It's not even about that if we see it with a clear lense.
He himself says that the education they get in those area is not enough, so who's fault is that?
The gormint obviously, buy does it occur to anybody that perhaps better educators and facilities would uplift them more than any reservation?
So in his scenarios he says Reservation is necessary for uplifitment, fair enough but what's the impact of it on overall population?
Say 1000 ST are competing for 10 seats, all had the same education standard that he described.
10 gets the job what about rest of the 990? As Vin says that are incapable if not for reservation, due to the sate of education they had been subjected to. Should rest of the 990 wait for another year to compete for 10 seats again the next very year and get uplifted?
Has it ever occurred to them that a demand for reservation in jobs only uplifted the few but a improvement in education would benefit rest of the 990 fellas. Even if they didn't get the job they can try their luck in rest of the private ecosystem with their education at hand. Proper basic education enables a man to pursue something other than a gormint job.
Penny wise pound foolish.
If the evil is state of education than it should be the main concern why put all the hopes in reservation?
Do the ST get some kind of moral glee after taking a position that they knew someone else could have gotten?
How is this any differnet than wignat demanding job just for being white? Fake sense of entitlement in both the case? "I deserved that thing because I want it desperately even if I do not do the position justice".
If the argument is that uper caste will discriminate against ST if they get all the post than say it for what it is, why dance around the topic?
@vin pahadi (kumauni)