Chit Chat

He's already considered a Boddhisattva by his followers. It's only a matter of time before the Buddha in a Navayana Chaitya disappears & the Baba photograph or icon NOW at the base of the Buddha icon replaces the latter .

It's a form of hero worship something the Greeks did , the Persians before the Greeks & us before both the Greeks & Persians. The Chinese have their own tradition of hero worship & for all their pretences of monotheism the Catholics worship their saints & Muslims their pirs & fakirs.
Yea it's not a huge leap considering you see those mitra mandals all around Maharashtra already with a compulsory bust of his in the courtyard. Gandhi and Ambedkar are as close to statist deities as we can get which is why even PM's become natmastak before them.
Roshan I also refrain from reading books and videos from newly minted followers or haters. Worship changes with time. Its just not limited to Sai but overall in any Hindu practice. Even "ridiculing hindus" are following modified worshipping methods than what their ancestors were doing including you. As I said bring historical source rather than random youtube or new books. Better bring excerpts which themselves have some historical source. Otherwise its lame merry go around debate without any conclusion.
All of this is possible sir, worship practices can also change while there can still be rules and red lines with certain fundamental ideas remaining sacrosanct. They don't have to all negate each other. Certainly if some of the ridicule is misplaced it doesn't mean that all of it is or that some of it doesn't have merit.
Video is mostly quoting same book which you have already used in this discussion along with other circumstantial evidence which are worthy of consideration, if one considers it as 'haterade' that's their prerogative. Most people in Maharashtra at least with some passing interest in him know most of these things about him tbh, they don't need to read a book for it.
All of this is possible sir, worship practices can also change while there can still be rules and red lines with certain fundamental ideas remaining sacrosanct. They don't have to all negate each other. Certainly if some of the ridicule is misplaced it doesn't mean that all of it is or that some of it doesn't have merit.
Video is mostly quoting same book which you have already used in this discussion along with other circumstantial evidence which are worthy of consideration, if one considers it as 'haterade' that's their prerogative. Most people in Maharashtra at least with some passing interest in him know most of these things about him tbh, they don't need to read a book for it.
As I said Roshan Historical context is always better than He says and She says... Been burnt in past by believing he says she says on videos. Excuse me but I refuse to entertain the videos especially in these cases until there is some historical context. If the video presents some historical context - please provide here in form of excerpt and reference.
@SKC guru Dil goes for apple macbook but brain says dell G15 waise Delhi ki ladkiyan dekh ke tauba tauba Dil garden garden ho jata hai pata ni Jaipur itna sukha kyu hai or I go to wrong place
There is an Tamil Youtuber who visited Iran and went near the Baluchistan area.
Guy got arrested by Iranian Police and he called the Indian Embassy for assistance. The embassy staff came with their own vehicle talked with the Police and secured his release. They asked to avoid visiting those areas and also given their contact numbers.

Thing is embassy will help but their powers were limited outside the embassy.

All Indian Embassies nowadays ask people to register their names in that respective countries for support.

Just idiots decided to visit Burkino Faso which is in Civil war with Jihadis for an decade now.
This guy is a woke libererandu @ArjunMK1A . He loves defaming Indias image just like vir das bjp se use allergy hai kafi once in community post he said Syria ya Iran is much better than India then he deleted it kafi gaaliyan sunne ko mile thi isee

Apparently this is the mxtaverse nigha on twitter.
Looks like a fookin racoon.
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@SKC guru Dil goes for apple macbook but brain says dell G15 waise Delhi ki ladkiyan dekh ke tauba tauba Dil garden garden ho jata hai pata ni Jaipur itna sukha kyu hai or I go to wrong place
luckily i have both these . if you are looking for hardocore gaming then if possible just do a desktop setup. gaming laptops are shit anyways whatever the price. they will start taking "last breaths" the moment warranty expires. if looking just for work and stuff then surely go for mac , they are unbeatable.
@SKC guru Dil goes for apple macbook but brain says dell G15 waise Delhi ki ladkiyan dekh ke tauba tauba Dil garden garden ho jata hai pata ni Jaipur itna sukha kyu hai or I go to wrong place
For longevity and performance - Mac
For everything else - G15

Windows laptops get outdated much faster and you will need to upgrade RAM and SSD frequently.​
Now you're scaring me
It'll be followed by 20 generations of Women taking L's

Jeetas have no clue what's coming to them in the future.
Now you're scaring me
We should be scared. Too much wannabeism, imported wokery from west, 3rd class "modernism" normalised on instagram, webseries normalising this crap, and already well oiled feminist ecosystem machinery to support this degeneracy is are enough to worry men in an already male-phobic country where all laws favour women over men.

People will call you pervert/potential rapist and all if you point out that normalising degenerate short clothes being promoted and normalised on social media among girls is wrong. Now you can see a few girls literally roaming around in bikini tops in public in Delhi/Mumbai/BLR with shitty captions like "the bad bitch is here" written on them. This is currently very tiny fraction of society bold enough to do so but that is growing really fast, and you don't even have to guess their bodycount and what they will do after marriage.

How would women's side of society react if men start roaming around wearing just boxers in public with captions on it like "the bad boy is here"?

Now, let's not ignore the men who casually get into relationships with such women with pump and dump intentions. They don't have intentions to marry such married women knowing she will do the same to him as well, and that's why live-in is what the world is heading towards.

"Love jihad", "bhagwa love trap" nonsense is also an example of this casual hookup tendency of women irrespective of who they are.

I will delete this post/opinion later.
kya chal rha hai bc :cry2::cry2:. kyu jala rhe ho. someone tell ISKCON , phle kripa india walo pe barsae.
Please respect them.

These people have much more knowledge about Hinduism then Hindus in India.

I have seen few foreign ISKCON devotees who argue about Hinduism in much more broader way then most of Desi Baba.

In short, Desi Baba promote comfort and laziness meanwhile person who well-versed in Hindu scriptures, promote dharm (Scared Duties)

I am not disrespecting Desi Babas but their followers eventually end up believing like Abrahamic religions which lead to them towards depression and anxiety ( Due to lake of true knowledge)

Hinduism is not a purely believe system. It is more like exploring uncharted territory while performing your sacred duties.

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