Are on this; the thing least in this form is defense. Every other thread is more or like an "Idiotic musing on something".
This forum needs good clean-up on regular basis if we really wanna highlight it. Making it more trustworthy source than Alpha and IDRW is another story in itself.
Anyways, if you really wanna increase member count on this forum then this
"WhatsApp pe Jai Mata Di likhein aur teen dosto ko bheje" thing's not gonna work in the long run.
The best option in my opinion is creating a Twitter account of DFB and you all Admins and Mods deciding among them who's "moderate" enough to have access to that handle. And by tolerant I mean someone in between writing
"Joy Hind" on every post and
"Bloody Generol".
Have subject matter expert for each topic; you can't match
@johny_baba in small arms,
@Anants is for electromechanics and whatever new tech is there,
@Unknowncommando is already a benchmark is pics from forces back since Facebook days,
@vampyrbladez is in boaty stuff, we already have established handles like
@fire starter @dfi_pk @Fatalis @AGNI 6 ICBM @Arihant Roy with excellent connections so if they write stuff then their existing base would get attracted. Use them
As we'll increase our visibility on different pages like Alpha Defence of ADGPI or
logically, in a civil manner (this two points are of utmost importance, otherwise this whole scheme of mine you backfire in the most spectacular of ways) engage with the likes of Mons Rattus and AGM-114; we'll increase the traction here on this page.
Just my shitpost idea, nothing serious