CI/CT Operations

good question. But the LoC covers such a huge area, how do you measure up where to put a sniper, and their int is strong, they'd avoid that area and come from another side. That is what has been happening
There are few pockets of location were snipers are placed (high points) and sniped at sight. Both sides do that but the infiltration routes should be heavily guarded along LoC.( haji pir pass and pir Panjal- poonch) Most of the infiltration is happening through tunnels in Punjab and Jammu area (Sialkot sector) aknoor bulge and RS pura border.

"Gujjar, Bakerwal protests gaining steam in J&K over move to include Paharis in ST list"​

"The administration snapped the internet services in Rajouri-Poonch range on Wednesday to scuttle any possibility of protests and mobilisation within the community through social media."

Feb '24

Seems to me by the recent happenings , Fauji Foundation is trying its utmost to get even with GoI for the latter's sponsorship of the TTP , the Sarmachars , etc thru the good offices of the Taliban Afghanistan more than wanting to portray to the world that the Kashmir insurgency ( incidentally all these acts are occurring in Jammu not in Kashmir for the latter has water tight security for the time being ) is still alive among other reasons though that too is a factor albeit not a major one IMO.

The objective seems to be to get the GoI on to the negotiating table . This may not be the classic case of high profile talks under the full glare of the world's media but more back room talks between the back room boys to reach some sort of an understanding on mutual ceasefire of proxies & cessation of support for these proxies by their patrons.

I believe GoI miscalculated two things - the desperation in Fauji Foundation's ranks manifested in sending either their serving or ex servicemen in & not the the usual trained riff raff & the weakening of our security grid in Jammu courtesy redeployment across the LAC & more importantly the downsizing of the IA & Agniveer.

This is another phase in our long war of attrition since 1989 or 1947 or 708 . Take your pick based on your ideological lenses. Let's see where this one leads to
could be LORROS , long range camera for surveillance taken from loc ridge . those things can see upto 40km

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warning for pakistan , incoming cross border retaliation by army

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If that is the case security forces knew the suspects trying to infiltrate, no cross border firing even after spotting tangos at LoC. In what category this peace agreement falls in, I believe it happens only in India
Afghanistan like battles were the norm in kashmir.

Battalions would end tenures with 20 kills at the minimum.
A war it really was. Remembering the Charrar e sharrif standoff in 95. 100+ paki and afghan militants took over the mosque. They lit it on fire before the army went in and eliminated 26 of them. 2 causalties to own troops.

According to some experts they are infiltrating from IB via narco routes
This was the analysis last year itself. This seems to be the most accurate. Locals/less experienced militants are traveling via IB/Nepal and SSG vets are entering via Kashmir through routes. That way it’s easier to take less causlaties while infiltrating.
good question. But the LoC covers such a huge area, how do you measure up where to put a sniper, and their int is strong, they'd avoid that area and come from another side. That is what has been happening
Do we have the sniping capabilities? Let’s be honest the Pakis have more sniping capabilities. 7.62 Galil is not a sniper rifle and is easily out ranged by what piglets have.

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