Chit Chat

Ya'll some one I knew met a Spanish couple in flight back to Mumbai from Dubai and they were visiting India for the first time and someone suggested them Mumbai. They go like “ In Mumbai where can we see Elephants crossing the road and people in kurta, turban etc?.” that nibba laughed so hard that everyone looked at him and air hostess came to see if anything is wrong when others heard the sort whole pax and crew were laughing even the pilot.

My cousin had an experience like that when that nibba got the sinkie and Tokyo classmates student exchange to Mumbai. They were like, we didn’t see any snake charmers our 10 days here, why do they always show Indians with turbans playing flute in front of a snake?.

And another cousin had one more experience too, that nibbas friend and collegue from the firm is an accountant in Slovenia who was on for the vacation in Indis, the image of India was straight from 80's Mithuk Chakraborty and Raj Kapoor films and ofcouse, slumdog millionnaire. And that Nibba was pleasantly awed when visited Mumbai.

A good business opportunity for India Tourism to erect the set and sell this.
its easier to climb the Everest than to push some sense into a 17 year old girl , all of them live in some romantic fantasy of a world . No amount of explanation , convincing or real life example works .
I'm not sure if making political/social comments on this this thread is correct but I have to point out that the worst detractors of Bihar are biharis themselves. About 30% of my college were biharis and all of them shat on their own state. There was one dude that hated blore and wanted to do something in his own state, he went back after graduation started some tuition classes for something .. I asked him about it and his response was .. yahaan ke chutiye kuch sikhne layak hote toh kuch banta ... he asked me for money to set up an immigration business and that's the last I heard of him.
Biharis individually are capable of great things but there is something in the water in Bihar that makes them all retarded if they stay there . It's not a govmint problem .. Its a tatha praja tatha raja situation .
I have no idea how to fix this beyond a pradhan mantri gulag yojna.
Please go through the complete story first and check the pics of the facility and the place where the facility was opened, you will understand why he failed!!!
Please go through the complete story first and check the pics of the facility and the place where the facility was opened, you will understand why he failed!!!
Regardless , the very idea that Bihar can be industrialized is anathema to the political class there whatever the merits of this particular case.

I shared a podcast from Vaad on DFI of a topper from Bihar who shared the story of a senior secretary of Bihar who in turn on hearing that the Tata Nano plant was on the verge of quitting WB thanks to mass non co operation there went to Nitiswa with the proposal of inviting Tata's over to Bihar .

Nitiswa shot down the proposal admonishing the secretary saying if he extended such an invite to the Tatas he would be exposing himself to charges of supporting capitalism & profiting from it which he reckoned would be suicidal for his image & that of the JD(U) given they were are & will continue to be Lohiaite socialists.

Incidentally B.P. Mandal of Mandal Commission fame or infamy author of the said report & fellow traveller of socialists like Lohia himself dismissed Lohia & his socialism as Marwari socialism.

Anyway this was but one of the many gems he shared on the state of Bihar its political class bureaucracy & the effects it had on the state polity .

I can share that episode here in case you're interested. On second thoughts its better to take this entire discussion to the political thread.
Are bhai, I can't see tweets on this site, it is showing with every tweet "This tweet is unavailable", despite me logged in to that X account.
Someone facing same problem?
Are bhai, I can't see tweets on this site, it is showing with every tweet "This tweet is unavailable", despite me logged in to that X account.
Someone facing same problem?
Initially every tweet was like that, then the frequency decreased. Haven't seen one since yesterday 2200hrs
These are the specs of pc I wanna buy any suggestions my budget is ₹80000


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Congratulations, sanatan dharmio

Indians are awesome at guilt-tripping themselves and cultivating a inferior complexity for no apparent reason.

What are we supposed to do if Mt. Kailash is (and never was) in India ? Go on a crusade to snatch it back from PLA ?

Most importantly all the people in Himalayan region must have houses in plain areas. In case of war with China all children, women and aged can then move there. Depending on government will only create more trouble. This should be clear. And you can't trust other fellows of this nation to help eachother in case of war.

You need reverse-migration of people settling on the vast land and resources of the empty mountains instead of them settling back into plains. In case of war you need people to stand their ground, create a local resistance force instead of them fleeing back to plains.
Indians are awesome at guilt-tripping themselves and cultivating a inferior complexity for no apparent reason.

What are we supposed to do if Mt. Kailash is (and never was) in India ? Go on a crusade to snatch it back from PLA ?

Read my next post, because you don't want to be guilty in case Chinese take Indian women and children as slaves when they invade again specially in Himalayan region. Post 2019 I have big doubts on Indian leadership and it's quality to take tough decisions. So buddy you are all your own in this country.
You need reverse-migration of people settling on the vast land and resources of the empty mountains instead of them settling back into plains.

'In case of war' you want to send your sisters and mothers to settle at the frontline? The people in Himalayan region must have homes in plain areas, so that women and children do not get molested in refugee camps by chapris and haramis. The first thing Indian army in 1962 did was they evacuated the women and children from hilly areas. Only men were there.

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