Chit Chat

@vin pahadi (kumauni) i saw you stated that you live in chamoli etc etc due to geographical reasons you should be entitled to reservation irrespective of your economic status but as far as geographical reasons are concerned many ST are facing same geographical issues as much as a local general guy living in himalayan state so what makes you think you should be entitled for the same while the other guy shouldn't ?
Plenty of poor, rural UC Hindus have the same issue.

But, they don't get reservation due to their caste. A rich, urban SC/ST will still get reservation.
Khatarnak qutiya hai bhai ye. No wonder such people need certificate in evey step of life to be able to outcompete others living in the same area and possibly in worse economic conditions but are not certificate-dharis
i know how low government is providing jobs etc these days...but no other ST questions about genral reservation. onky showing genral critisizing SC/ST for reservation. thats why i always ready to remember genral brothers, that keep ur eyes open. even genral is benefitting with different kind of reservation.

Any reservation is stupid (unless aimed at the physically challenged). It is good only that reservations are going to play an increasingly smaller role in the day to day lives of the citizens and caste kanging has stopped proving efficient as a political strategy. Shows the depth of economic progress of the nation (rapid economic growth counters every political ideology).
Khatarnak qutiya hai bhai ye. No wonder such people need certificate in evey step of life to be able to outcompete others living in the same area and possibly in worse economic conditions but are not certificate-dharis
qutiya tu hai jo ek ST village nd simple village ke beech ka difference bhi nhi janta....😂. no one live in ST areas, other than tribes u fool. 😝 ja ke basic theek kr apne.
@vin pahadi (kumauni) i saw you stated that you live in chamoli etc etc due to geographical reasons you should be entitled to reservation irrespective of your economic status but as far as geographical reasons are concerned many ST are facing same geographical issues as much as a local general guy living in himalayan state so what makes you think you should be entitled for the same while the other guy shouldn't ?
go nd study whoch genral is living in middle nd high himalayan areas??? i mean near 1500 meter to 3500 meter heights. only tribes is living on those places. i m from pithoragarh. even if u visit ST villages of chamoli, they r in high altitude. no other live there.
i know how low government is providing jobs etc these days...but no other ST questions about genral reservation. onky showing genral critisizing SC/ST for reservation. thats why i always ready to remember genral brothers, that keep ur eyes open. even genral is benefitting with different kind of reservation.
reservation certainly doesn't benefit anyone i'll give you an example lot of low rankers quota students in my batch even struggles to perform well in courses that demand good level of physics knowledge as the marking is 'relative' they are not able to compete with us and usually get low grades in the end not able for further opportunities etc , i dont think reservation helped them in any way instead it sure did tanked their grades
go nd study whoch genral is living in middle nd high himalayan areas??? i mean near 1500 meter to 3500 meter heights. only tribes is living on those places. i m from pithoragarh. even if u visit ST villages of chamoli, they r in high altitude. no other live there.
my village is in pauri garhwal many general are living in high altitude area there don't teach me about how the situation is in pahadi areas
Any reservation is stupid (unless aimed at the physically challenged). It is good only that reservations are going to play an increasingly smaller role in the day to day lives of the citizens and caste kanging has stopped proving efficient as a political strategy. Shows the depth of economic progress of the nation (rapid economic growth counters every political ideology).
west bengal...women reservation, that include all genral women also:-

ok..yes women reservation not available widely like other states. but BJP nd TMC is ready to give women reservation near 33% soon.
my village is in pauri garhwal many general are living in high altitude area there don't teach me about how the situation is in pahadi areas
tell me ur genral village, which in high altitude. pauri gadhwal is in between shivalik range nd middle himalayan. i mean near 1500 meter. which ST village situated in this height??? or may be u r refering to those tribals, who live in forest areas?
Happy new year chaps.
why cant OBC nd EWS ask for scholarship, fees grant, free education (already aviable), less interest education loans etc...which help them to get comfortable. why they r taking College seats nd jobs instead due to reservation?? can u give any one job, coz they r poor? why its moral duty of ST, but not others. do it nd set example for others. 😂
I am against reservation entirely. Only reservation i support is of poor people. I don't kang for muh castes because I find it retarted.

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