i m going to leave this forum, coz i hv to involve in other things in my life. so as a tribal, i m leaving my last comment. i see many hatred for ST community for reservation. let me put some of my points here about it, i know most of u dont like it. my one comment get deleted in this forum in same topic

. but its coming from my perspective:-
why genral hate SC/ST reservation, but dont talk about their reservation:-
1:- before 1991, only SC/ST gets 20% reservation. but from 80% genral a new class OBC borned due to economy condition. who get 27% reservation. its same like EWS (except brahmans), they didnt face any discrimination etc. so they r genral even today, which include striyas, vaishya nd shudras also.
2:- than agian on economy condition 10% EWS reservation given to genral. so 20% reservation increased to today 57% reservation by genral.

3:- beside this genral also get benefitted by women reservation (other caste also). it applied in many colleges nd jobs also. which include "every genral family female" (with others).
4:- many states reserve college seats nd jobs for their own state people...that help that state genrals too. its also a "state reservation" which benefited by many genrals.
5:- sports quota:- this reservation also available for genrals also for college nd jobs.
6:- freedom fighter :- many state gives jobs to freedom fighters family...that also benefit many genrals.
now my point is :-
1:- u guys target ST nd others for reservation...but not criticize these reservation. u guys compare ur marks with ST person, do u ever think ur (genral) nd ST person form filling for college nd jobs ratio is more than 100:1 (even more) ...isnt it common sense that ST get lower cutoffs, coz they hv little (7-8%) population. i mean u r comparing 100 people (genral) against 1 guy (ST). do u not think if genral people fill lesser forms (in ST number), ur cutoff also get down???
2:- in world many countries give reservation to tribals...but tell me which country give reservation based on economy nd poverty?? i mean they give other benefits to poor student, but not college entry nd jobs. even in india, poor people get benefits like scholarship, fees grant, free primary education, mid day meal etc. instead of jobs isnt it better to give poor student scholarship, free books/dress, less interest education loans etc??
now either critisize whole reservation system which benefit many genrals also, or dont be hypocrite to only target SC/ST. even this system not given by us tribals, but majority genral in parliament nd protected by supreme court. so why blame us for this? In a democracy every community should hv representation. why u guys think all ST gets government jobs nd good college. those r not even 1% of ST population, same like in general case. goodbye. hv a good life....