Chit Chat

Let it be how it is.
Despite creamy top of SCST getting most of the sests they have 2/3rd or sometimes even half the cut off of Gen. If govt even tried to introduce the creamy layer imagine the cut off worsening , additionally SCST at the bottom of the barrel itself will start rioting for benefit of affluent SCST.
naah rioting for some government jobs not going to happen in ST (not in my state). i dont see even any ST making protest, that other ST benefiting with reservation.
yes cutoff is lowest...coz lowest number of ST filled competitive exams/colleges compare to others. even this cutoff is due to some ST starting to migrate in cities. In all india near 10% ST live in urban nd in my state near 5%. these people r raising ST cutoff higher every year.
u need to understand most ST first time involving in education. before that farming, animals, business was our profession. even our tribe only ask for government for ST reservation near 1967...when our business stopped with tibbetan in 1962 nd we face losses due to our most goods stuck in tibbet. otherwise we hv no intrest in education 😂. neither our parents etc force us for education nd government jobs. most of us r second genration educated ones. by the way we r most educated (80% approx literacy rate) in uttarakhand ST😂. but u can understand what kind of quality of that education.
again, there is no data..which says top ST (creamy layer) getting most jobs. dont know from where this information is coming. if u hv that data plz provide me....i even bet u hv any ST classmate with u😂. they r rare species, except in north east india nd middle india😂.
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When the next partition happens, UC Hindus must get their own country. UC's should work towards unity with fellow UC's. Don't be divided and don't fall for the muh Hindu unity BS. Right now, Hindu unity means all the perks for LC's and all responsibiities for UC's.

No need to share the new country with literal LEECHES.
Never go full retard.You do remember this caste-politics was brought by a so-called UC members. Let us assume your dream come true. You guys will fight among themselves by again using the opperser-oppresed semantic.
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where is this data of top 5% ST taking most government jobs comes from?? can u show me that. i think u r mixing two different things :- government jobs nd wealth accumulation in ST.
yes it happening in some places, like meena community from rajasthan, they r dominating in ST. same thing happened in OBC, where yadav community is dominating most. same case in brahmans, where reddy community is dominating. same case in dalit, where kumar nd ram community dominate.
so every place hv some dominating community in every caste. that doesnt mean they r doing illegal or wrong thing. may be they r more focused in education nd preparing their children from childhood or they hv population number with them.
Supreme court nd parliament also agreed to give reservation to genral (OBC nd EWC) by economy means. which never was cretaria before 1991. so what we can expect, they again want same thing in SC/ST😂.
can u show me ST reservation given in constitution due to economy?? i dont see SC/ST nd women reservation given based on economy. thats why i m saying creamy layer dont make sense in SC/ST. but who can question decision of that judges panel, who hv no ST judge on it. how can be it not baised nd one sided😂.
i never show any protest of any tribes, who r saying only some community is benefitting from ST reservations. mostly this type noises i m hearing from genral people 😂.
Only reservation I support is reservation of poor people that too about 20%.
Only reservation I support is reservation of poor people that too about 20%.
if u can remove other many poverty schemes nd benefits for poor...including in education area like as scholarship, fees grant, mid day meal, free laptop/tablets etc...than i hv no problem in poor reservation, coz than u r not providing poor any support. but all kind of reservation is beneficial for less or higher amount to all 4 category (genral, OBC, SC nd ST). any type of reservation is compromise in merit. either reject them all, or be adjust urself with them. 😂
all poor student of 10th nd 12th grade in government schools (uttarakhand), which pay income was below 200000 gets 12000 rupee for tablets.
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if u can remove other many poverty schemes nd benefits for poor...including in education area like as scholarship, fees grant, mid day meal, free laptop/tablets etc...than i hv no problem in poor reservation, coz than u r not providing poor any support. but all kind of reservation is beneficial for less or higher amount to all 4 category (genral, OBC, SC nd ST). any type of reservation is compromise in merit. either reject them all, or be adjust urself with them. 😂
You are conflating two different things. Also merit is not equal to compentancy. You could be meritious but not be compent enough. It just that merit is best way we currently have.
You are conflating two different things. Also merit is not equal to compentancy. You could be meritious but not be compent enough. It just that merit is best way we currently have.
if u r advocating only poverty base reservation...than i hv to ask u, their r so many schemes for poor. if u want to help even more to poor, give them more scholarship, fees grant, low interest in education loans, free books etc etc. why u r providing them help in college entry nd jobs??? thats is happening in most countries, with poor. do u see any country providing college entry nd jobs to poor?? meanwhile india also provide many schemes to poor students...from scholarship, mid day meal, fees grant, free education till 12th class etc. In most countries only tribal gets benefit/reservation in school nd college for obvious reasons.
These are the kind of illiterate jokers who become Judges in this shithole nation. Guy can't even speak 2 sentences properly but became a Judge because of his caste.

This guy is the one who destroyed the Hindu Temple in the Government residence area.

If Hindu gods are real, they will annihilate this Bhimta shithole.


He's playing the Dalit card to intimidate the SC collegium after the complaint by the MP bar association .
The system the OBCs have is not perfect either. But way way more fair than the kind of 'one size fits all' policy they have on the SCs and STs because of the existence of a creamy layer (it effectively bars the elites from taking advantage of their reservation policies).

OBCs are just the avg Indian. In an ideal world they would not have any 'reservation'. Mandal happened because the non BJP non INC parties got scared of BJP's Hindutva brand of politics (this is an era when Ram Janmabhoomi Andolan was at its peak and Babri was demolished) and were actively looking to divide Hindus along caste/community faultlines to prevent a nationwide Hindu consolidation.

It is not the government's job to determine who gets to engage in what kind of jobs because they claim to be an 'equal opportunity' employer.

The selection process is indeed rigged against the poor. Did you even read my previous posts? A tiny minority of SCs of STs are gobbling up all the high paying govt jobs on offer - leaving the remaining 95% scrambling for some group D jobs at best.

It is NOT about 'community representation' at all. We do not have any concept of 'community representation' in our system. This is a justification you are cooking up - not the government.

You should really read up the recent Supreme Court judgement where the milaards agreed that the SCs and the STs can indeed be subcategorized based on 'economic conditions' etc. The BJP ruled Haryana govt is already working on it.

Again, for the record, I oppose it personally becaude subcategorizing the SC/STs on the lines of the OBCs will only bring even more unqualified people into prominence - it is better to proceed with the status quo.

Reservations are indeed rigged against the poorest and is an inherently elitist policy that is touted as a cure to hide the systematic incompetence of successive governments and divide the Hindu electorate. I do not care if you are an ST or taking advantage of a system that is designed to favor the top 5% but do not try to defend the indefensible.
Agreed with the rest of your observations but the BJP Haryana government seeking to sub categorise the SC / ST community there is a bid to undermine Dalit consolidation.

It is sound in principle & harks back to the time reservations as a principle was implemented by the GoI. What was the quality of the intake of the first such batch ? We survived it then , we'd do so now . In fact this is an idea whose time has come.

Moving forward I see implementation of an amendment to the affirmative action policy by debarring candidates who've benefited from reservations for 2-3 generations although when exactly such an amendment is passed remains to be seen.

I see it as a test case . If the Haryana government successfully implements this , it'd set the template for BJP governments across the nation to replicate the same.
When the next partition happens, UC Hindus must get their own country. UC's should work towards unity with fellow UC's. Don't be divided and don't fall for the muh Hindu unity BS. Right now, Hindu unity means all the perks for LC's and all responsibiities for UC's.

No need to share the new country with literal LEECHES.

How is this even logistically possible?


what a based man. Every hindu needs to start having this mindset. enough of being a meek loser

>Hondus being raped, killed, temples & houses burned and idols smashed in Kangludesh
>Hondus in India cannot be arsed to do even basics like boycotting Kanglu merchants in their locality and firing their Kanglu maids, let alone proper retaliation.
>"Ban Christianity in India or treat christians the way Hindus are treated in west"
>Over some Twitter drama that few know about
Kuch bhi. :bplease:

btw most NRIs there are >"we're one of the goo-d ones saaar!!!!!" and they will also convert to EvangeliBaptiCostalism if that means they would be accepted by gora society and peers.

Ofc they can never fit in, never will be Wh*te, max they will be loyal coolie/sepoy kutta for the men and bed warmer for wh*tey like certain ambitious and whorish among the women.

It is better for twitter e-yoddhas to see this as an immutable racismo problem rather than projecting the reelijun issues of the country to Amerishartland where it is all about "race".
if u can remove other many poverty schemes nd benefits for poor...including in education area like as scholarship, fees grant, mid day meal, free laptop/tablets etc...than i hv no problem in poor reservation, coz than u r not providing poor any support. but all kind of reservation is beneficial for less or higher amount to all 4 category (genral, OBC, SC nd ST). any type of reservation is compromise in merit. either reject them all, or be adjust urself with them. 😂
all poor student of 10th nd 12th grade in government schools (uttarakhand), which pay income was below 200000 gets 12000 rupee for tablets.
poverty scheme are different from reservation. Start by making education equal to all.
where is this data of top 5% ST taking most government jobs comes from?? can u show me that.

Use to bypass paywall.

If the govt ever conducts an honest census the distributions would look even uglier.
i think u r mixing two different things :- government jobs nd wealth accumulation in ST.

Both are closely related.

Who do you think is more likely to become an IAS? You? Or some tribal in the Sunderbans whose village gets flooded every year?

yes it happening in some places, like meena community from rajasthan, they r dominating in ST.

Meenas are not only dominating. They are thriving. Again, theye should not even be in the ST list because their inclusion happened because of a simple clerical mistake.

same thing happened in OBC, where yadav community is dominating most.

The extent matters. The son of a privileged OBC is not competing for a quota - unlike with the STs where the son/daughter of an IAS Meena is aiming to bag a quota.
same case in brahmans, where reddy community is dominating. same case in dalit, where kumar nd ram community dominate.

Again, the extent matters. Also, UCs, up until very recently (till EWS was introduced), were not competing for quotas and the government had no obligation to ensure a fair distribution of wealth and opportunities among them.
so every place hv some dominating community in every caste. that doesnt mean they r doing illegal or wrong thing. may be they r more focused in education nd preparing their children from childhood or they hv population number with them.
Supreme court nd parliament also agreed to give reservation to genral (OBC nd EWC) by economy means. which never was cretaria before 1991. so what we can expect, they again want same thing in SC/ST😂.

Do you see the irony in your own words? The government was supposed to provide a 'level playing field' for the SCs and STs. In reality, the vast majority of the SCs and the STs have experienced negligible benefits from their affirmative policies and yet, you are here defending the govt cooking up one unreasonable point after another.

can u show me ST reservation given in constitution due to economy??

For the billionth time, it is NOT based on incomes only. It is a policy that was supposed to level the playing field (which did not happen).
i dont see SC/ST nd women reservation given based on economy.

They created extra seats to introduce women's quota in centrally funded institutions - the existing seat matrix was not tampered with. Same with EWS.

Not at all comparable with the SCs and STs.

thats why i m saying creamy layer dont make sense in SC/ST. but who can question decision of that judges panel, who hv no ST judge on it. how can be it not baised nd one sided😂.

I am sorry but this is pure mental gymnastics. You do not get to determine which judgement is fair and which is not.
i never show any protest of any tribes, who r saying only some community is benefitting from ST reservations.

How is this any different from the 'farmers' protest'? Only the Punjabi farmers (who are amongst the richest and most pampered farmers in the country) are protesting despite pocketing a lion's share of the govt mandi procurements. Farmers in WB, Odisha, Jharkhand are far poorer and rarely get to sell to the govt mandis - do you see them protesting and demanding MSP?

mostly this type noises i m hearing from genral people 😂.

It is not my fault if you take things personally. My words were not directed at you, but at the govt (who are fooling the majority of SCs and STs in the name of 'muh reservation').

You are writing all this in English, have access to internet and will likely make good use of your quota (if needed) - unlike the Sunderban tribals I mentioned; which is probably why I am getting on your nerves. I do not really care either way, I am past that age and reservation does not bother me but it is what it is.
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if u r advocating only poverty base reservation...than i hv to ask u, their r so many schemes for poor. if u want to help even more to poor, give them more scholarship, fees grant, low interest in education loans, free books etc etc. why u r providing them help in college entry nd jobs??? thats is happening in most countries, with poor. do u see any country providing college entry nd jobs to poor?? meanwhile india also provide many schemes to poor students...from scholarship, mid day meal, fees grant, free education till 12th class etc.
So you want 'schemes' for the poor but 'reservation' for the STs? Because the latter benefits you?

For the record, I do not have a problem with this either. But please, for the love of God, do not write all these long essays when you do not have a point to prove beyond your personal agenda. You are probably very young, spend your time on something more productive instead.

In most countries only tribal gets benefit/reservation in school nd college for obvious reasons.

You are cooking up data points again. Don't do this, mate.

Use to bypass paywall.

If the govt ever conducts an honest census the distributions would look even uglier.

Both are closely related.

Who do you think is more likely to become an IAS? You? Or some tribal in the Sunderbans whose village gets flooded every year?

Meenas are not only dominating. They are thriving. Again, theye should not even be in the ST list because their inclusion happened because of a simple clerical mistake.

The extent matters. The son of a privileged OBC is not competing for a quota - unlike with the STs where the son/daughter of an IAS Meena is aiming to bag a quota.

Again, the extent matters. Also, UCs, up until very recently (till EWS was introduced), were not competing for quotas and the government had no obligation to ensure a fair distribution of wealth and opportunities among them.

Do you see the irony in your own words? The government was supposed to provide a 'level playing field' for the SCs and STs. In reality, the vast majority of the SCs and the STs have experienced negligible benefits from their affirmative policies and yet, you are here defending the govt cooking up one unreasonable point after another.

For the billionth time, it is NOT based on incomes only. It is a policy that was supposed to level the playing field (which did not happen).

They created extra seats to introduce women's quota in centrally funded institutions - the existing seat matrix was not tampered with. Same with EWS.

Not at all comparable with the SCs and STs.

I am sorry but this is pure mental gymnastics. You do not get to determine which judgement is fair and which is not.

How is this any different from the 'farmers' protest'? Only the Punjabi farmers (who are amongst the richest and most pampered farmers in the country) are protesting despite pocketing a lion's share of the govt mandi procurements. Farmers in WB, Odisha, Jharkhand are far poorer and rarely get to sell to the govt mandis - do you see them protesting and demanding MSP?

It is not my fault if you take things personally. My words were not directed at you, but at the govt (who are fooling the majority of SCs and STs in the name of 'muh reservation').

You are writing all this in English, have access to internet and will likely make good use of your quota (if needed) - unlike the Sunderban tribals I mentioned; which is probably why I am getting on your nerves. I do not really care either way, I am past that age and reservation does not bother me but it is what it is.
lol...i read ur articles. again no data of how many ST getting government jobs due to reservation. so ur 5% theory of top ST getting most ST jobs due to reservation is false. neither u show me any proof that SC/ST reservation given to these community for economic reason in constitution. 😂
yeah thats why i m saying u guys r making SC/ST reservation like OBC nd EWS reservation, which r based on economic means.
lets talk about meena population:- meena population is near 7% of rajasthan population. that makes them 49% of tribal population. do it make u hard to think, that dominating population of meena make them taking most seats in ST rajasthan??? didnt i tell u earlier, if a group hv population number advantage or they r nurturing their children from childhood,,, they will succeed to get most benefit. whats wrong in this?? u can only throw meena community out of ST or decrease their population. if u want they get lesser jobs😂.
all other ur logic again based on economic means. which applied to OBC nd EWS. not to SC/ST nd women reservation. which didnt applied whether they r rich or poor. do u think all women who r benefiting with women reservation is due to "level playing" field?? no they r due to their representation. women percentage in work force is near 26% in india, although their population is near 50%. women reservation given so they can increase their number in work force. same case goes with SC/ST. especially tribes given reservation/benefits all over world, due to same reason.
again government jobs r not even 2% of total jobs. how can be its factor in any caste prosperity?? not even 1% ST population getting government jobs😂. do u guys also count any caste (lets say brahman etc) prosperity reports, its due to their inrollment in government jobs? than why u showing me data of how many ST population gets urbanised or prospher. show me data of only some group (5% of ST) taking most jobs.
naah my english is crap😂. yes i hv better chance than a tribe living in sunderban to utilise a reservation. but its due to i leaved my tribal area after completing 10th grade. before 10th grade i m at same level of that Sunderban tribe. thats make me little better than that tribe, but not at the level of many crores of students. thats why i said in my previous comments, if u dont think starting education didnt effect a student. enroll ur children in ST areas school untill 10th grade. than take them in cities nd compete with other kids. most common student cant do it.
i hv enough discussion with u guys...u r giving me logic of economy based reservation of OBC nd EWS. which not applied in SC/ST reservation. nd yeah i m not agree with supreme court judgement of creating creamy layer concept of OBC nd EWS in SC/ST. its like applying same measure to everyone. which dont sit well to tribes. their situation isnt same like others (i mean in case of poverty (obc/ews) or historical unjustice (sc) ).
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So you want 'schemes' for the poor but 'reservation' for the STs? Because the latter benefits you?

For the record, I do not have a problem with this either. But please, for the love of God, do not write all these long essays when you do not have a point to prove beyond your personal agenda. You are probably very young, spend your time on something more productive instead.

You are cooking up data points again. Don't do this, mate. member is saying he only support poverty based reservation. my simple answer to that person is give either reservation to poor or give them poverty schemes/benefit. as a middle class ST, i dont get any poverty schemes/benefit. excpet reservation. nd its provided to all (genral, OBC, SC nd ST).
lol...i read ur articles. again no data of how many ST getting government jobs due to reservation. so ur 5% theory of top ST getting most ST jobs due to reservation is false. neither u show me any proof that SC/ST reservation given to these community for economic reason in constitution. 😂
yeah thats why i m saying u guys r making SC/ST reservation like OBC nd EWS reservation, which r based on economic means.

You are still at it? Nitish Kumar literally dropped caste kanging because his own caste survey showed that the vast majority of the SCs and STs were living in poverty. How exactly has reservation helped them? It is the govt who claimed that the resevation benefits would, eventually, trickle down into the lowest strata and make the society more 'equal'. What, then, went wrong that the vast majority of the SCs and the STs are still languishing at the bottom of the pyramid? Even though certain sections have made a fortune out of it?

lets talk about meena population:- meena population is near 7% of rajasthan population. that makes them 49% of tribal population. do it make u hard to think, that dominating population of meena make them taking most seats in ST rajasthan???

Meenas are heavily heavily dominant outside Rajasthan too. There are Meena joint secretaries in Assam, in WB, even in Meghalaya. They crack govt exams even outside the Hindi belt.
didnt i tell u earlier, if a group hv population number advantage or they r nurturing their children from childhood,,, they will succeed to get most benefit. whats wrong in this?? u can only throw meena community out of ST or decrease their population. if u want they get lesser jobs😂.

I brought up Meenas because they should not even be getting the benefits to begin with. But not one 'ambedkarite'/SC-ST rights body will dare to bring this uncomfortable topic up because the SC/ST elites are compromised.

all other ur logic again based on economic means. which applied to OBC nd EWS. not to SC/ST nd women reservation. which didnt applied whether they r rich or poor. do u think all women who r benefiting with women reservation is due to "level playing" field??

What I think is irrelevant (I oppose any reservation as a matter of principle). Being a UC myself I will be perfectly okay if the gormint scraps the 'EWS' thingy - if my descendents go broke that would be their own doing; the gormint owes them no compensation.

no they r due to their representation.

Okay, since you are this confident with this concept of 'muh representation' thingy please point out which exact clauses of the Indian Constituion argues in favor of 'proportional representation'.

I am waiting.
yes i hv better chance than a tribe living in sunderban to utilise a reservation. but its due to i leaved my tribal area after completing 10th grade.

You are boasting over your luck and privilege. Not everyone has the means to move to a city/town.
nd yeah i m not agree with supreme court judgement of creating creamy layer concept of OBC nd EWS in SC/ST.
Irrelevant! I am not asking for your opinion. You are not that important (neither am I). member is saying he only support poverty based reservation. my simple answer to that person is give either reservation to poor or give them poverty schemes/benefit. as a middle class ST, i dont get any poverty schemes/benefit. excpet reservation. nd its provided to all (genral, OBC, SC nd ST).

That's precisely what I wrote? You want 'reservations' to stay because you have higher chances of using the system to your advantage at the expense of our less fortunate ST brethren?

It is perfectly okay to be a hypocrite. I am not blaming you for being one. Just do not come up with justifications which you won't be able to defend.

As much as I argue in favor of merit etc, I acknowledge that I was born privileged and have used it to my advantage. I am not ashamed of admitting it. You should not be either.
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