CI/CT Operations

New Delhi: Union Minister Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday favoured setting up a team of “young, technically proficient and passionate” officers drawn from agencies involved in national security to dismantle the terror ecosystem by utilising big data data and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning driven analytics.

I think they are not able to detect the tangos, since they are operating network less apps for navigation and bluetooth for comms. Sim less phones, use of a good VPN and proxy servers and darknet via onion routing in case network is required. Also the Chinese sat com is highly encrypted, so can't break it or also can't detect its radio signals? These are major challenges.

The Pakis have gone tech savvy.
They are also communicating through mobile games, i.e battle royal games pubg, call of duty, free fire other such battle royal games, there's a voice communication within team, it's impossible to catch the conversation
Not ex SSG guy's, they are regular SSG guys, this cunt was killed in Kathua in June, along with other, two of them infiltrated, one had type 56, this mofo was carrying M4 with thermal sight, relative of his posted the death of his, alongside with other photos of him in uniform, was hiding in a temple,

the SSG guys are taking up the lead, carrying M4 with thermal sights & AUG, the regular tangos, local cunts or other Pak army regulars are using type 56, the have setup a good OGW connections, who are doing recce for them,
The army needs to monitor the heat signs of individuals at night along the line of highway, that's my assessment,
How on God's green earth the same thing keeps happening again and again?
Welcome to the GoI policy of Round and Round the mulberry bush. IA also equally to blame for not putting pressure on GoI to end this nuisance and not inducting modern equipment and training and tactics.
Chinese scale of manufacturing has made such equipment cost dirt cheap. They've already started flowing in the valley like water and we're still night blind. To the point binocular NVGs, themselves aren't standardised among SF units in 2024, let alone be used in active combat roles.
It will come to a point where soon Yahoo's will own the night and IA will keep waiting for first light complaining that we will fight with what we have. If procurement system is bad, why don't I seee even one top gernal protest and resign ?
look how militant's surviving without any support
Tsk..tsk... they have a lot of support from local sullas
Not ex SSG guy's, they are regular SSG guys, this cunt was killed in Kathua in June, along with other, two of them infiltrated, one had type 56, this mofo was carrying M4 with thermal sight, relative of his posted the death of his, alongside with other photos of him in uniform, was hiding in a temple,

the SSG guys are taking up the lead, carrying M4 with thermal sights & AUG, the regular tangos, local cunts or other Pak army regulars are using type 56, the have setup a good OGW connections, who are doing recce for them,
The army needs to monitor the heat signs of individuals at night along the line of highway, that's my assessment,
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I told ya these could very well be serving jackasses of the Pak army.
Why tf do we resist to send our MARCOS to lead BLA...the pakis are taking a lead in asymmetric warfare esse toh. Then even after discovering that they are serving SSG we are unable to cross the LoC and hit them hard ?
In my opinion the Navy having the MQ-9B Predator drone now should strike their in the west, our SF should send recon detachments to these areas and call in air/drone strikes. The only reason we are not doing this is because either we never built that integrated capability to start with or we love to be sitting ducks :). I know PoK is not under the Navy's AO, however the navy has the best capability for this right now. It's a pretty powerful drone with a lot of ISR capability. Would be surprised if it isn't used in the comming years
I told ya these could very well be serving jackasses of the Pak army.
Why tf do we resist to send our MARCOS to lead BLA...the pakis are taking a lead in asymmetric warfare esse toh. Then even after discovering that they are serving SSG we are unable to cross the LoC and hit them hard ?
In my opinion the Navy having the MQ-9B Predator drone now should strike their in the west, our SF should send recon detachments to these areas and call in air/drone strikes. The only reason we are not doing this is because either we never built that integrated capability to start with or we love to be sitting ducks :). I know PoK is not under the Navy's AO, however the navy has the best capability for this right now. It's a pretty powerful drone with a lot of ISR capability. Would be surprised if it isn't used in the comming years
The reason we dont do airstrikes is that it is quite difficult to distinguish a farmer with a stick from a terrorist with a gun from high altitude thermals, so final confirmation and combat has to happen at a reasonably close range. And it is more beneficial to take some casualties now, than to kill a bunch of people for no reason and provide large recruitment pools for terrorists that will lead to much higher casualties later.
The reason we dont do airstrikes is that it is quite difficult to distinguish a farmer with a stick from a terrorist with a gun from high altitude thermals, so final confirmation and combat has to happen at a reasonably close range. And it is more beneficial to take some casualties now, than to kill a bunch of people for no reason and provide large recruitment pools for terrorists that will lead to much higher casualties later.
Or the simple answer IAF is rn in its worst state.
Everyone is in a different uniform.

No two soldiers in same unit are in same uniform!

LOL , we should stop using the word "uniform" for our army, just say designer clothes. There us no uniform in IA
Naah, its not hard to fly a plane over your own territory and drop bombs, the intel part is the tricky one.
Wait on our own territory?yeaa not happening.
Or the simple answer IAF is rn in its worst state.

mate, i think we had a conversation at DFI too. just take a breather and spend some time understanding various elements of our national security configuration, instead of coming to bizarre conclusions.

there are many members who are willing to help you understand, provided you show interest and ask the right questions. they will not waste their time countering every bizarre assumptions and conclusions, that gets thrown around.
So if we remove the word terrorist attacks, this would be surgical strikes by paki special forces right ? Then you realize that this is an act of war, then the military has to "act" not just inside but take this up several notches.

So basically pakis are having a field day cause we are in a perpetual diffuse the situation cause we arent ready state or some other BS. We mogged pakis at our worst conditions in 65 and 71 but somehow we have lost the plot somewhere and in this time and refuse to believe we are at war.
So if we remove the word terrorist attacks, this would be surgical strikes by paki special forces right ? Then you realize that this is an act of war, then the military has to "act" not just inside but take this up several notches.

So basically pakis are having a field day cause we are in a perpetual diffuse the situation cause we arent ready state or some other BS. We mogged pakis at our worst conditions in 65 and 71 but somehow we have lost the plot somewhere and in this time and refuse to believe we are at war.

if our national security doctrine lowers the threshold of definition of war to include infiltration, then India is always at war, which is what paki security establishment wants i.e hyphenation with India. in their view military conflict with India allows them to force GoI to negotiating table .then the question arises, why should India give what pakis want?

let's look at pakiland's own response on their western borders when dealing with infiltrations and terror attacks, they carried out multiple military operations over decades but never called it a war on it's western neighbours. considering paki security establishment is far less constrained by their civilian leadership, than in India. so even paki threshold of definition of war is not infiltration.

in essence, pakis continue to exploit a weakness in global security architecture on how to deal with cross border terrorism.

but yes, what exactly triggered this current wave is a question for now.

-upcoming J&K elections
-them getting banged on their western border
-US busy with their elections
-assisting their chini friends by trying to divert our attention
-or as usual, sustaining their jihadi network.

could be anything.
mate, i think we had a conversation at DFI too. just take a breather and spend some time understanding various elements of our national security configuration, instead of coming to bizarre conclusions.

there are many members who are willing to help you understand, provided you show interest and ask the right questions. they will not waste their time countering every bizarre assumptions and conclusions, that gets thrown around.
Bizzare conclusion?we are down on fighter jet squadrons are we not? We need 42 and we are at 32 IAF is not in its best state is it?and I thought he was talking about strike across LC but he was talking about striking inside our own territory which is more ridiculous.
Edit-no we never had this conversation in DFI as you banned me without any warnings.
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So if we remove the word terrorist attacks, this would be surgical strikes by paki special forces right ? Then you realize that this is an act of war, then the military has to "act" not just inside but take this up several notches.

So basically pakis are having a field day cause we are in a perpetual diffuse the situation cause we arent ready state or some other BS. We mogged pakis at our worst conditions in 65 and 71 but somehow we have lost the plot somewhere and in this time and refuse to believe we are at war.
Since the ceasefire agreement with pak and post buildup at LAC there is a clear lack of vision & strategy from both Govt & Army. In reality army struggling to fill the gaps facing the 2 front threats & decision to heat up the LoC is not priority of the govt. Peace will not prevail unless the terror factory inoccupied J&K are completely destroyed. Courage is the most valuable and characteristics absent in our ruling elites presently

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