Chit Chat

मनोबुद्ध्यहङ्कार चित्तानि नाहं
न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योम भूमिर्न तेजो न वायुः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥१॥

न च प्राणसंज्ञो न वै पञ्चवायुः
न वा सप्तधातुः न वा पञ्चकोशः ।
न वाक्पाणिपादं न चोपस्थपायु
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥२॥

न मे द्वेषरागौ न मे लोभमोहौ
मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभावः ।
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्षः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥३॥

न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं
न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा न यज्ञाः ।
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥४॥

न मृत्युर्न शङ्का न मे जातिभेदः
पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्मः ।
न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्यं
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥५॥

अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकाररूपो
विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम् ।
न चासङ्गतं नैव मुक्तिर्न मेयः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥६॥

Shade you dont know about it. Vaishnavites reject Half of Hindu dieties. They are Hindu version of Catholicism. Thats why you see many orthodox catholics finding easy to follow vaishnavite philosophy .. like Isckon. Unlike Advaita Vedanta unity - they believe in distinction between Creator and its Creation.

So Called Various Babas and Gurus actually reignited Hindu faith in corners of country where it was nearly extinguished due to invasions. They are integral part of faith. One must make difference between fake and genuine.

Shaivites also do the same, good either is not mainstream any more.
Except Lingayats i guess and ISKCON for the vaishav side.

In the current times y'all don't have the luxury for infighting over theological stuff.

The babas you seem to describe seem to be like how our monks were in the past in these gora countries, and one very prominent Hindu example i can think of is the Adi Shankararcharya.
What i am describing are these "godmen" types.
How can one place some baba's statue in devalayam "temple" of Hindu god ?

Everything has a place and they should be kept in that place !......

If one wants to worship baba then they should do it only in worship places(ashram) which are only for babas not in Hindu temples.....

Because next they will have temples exclusively for xyz baba.
Cult devotees of the baba will then be egged on to not identify as Hindus.

You guys would have the same effect as that one news article i read about Khali Khopdis getting inside a Sindhi temple and telling the folks there to either remove the idols of their gods or they take the GGS with them, because keeping the GGS next to Hindu god idols is absolutely haram apparently.

Then I'm afraid you don't know much about Sanatan Dharma which has survived till date only because of such babas.

One of the hazards of a belief system which rests on the shoulders of God men which I'm sure you'd agree is not exclusive to Hinduism.

Look west towards Iran & you'd see what the clerics themselves babas for want of a better word are indulging in or the clerics in Saudia.

You look further west , at the list of Il Papas who graced the Vatican & their antics in ancient & mediaeval times & you'd know what I'm referring to , arguably one of the reasons Roman Catholicism saw the birth & rise of Protestant reformation & split within itself.

I do not want additional division in the country we already have enough caste kangz and language kangz, don't want more muh god kangz or muh baba kangz in the mix.
Godmen types only are agents to promote more division in that context if they throw in their lot with BIF

After the Catholic-Orthodox split the Orthos/Greeks got badly banged by Arab greens and finally by Ottoman greens, Russia somehow became powerful and started fighting Othmans boys and that is how Serbia/Greece etc are still Ortho.

However none of this would have happened if the Church didn't split in two.

Greens are waiting, Chinks are waiting, Westoids are waiting to exploit more opportunities, don't give them such chances is what i am trying to say.
Shaivites also do the same, good either is not mainstream any more.
Except Lingayats i guess and ISKCON for the vaishav side.

In the current times y'all don't have the luxury for infighting over theological stuff.

The babas you seem to describe seem to be like how our monks were in the past in these gora countries, and one very prominent Hindu example i can think of is the Adi Shankararcharya.
What i am describing are these "godmen" types.

Because next they will have temples exclusively for xyz baba.
Cult devotees of the baba will then be egged on to not identify as Hindus.

You guys would have the same effect as that one news article i read about Khali Khopdis getting inside a Sindhi temple and telling the folks there to either remove the idols of their gods or they take the GGS with them, because keeping the GGS next to Hindu god idols is absolutely haram apparently.

I do not want additional division in the country we already have enough caste kangz and language kangz, don't want more muh god kangz or muh baba kangz in the mix.
Godmen types only are agents to promote more division in that context if they throw in their lot with BIF

After the Catholic-Orthodox split the Orthos/Greeks got badly banged by Arab greens and finally by Ottoman greens, Russia somehow became powerful and started fighting Othmans boys and that is how Serbia/Greece etc are still Ortho.

However none of this would have happened if the Church didn't split in two.

Greens are waiting, Chinks are waiting, Westoids are waiting to exploit more opportunities, don't give them such chances is what i am trying to say.
Now Shade you are on the right Track Mate, This is exactly my thought behind this debate. Mate I had discussions with Isckon and hard core christians on this. Not that I did on converting anyone - but making them see that they are talking about same thing as other - its just different perspective and representation.

Just like when people started think about Atoms, they had various Models proposed. And till date no one has conlusive idea about final structure. All models help in explaining one or other property exhibited by system. Like student of Sciene you examine every thing with cool mind and base you own journey further on the basis of previous findings. Veda is also science - study everything Calmly.

Yogis are like Scientists. Case in Point take Shri Ramakrishna - when he achieved Enlightenment - he had deep desire find out whether Christian and Moslems also experienced same truth? And like a scientist he went on to get the proof by worshipping himself as a Christian and then as Muslim separately - and he found that he reached same final destination. This is the real G.U.T(Grand Unification Theory).

Like Blind men of Hindoostan and Elephant. Each Sects have different perspective - have some truth but still cant figure out about elephant
I'm not going to consider a guy to be a God just because his actions rile up mullas.

Also, my reaction has nothing to do with SM frustration. I'm sick of Hindus trivializing matters related to God. Religion is one big reality show for Hindus.

Sai baba is considered more like a Guru than god.

He is worshipped on Gurupurnima and Dussehra.

Dussehra because he left on that day and gurupurnima cause as i said he is considered as a guru.

Many Sant and Gurus are worshipped in Maharashtra like Akkalkot Swami Samarth.

I have read sai charitra and there are stories mentioning how Sai baba encouraged his devotees to read Hindu holy books , there is one particular incident is described where Sai baba saved a suicidal devotee by instructing him to read Vishnu sashranam.

The pratha of doing aarti was started by his devotees when Sai baba was alive , there was no objection by Sai baba.

I feel there is bias against sai baba just because he dressed as a pir and said Allah malik.

His life does not indicate any favor towards Muslims or its customs or any effort to divert hindus from their religion.
Me in the cross roads of career change. Tried my hand on Front end dev. But no job opportunity is coming since I am Data Analyst by role and this is basically an major domain switch. Even in the same stream pretty much big confusion which needs to be followed.

Like Data Engineer, Cloud Engineer, ML Engineer or which technologies like AWS, GCP and Azure.

Felt like a major let down sometimes. But getting into an flow is becoming difficult due to multitude of paths.

Any suggestions will be welcomed.
If you are really a follower and believer in Sanatan Dharma then learn to identify the fake gods created and placed in our Temples. And do that when there is time. If we wait to do this for another 5-10 years then we will immortalize him and will see a dedicated section for him in each Hindu temple.

He no way made people follow Hindu customs rather his followers created a cult of their own and created a Sai version of each Hindu custom - aarti, bhajan and temples. You will find his Murtis in Hindu temples but never our Deities in any Sai temple.​
In 150 years we will probably find people worshipping in Ambedkar temples and more of them justifying it saying it is perfectly in keeping with Sanatan Dharma to do so because of some vague reference to something dharmic he may have done in his life or even just being a supposed anti-caste warrior.
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Then you have not visited Bhakti Saints Temples and Ashrams of previous era. The Ashrams usually have no or single picture frame with Discussions on God and Guru primarily. No body forces "Idols" of anyone in temple. Its the temple management which decides what needs to be kept or with donors suggestions/wishes. But if any group comes and decides that dude you are not hindu/Sanatani because you have this particular image/guru in your temple - then I am sorry I shall oppose it as its plain analogous stupidity - talabanification.

Umm on the contrary - he did. You need to read more about him - better from the history. Do you know Bal Gangadhar Tilak use to meet him - when British had termed as extremist? Vasudevanand Saraswati ji Aka वासुदेवानंद सरस्वती / टेंबे स्वामी called Shirdi Sai Baba his brother - because both kept Dhuni discipline?
You also need to learn about Nath sampradaya especially in North west including Pakistan - where Shiva and Allah were considered same and were used interchangeably. He got hindu temples repaired. He was actually recognized by many other saints of that time like saint Anandanath of Yewala, Saint Bidkar Maharaj, Saint Gagangiri Maharaj, Saint Janakidas Maharaj and Sati Godavari Mataji etc.

Always read first earnestly from multiple sources - including biographies - before making decision. Worship Practices change with time.

Let temples decide what they want to keep or not. Let not outsiders force them what they should worship or not. But that does not mean I am green lighting so called Ajmer Chistis or others. no I am not.


I am disinclined to accept anything from Sai satcharitra as a source. Worship practises changing with time doesn't mean there are no rules or that anything goes, this sort of thing invites ridicule of Hindus for a reason.
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I am disinclined to accept anything from Sai satcharitra as a source. Worship practises changing with time doesn't mean there are no rules or that anything goes, this sort of thing invites ridicule of Hindus for a reason.
Roshan I also refrain from reading books and videos from newly minted followers or haters. Worship changes with time. Its just not limited to Sai but overall in any Hindu practice. Even "ridiculing hindus" are following modified worshipping methods than what their ancestors were doing including you. As I said bring historical source rather than random youtube or new books. Better bring excerpts which themselves have some historical source. Otherwise its lame merry go around debate without any conclusion.
In 150 years we will probably find people worshipping in Ambedkar temples and more of them justifying it saying it is perfectly in keeping with Sanatan Dharma to do so because of some vague reference to something dharmic he may have done in his life or even just being a supposed anti-caste warrior.
He's already considered a Boddhisattva by his followers. It's only a matter of time before the Buddha in a Navayana Chaitya disappears & the Baba photograph or icon NOW at the base of the Buddha icon replaces the latter .

It's a form of hero worship something the Greeks did , the Persians before the Greeks & us before both the Greeks & Persians. The Chinese have their own tradition of hero worship & for all their pretences of monotheism the Catholics worship their saints & Muslims their pirs & fakirs.


I am disinclined to accept anything from Sai satcharitra as a source. Worship practises changing with time doesn't mean there are no rules or that anything goes, this sort of thing invites ridicule of Hindus for a reason.

With respect to the video you've linked apart from unproven slander the anonymous guest who goes by the name Apostate Imam goes on to say he was directly responsible for killing Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi. I stopped viewing the video thereafter.
Me in the cross roads of career change. Tried my hand on Front end dev. But no job opportunity is coming since I am Data Analyst by role and this is basically an major domain switch. Even in the same stream pretty much big confusion which needs to be followed.

Like Data Engineer, Cloud Engineer, ML Engineer or which technologies like AWS, GCP and Azure.

Felt like a major let down sometimes. But getting into an flow is becoming difficult due to multitude of paths.

Any suggestions will be welcomed.
Well, the market is down since last year with no sign of recovery for 1 more year. So, it may look like that no one want you but it's because there is no opening in market in first place.

People who cleared interviews and put papers in existing company are struggling to get the joining letter and joining date for new company.
Data Analytics already getting saturated due to boom during covid - 2020-22.

Hold one for 1 year or two more before trying to change to other fields.
With respect to the video you've linked apart from unproven slander the anonymous guest who goes by the name Apostate Imam goes on to say he was directly responsible for killing Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi. I stopped viewing the video thereafter.
Tbh i sent him an email on this one about a year and a half back which was when i saw this and someone else also asked him for references related to this claim in the video which was why he asked people to email him, he hasn't gotten back yet. Most of the other points he made in it were excerpts from Sai Satcharitra.

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