Chit Chat

Lol. This is the average midtwit Indian. sad to say. Reactionary, lacks any foresight, lacks any capability of introspection, extremely easy to manipulate.
What I’m seeing is average Indians who get erection for 10500 year old ‘amazing history’ but can’t even think about how to make India a better place now.

People are ok with pathetic conditions of India, think it’s normal. They can counter everything with this 10500 year old history.

No wonder India is in this condition.
Yes , in Bharatiya culture rivers are considered not mere drops of water but rather Mothers & Goddesses , why ? Why our sacred texts purposefully assigned status of river to that of dieties and hence not to be defiled even in thoughts ? Because there is a simple yet compelling reason - water is life !! And so there has been code when interacting with them so that they remain clean & pristine for supporting life primarily as concieved by Divine . For eg. you can't even step in rivers with footwears , ideally . So can disposing filth like digestive waste , industrial poisons & plastic garbage (which din't even existed in ancient times) be an integral part of our ancient culture ?? So....then where did this came ? No rocket science , mlechha !


The Great Stink -

Yes , same devious mlechha are the progenitor of this filthy system whose unwanted progenies nowadays whine 'shitty Hindu river culture' 24/7 .

But yes , I don't deny we are not failing . There are bound to be failures too at every step at every level when there is a grand failure of us that goes at the root - electoral democracy ! We din't effectively disposed of this divide & rule legacy of the devious mlechha '47 onwards that have only cropped up a new breed of power lusty , greedy , corrupt & sold out scum to lead the nation . Result has been visible ever since .

Just consider rivers as rivers, precious natural resources as it is.
Come to the reality. See how things are here.
What I’m seeing is average Indians who get erection for 10500 year old ‘amazing history’ but can’t even think about how to make India a better place now.

People are ok with pathetic conditions of India, think it’s normal. They can counter everything with this 10500 year old history.

No wonder India is in this condition.
Bold coming from someone who was hyping up ***checks notes*** Rwanda, of all! You were provided with a lot of perfectly logical responses on this very thread - who argued with numbers and stats. Do not hide behind the responses of one member.

Heck, you managed to piss off the members who are otherwise super critical of India's hard infra management, somehow!
What I’m seeing is average Indians who get erection for 10500 year old ‘amazing history’ but can’t even think about how to make India a better place now.

People are ok with pathetic conditions of India, think it’s normal. They can counter everything with this 10500 year old history.

No wonder India is in this condition.
Being proud over own history & lineage isn't an erection buddy. Every normal human does that. You've an issue with Hindus alone. It's Very obvious & hypocritical.

Maybe you've missed the history class or you've a little understanding of what happened throughout this subcontinent for centuries/decades. So there's a dilemma.

People have called you out with current data buddy & made very logical arguments but you're just going back to 10500, Hindu, bla, bla. You're not so smart bud. You've a limited scale of comebacks. You seriously need an introspection.

Weren't you the one who said that Africa is doing better than India? Do you know how many countries are there in the African subcontinent?

You're the most low wage incompetent atheist I've ever come across & you're back at it again.
Very Praaaaud Saar.
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Being proud over own history & lineage isn't an erection buddy. Every normal human does that. You've an issue with Hindus alone & it's Very hypocritical. Maybe you've missed the history class or you've a little understanding of what happened throughout the centuries/decades. So there's a dilemma. People have called you out with current data buddy & very logical arguments but you're just going back to 10500, Hindu, bla, bla. You're not so smart bud. You've a limited scale of comebacks. You need an introspection. Weren't you the one who said that Africa is doing better than India? Do you know how many countries are there in the African subcontinent? You're the most low wage incompetent atheist I've ever come across & you're back at it again. Very Praaaaud Saar.

It is when you can’t work on or even address today’s issues to improve but still continue living in past and history and never stop boasting long gone one.

Looks you are vulnerable, but your years of bashing skill is helping you to get cheers here. That’s proved when u said I have problem with Hindus alone. lol.
I feel im taking with silly people with experience in talking big.

What happened througout in centuries and decades! Again hiding behind excuses.

Yeah current data when I showed you how African countries are working on to improve in much faster way than us now! How they are implementing better planning, aesthetic, better civic sense, that doesn’t require high gdp and military power,. But proper education, proper law and rules. There is where you are extremely failing to address the issues. Because for you that’s what normal here.

Literally many people here are so vulnerable, inferiority complexed so fighting hard against everything that they feel against them, and silly.
It is when you can’t work on or even address today’s issues to improve but still continue living in past and history and never stop boasting long gone one.

Looks you are vulnerable, but your years of bashing skill is helping you to get cheers here. That’s proved when u said I have problem with Hindus alone. lol.
I feel im taking with silly people with experience.

What happened througout in centuries and decades! Again hiding behind excuses.

Yeah current data when I showed you how African countries are working on to improve in much faster way than us now! How they are implementing better planning, aesthetic, better civic sense, that doesn’t require high gdp and military power,. But proper education, proper law and rules. There is where you are extremely failing to address the issues. Because for you that’s what normal here.

Literally many people here are so vulnerable, inferiority complexed so fighting hard against everything that they feel against them, and silly.
You're again writing the same essay dude.
You've said African countries are doing better but went back to civic sense like the last time.
Do you've any point beside civic sense & blaming Hindus? 😂

Show me economical & social parameters where they're doing good beside your civic sense obsession.

India has literally been breaking records in everything, in most of the socio-economic metrics as per the IMF, WB, rating agencies but here we've you. Show me some data bud. I will take your class. Don't be a pussy.

At this point you're nothing but a noise. Don't make hollow talks.
You're complaining to everyone about not taking criticism but you've footpath level argument making skill.
What is everybody's opinion of 75% attendence requirements at undergrad levels, feeling really exhausted , it's like 9-5 for me.

Govt probably keeps the requirement to prevent drop-out and failure rates from rising, but it feels like I am wasting like 2-4 hours doing nothing.
Its outrightly ridiculous to have such requirement
I mean irrespective of clg every student is suffering from 75%
No matter whatever clg u are u will definitely have 60-70% profs who don't know how to teach
U have to run towards youtube and survive mse,ese
No use to sit there rather u can grow skills and make ur employment prospects better
i read in class 11th nd 12th biology book... diabetes early 3 main symptoms:-
1:- feeling hungry nd tired.
2:- feel very thirsty.
3:- excess of urination.
but dont exactly know...either all 3 symptoms should be appear or even one symptoms above can result of diabetes.
All 3 must test positive or at the very least 2 of 3. having the last two in conjunction rarely yeilds fals positive from what i know but best is to just do prick test, its safe and easy and cheap.
Bro cool down.
If I gain power, I will let people do whatever they want without creating chaos or hurt on others, I also encourage critical thinking, I will prioritise importance of becoming a good citizen, with self respect, respecting others, with good civic sense, importance of keeping your place clean and your surroundings, importance of respecting obeying laws and rules as that requires for stability of society.
I’m an atheist because I used critical thinking, so I use it in most of the cases too.
Ofc I’m not perfect, make mistakes.

We can do festivals in better way.
Now do a self check and reflect. What we are representing and showing to world is dirty unclean and so on.
Vedas and religions ar mean made. Take good things from it using your brain, they are not ultimate source of everything.

Since u and other person took it as Hinduism vs others, I have a question on that.
Ever wondered why Hinduism attract very less people? At least others have something to show clean, we don’t even have that!
Only self boasting Hindus who feels like asserting it on others.

Use critical thinking.
That's exactly how I sounded when I was 16.
Lots of" ideals", none realistically applicable to the extent you ideally desire.

Well koi na, life tumko bhi reality me la degi.
That's exactly how I sounded when I was 16.
Lots of" ideals", none realistically applicable to the extent you ideally desire.

Well koi na, life tumko bhi reality me la degi.
I used to watch Kejriwal's dharna dude. Sadly Indians are always too late.
"World is making fun of us".... zzzzzzz
Dude doesn't get that such videos wouldn't even get 100 views if today's geopolitics was different.
Mostly farmed by Muslim & Wignat lobbies.
Mind you, it's not the denial of the problem. India has loads of issues but the criticism of today's is not meant to criticise but to segregate Indians from the rest of the world for their respective geopolitical interests, specifically due to the hate against the Hindus. Most polluted river, this, that & a bunch of lies.

Go below the comments of these typical videos. Indian Muslims be attesting to the racism & claiming that only Hindus are responsible for such things. It's crazy especially from the community that makes the lowest social & economical progress than even the tribal population.

Comical is that Indians give too much crap of what the world thinks.
China did it silently, contained their own issues, solved while restricting their media. On the contrary Indians are being the most self alienating race begging for white validations & then complain why they behave this way.
All 3 must test positive or at the very least 2 of 3. having the last two in conjunction rarely yeilds fals positive from what i know but best is to just do prick test, its safe and easy and cheap.
LOL I have all three symptoms
My mouth is always dry and I am always thristy just now I drank too much water and started feeling very nauseous. Still my mouth is dry
Le me-

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