the thing is, I guess China might be provoking them in return for helping them protect CPEC corridor while insurgency is going in Baluchistan. But in any case, Pakistan has shown it again that for them the priority is creating havoc in Kashmir rather than the lives of their guys fighting to keep their bloody country stable.
This reminds me what Abhijit Iyer Mitra (if you like him or dont like him) he said that Pakistan is like a cornered rat right now, and a cornered rat takes desperate moves to get out of a rut.
He's right here, Pakistan needs to justify the Kashmir thing more so now because that's the only way they can assure their sick ass army that at least something is happening good with them. But you guys wait and watch, I think they've put their finger in a hole now and it will get stuck forever so we can cut it off when we want.
That is exactly how it should be, those terrorists came in our territory, we should have the advantage, for that we can look over our doctrines, change tactics, use drones, increase troop movement whatever... but we need not rush into operations. RR & J&K Police/SOG should carry searches carefully with full advantage of techncial and local support which takes time to build. We've had similar incidents in the past, now it depends on the sense of the ground commanders how they tackal the problem. In addition our SF I guess will be used less in CI/CT ops and more trying to get more info on these groups, the locations of their OGWs, launchpads, ammunition dumps etc. The role of SF should not be tactical encounters but to hit the enemy where it would effect them strategically be it at the border, across or within our country.