CI/CT Operations

In case it is still not obvious enough, Pakistan is provoking us for a war, for a first-strike like Balakot. China is prepared and ready on the eastern border already.
Opportunist China is a coward it is using pak as a scapegoat to achieve its objective. However china won't be firing a single bullet it will follow the traditional salami slicing to grab ungaurded land at LAC during any conflict with pak. Before trying to inavde Taiwan they want to destabilize peace in this region
So more than 50% of India's population is landless and doesn't have job stability hence they are being given free ration.

bohot burey haal hai
I have seen families of retired soldiers/govt employees in villages, with above 3 acres of agricultural land, cows and buffaloes, Scorpio SUV getting free ration from government.
loc border in kg sector . place where most cross border infiltration , firing take place. same place from recent infiltration news.

border runs through 'dense forest' tm , we have roads running along the ridge on right side + posts close to border . left is pak populated areas.

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beyond the usual retaliation methods - crossborder firing , surgical strikes , a bold move from army could be to capture pak posts close to the LOC here . pak post below is just 150m from loc.

obviously not gonna happen now but could be a possibility in future , there r still peaks and places along the loc that are essentially in a sort of buffer zone that could be captured.

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Oh there is Mandhole in the first pic left side
SF had a raid there in 1971, destroyed artillery guns
I have seen families of retired soldiers/govt employees in villages, with above 3 acres of agricultural land, cows and buffaloes, Scorpio SUV getting free ration from government.

81 crore getting 5kg of free ration and it has been happening past 1.5 decade or may be more. And the argument is they are weaker section. More than 15 years gone they are still 81 crore and weaker section?
2 lack crore spent on this every year.

and dumbf*cks here bring stupid arguments with absurd facts not able to realize this.

military procurement budget is 2 lakh crore approx. 1.5 lakh crore on their pension. If you reduce this 81 crore to 40 crore , military will get 1 lkh crore extra for the procurement. You can buy 5 rafales every year.

There won't be any ra*di rona any more and you cn handle both the fronts easily. And you just have to do it for 5 years. You can then raise free ration takers back to 81 crore.
81 crore getting 5kg of free ration and it has been happening past 1.5 decade or may be more. And the argument is they are weaker section. More than 15 years gone they are still 81 crore and weaker section?
2 lack crore spent on this every year.

and dumbf*cks here bring stupid arguments with absurd facts not able to realize this.

military procurement budget is 2 lakh crore approx. 1.5 lakh crore on their pension. If you reduce this 81 crore to 40 crore , military will get 1 lkh crore extra for the procurement. You can buy 5 rafales every year.

There won't be any ra*di rona any more and you cn handle both the fronts easily. And you just have to do it for 5 years. You can then raise free ration takers back to 81 crore.
Wealthy villagers get free ration, I have seen a combined family of 3 brothers with over 15 acres of agricultural land and 2 tractors getting free ration. They just feed those grains which they get in ration to cows and buffaloes. Their psychology is just to loot the govt, they consider it as their revenge, govt should scrap this absurd scheme and instead spend that money on military procurements.
Time to get serious.

3 Kumaon (Rifles) operations In J and K had two tenures in the 90s. It’s been in nonstop conflict since WW1 and has waged war everywhere barring IPKF.

In first tenure was in 92 when the army was establishing its foothold. Became the first battalion to storm Sopore and establish a foothold there. Eliminated 58 terrorists inc Wanted Commander Of Hizbul Mujahideen. Suffered 2 KIA.

In 98 it had its second tenure. This time against the foreign jihadists of the ISI. Operated in Ganderbal-Srinagar region. 30 terrorists eliminated (inc 23 foreign militants). Eliminated 11 of 18 Wandhama murderers within 2 months, has ISI and Pak army regulars in its kill count. Suffered 4 KIA. Battalion was feared by the Harkat ul Ansar.
15 Dogra had one tenure in Macchal in the early 90s. It was posted on LoC. It saw nonstop action as Macchal was part of the “war zone” of north Kashmir in the early 90s (the ISI after getting its ass handed to it in North Kashmir tried to shift the focus to south Kashmir post Kargil). 20 Major infiltration Bids foiled (mind you terrorists were infiltrating in groups of 20-30 at this particular.

79 terrorists. 5 KIA on our end.7ACC2BC9-4894-491C-9F72-B8F435BEB12C.webp
A war is necessary to shake up our defence establishment & teach these Porki jihadi swines a lesson! Objective should be to level everything in PoK & surrounding areas & kill as much jihadi suvar population as possible.
Shutting down schools , institutions and transferring officers like Brigadier Acharya is the master stroke by GOI/Jernals. Don't expect much as long as napak army don't attempt kargil like intrusion
Believe me... I was itching to post this since last 20 days... but now is the time when most are agreed on this possibility


no war started over uri , pulwama , reasi . what is pakistan going to do now that will trigger a war ? even if another uri style attack on army base takes place expect india gov to be heavily restrainted .

i doubt major attack like that will happen anyway . so far pak has been successful in keeping RR and large troops busy in kashmir . major public attacks against indian army and no retaliation to itself . why will they ruin a good thing.
no war started over uri , pulwama , reasi . what is pakistan going to do now that will trigger a war ? even if another uri style attack on army base takes place expect india gov to be heavily restrainted .

i doubt major attack like that will happen anyway . so far pak has been successful in keeping RR and large troops busy in kashmir . major public attacks against indian army and no retaliation to itself . why will they ruin a good thing.
And if we not able to destroy some part of pak or not able to take land than their is no purpose to wage a war. Once we go into war, we must also know how to get out of war.

See war b/w russion and ukrain, russion lossing its reserve also in infinite war.
Don't expect much as long as napak army don't attempt kargil like intrusion
The retaliation will be strategic this time. The thresh hold has already been crossed.

i doubt major attack like that will happen anyway

To avoid tactical retaliation their tactic has changed. Same level of damage but one by one to keep it low profile. This is why they are ambushing different units and not more than 4-5 kia.

But if you collectively see then they have already done one Pulwama.

The retaliation will be strategic this time. The thresh hold has already been crossed.

To avoid tactical retaliation their tactic has changed. Same level of damage but one by one to keep it low profile. This is why they are ambushing different units and not more than 4-5 kia.

But if you collectively see then they have already done one Pulwama.

Coordinated ambushes, infiltration, Soldiers KIA are just daily news for the citizens no one takes it seriously, even the Jernals. Muted media will never take it to a debate , neither opposition has the audacity to question the Govt. Ruling political babus gonna stay ignorant as long as the KIA remain within 10. It won't reach the masses govt can always brush it under carpet and act like nothing has happened.
Only a matter of time until a mass terrorist attack happens. This pussyfooting by Modi will cost us dearly.. I urge anyone living near Pak borders to get weapons by any means necessary & protect themselves! F##k this inept govt & moron babus. Build a perimeter around your homes with cameras & sensors and keep 5L cans of gasoline. Never trust any sullah & keep watch on them. Do not die for nothing, kill if you have to.
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Only a matter of time until a mass terrorist attack happens. This pussyfooting by Modi will cost us dearly.. I urge anyone living near Pak borders to get weapons by any means necessary & protect themselves! F##k this inept govt & moron babus. Build a perimeter around your homes with cameras & sensors and keep 5L cans of gasoline. Never trust any sullah & keep watch on them. Do not die for nothing, kill if you have to.
Is modi ji waiting for the Kargil Vijay Diwas photo ops

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