is no more. He has a kid who is 3 years old and a wife, I can't imagine how the kid is going to feel growing up without a father. This was just one of the few lessons that I have taken up from my life, which will make me think at least ten times before I even think of taking a sip of alcohol, with the exception of fenni (like very very rarely), I don't drink alcohol.

Life has been very hard for me lately, lot of family disputes are happening and I am trying my best to get over something that happened last in 2023, won't disclose it right now but maybe in the near future I will narrate the story. Since my great aunt passed away in January of this year, just a month before I turned 18, so many things are happening, to the point of even thinking of doing something very stupid, if you understood by what I mean. But I understand that these moments will make me stronger, and there is no excuse. I am going through them because it's my destiny and God wants me to come out stronger. Remember this: God only gives us enough that we can bear, not more.

I am 18 Y/Os old and soon going to be 19, and I have two more years of teenage years left in me and I do not wish to waste them living in a digital world, these days of youth will never come again, I still feel like a kid and not an adult for the most part.

Regardless of what I become in life, I hope I do each and everything possible for the better of this country as a patriot, and be a good human being and contribute to the betterment of society, this is all I want.
Namaste everyone! :clap2:

To start off, I would like to wish each and everyone here on this forum a very Merry Christmas and a very happy new year in advance as the new year is going to be in a few days.


Looking forward to 2025 being a new year full of new experiences, and moments to witness!

View attachment 19932

I hope all of you are doing fine. It's been a long time since I have been actively posting on this forum.

Actually I was supposed to write this post on the very early hours of 25th December but unfortunately I didn't get time, actually now I hardly have any time to spend on online forums with the exception of a little lurking here and there on DFB. I tried to search up DFI a few days back but for some reason I am not able to operate the site anymore, don't know if it's some issue with my browser or something else but irrespective of that, DFB is now where it is.

Incase anyone is wondering what I am pursuing currently, then for those people:
  • I am currently pursuing a B.Sc, I am in Sem-II with Zoology as my major and Geology as my minor.
  • I am preparing for NEET simultaneously alongside my B.Sc. I just started preparing for it recently. I am trying my best to clear the cut-off for general category for an MBBS seat at Goa Medical College.
  • My Final Goal is like this: Prepare for NEET Fully, give it my best next year, if Goa Medical College cut-off is cleared, then I will go for it.
  • If I am not able to crack NEET, I will not be feel disheartened rather I will go ahead and continue with B.Sc and work very hard there, do M.Sc and even Ph.D, either I will opt for Zoology or Geology. If I am able to pursue a Ph.D, then I will be one of the first or actually the very first in my family lineage or bloodline to pursue a Ph.D in any field.
  • I will make sure to cultivate all the necessary skills during college which will be needed by me to survive in this world because my mother always reminds me that competition is very high in today's world and it's very difficult to get a job, as there is competition on each & every turn of life and I need to be prepared for the worst both mentally and physically.
  • Regardless of graduation, I will answer UPSC to try for an IAS position or get into real estate position.
So how is life going on for me?
All I can say is that I am going through the ups and downs of life. I learnt so many valuable lessons in this year that I couldn't ask for more. Today I realise that I am so privileged to be blessed with so many things. If it weren't for my mother, and several of my family members, I would have been a clueless youth who wouldn't have even want to finish schooling let alone even think of pursuing a Ph.D in anything. Also I am very happy to know that I will never get into bad habits like smoking or drinking, courtesy my very strict upbringing by my parents.

Just to share an incident: A few days back a relative of mine had expired in an accident. Coincidentally the very same night he passed away, we met him in the evening at Panjim city on 24th of December, he passed away the same night. He was drunk while riding, and now he is no more. He has a kid who is 3 years old and a wife, I can't imagine how the kid is going to feel growing up without a father. This was just one of the few lessons that I have taken up from my life, which will make me think at least ten times before I even think of taking a sip of alcohol, with the exception of fenni (like very very rarely), I don't drink alcohol.

Life has been very hard for me lately, lot of family disputes are happening and I am trying my best to get over something that happened last in 2023, won't disclose it right now but maybe in the near future I will narrate the story. Since my great aunt passed away in January of this year, just a month before I turned 18, so many things are happening, to the point of even thinking of doing something very stupid, if you understood by what I mean. But I understand that these moments will make me stronger, and there is no excuse. I am going through them because it's my destiny and God wants me to come out stronger. Remember this: God only gives us enough that we can bear, not more.

I am 18 Y/Os old and soon going to be 19, and I have two more years of teenage years left in me and I do not wish to waste them living in a digital world, these days of youth will never come again, I still feel like a kid and not an adult for the most part.

Regardless of what I become in life, I hope I do each and everything possible for the better of this country as a patriot, and be a good human being and contribute to the betterment of society, this is all I want.

Merry Christmas!
I expected you to get into the engineer streams, very surprising to see you going into medical
Godspeed and God Bless for your education and career
Merry Christmas!
I expected you to get into the engineer streams, very surprising to see you going into medical
Godspeed and God Bless for your education and career
I originally did aspire to become an engineer, more precisely an aerospace engineer considering how much I admire and love aviation but because of several reasons I left that path, maybe in some other life I might end up becoming a fighter pilot or an aerospace engineer or any other engineer.

My mother too told me that she wouldn't allow me to get into Engineering even if I got a seat because according to her I am too dumb and stupid to understand anything in engineering and that I will not be able to do it and that I have a very low IQ, according to her though.

Add to the fact that I wasn't able to answer JEE or NEET this year because of registration problems. If I were to have answered JEE mains, I would have got a seat in Goa Engineering College (GEC) or some other engineering college in Goa but unfortunately I couldn't answer JEE like I mentioned earlier. I even screwed up in my XIIth boards because I fell ill for almost four papers.

Now it's not guaranteed I will get into medical because for medicine I need to answer NEET, and the competition for NEET has become really very high, to the point that its next to impossible to get a seat in any medical college but I am trying my absolute best for NEET 2025, I just recently started studying for it.

In worst case I don't crack the NEET exam, I will continue with B.Sc, do M.Sc, do Ph.D and get into real estate or something else. If I get MBBS, I will become a doctor and serve the country, and side by side get into business too if possible.

All I want is that I do everything possible for the better of this country, nothing more.
And thank you for your best wishes too.🙏🏻
Now I'm 10000000% sure that you are not a doctor.

You are a delhite chutiya with zero knowledge whatsoever the subject is

I even doubt you live in USA. May be you are a pizza delivery man from greater kailash New Delhi.
Bhai isme Delhi kaha aaga gaya. Friendly fire mat karo re
BTW, I'm heavily pro-India and West has plenty of drawbacks when it comes to their family values, general levels of accepted degeneracy etc

I also believe that the true, elite Hindu culture is much better than anything the West has. I'm surrounded by conservative, Brahminical Hindus who are high achievers and good people in general with little to no degeneracy.

India's issues are that 50% thinks this Brahminical high culture is bad and ooga booga, subhuman tier culture should be the norm.

The first culture produces ISRO Scientists who succeed in Mars missions while the second culture produces Street shitters. Sadly both get to share the same country.

This is also why I criticise BJP a lot. Instead of actively promoting Hindu high culture, they do Bhimta appeasement for votes.
Brahminical high culture stop putting out caste-supremacy thinking. It is a hindu culture. I have seen retared people from all caste also.
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Hilarious to see Russikes meltdown in their forum on Chings 6th Gen. Way more braindead takes in each of the single comment there than this entire forum. But is it "sUpEr mAnEuVeRabLe"? They can't seem to accept they just made an Internal Weapon Bay version of a 4.5 gen Jet.
Is he abusing you ? Has he done any racism with you ? If someone like a blue eyed blonde, what’s that have to do with you ? Are you going to decide what someone likes or not? Tomorrow is some African knocks your door asking him to handover your daughters for some fun time, you will surrender to prove how libral and non-racist/woke you are ? Even if she don't want it because of her personal preference, are you going to lecture her that she’s racist if she doesn’t like a pure charcoal coloured skin ?
Why this urge to correct everyone? Why not limit your opinion to yourself instead of forcing your preferences over others ?
If he like white skin, its his choice. He’s not forcing you to like it. You can do whatever you want

I’ve nothing against black skin and believe that beauty is not just about certain skin colour, it’s more complex than that. But I hate when people throw random woke words like racist, facist, nazi, zionism etc. Eveybody has personal preferences. Some like Black cars some white, red, purple, peacock green etc. some like suv some sedan hatchbacks etc.
you can’t call someone racist because of his personal opinion and preferences. His genetic theory is irrelevant here.
I dislike people who have the habit of lecturing others while they do all kind of stupid stuff in real life.
PS: IMO Everybody is racist to an extent and those that pretend otherwise are often more racist in real life.
And I admit that I overreacted a bit more

Are you going to decide what someone likes or not?
nobody did. ??

Tomorrow is some African knocks your door asking him to handover your daughters for some fun time, you will surrender to prove how libral and non-racist/woke you are ? Even if she don't want it because of her personal preference, are you going to lecture her that she’s racist if she doesn’t like a pure charcoal coloured skin ?
who hurt you bro?

Why this urge to correct everyone?

Why not limit your opinion to yourself instead of forcing your preferences over others ?

If he like white skin, its his choice. He’s not forcing you to like it.
If I dont like racism, its my choice. I'm not forcing you to like it.

You can do whatever you want
I do, and did. but then you seem to keep seething about it.

A natural racist is better
Has he done any racism with you ?
But I hate when people throw random woke words like racist
do you hear yourself, bro?

you can’t call someone racist because of his personal opinion
if you make those personal opinions public, yes, you can.

His genetic theory is irrelevant here.
that is the only relevent point of contention here. you seem to have missed the plot somewhere.

I dislike people who have the habit of lecturing others while they do all kind of stupid stuff in real life.

IMO Everybody is racist to an extent and those that pretend otherwise are often more racist in real life.
again projection.

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