CI/CT Operations

What do y'all think about how an average unit from IA's Southern command would perform in CI/CT ops if deployed in the valley given they hardly see any combat, unsure if they're rotated and most of their twitter posts filled with attending conferences, expos or tackling natural disasters

What do y'all think about how an average unit from IA's Southern command would perform in CI/CT ops if deployed in the valley given they hardly see any combat, unsure if they're rotated and most of their twitter posts filled with attending conferences, expos or tackling natural disasters


Before joining to the RR every personal go through a certain training period it will be more or less same as western command,
Porkistan won't last long , their nuisance value will disappear with India's rise & absolute dominance in Indo-Pacific & Asia . Our strategic aim should be to carve out parts of Porkistan & Kangladesh for buffer & cut these f#ckers to size in next 25 years.
Porkistan won't last long , their nuisance value will disappear with India's rise & absolute dominance in Indo-Pacific & Asia . Our strategic aim should be to carve out parts of Porkistan & Kangladesh for buffer & cut these f#ckers to size in next 25 years.

Do not live under any false impression that Pakistan cannot do any damage in the future

Pakistanis generally do not care about their economy or well being of their society.All their resources are directed towards their military which also runs businesses from soaps to condoms,the profits from which are diverted towards weapons procurement.

Can you image the world's 46th largest economy being able to afford over 400 combat jets and over 3000 tanks when countries which are economically twice bigger cannot even afford even half of that?

They have only the military in their mind and nothing else matters and this is what makes them extremely dangerous.
Do not live under any false impression that Pakistan cannot do any damage in the future

Pakistanis generally do not care about their economy or well being of their society.All their resources are directed towards their military which also runs businesses from soaps to condoms,the profits from which are diverted towards weapons procurement.

Can you image the world's 46th largest economy being able to afford over 400 combat jets and over 3000 tanks when countries which are economically twice bigger cannot even afford even half of that?

They have only the military in their mind and nothing else matters and this is what makes them extremely dangerous.

An Military which is disliked by Pathans,Balochis, and POK/POAJK. Their Bonhomie will run till Pakjabis dominating the demography equation. They don't wield the same power over Pathan brothers which has been broken by Daddy Imran and big daddy talibans inteference. Balochis were always going to IEDed them. The feedstock apart from Pakjabis were Mirpuri pedos and Gilgit gang. But they are also getting frustated with Pakjab army for some time.
Sindhis are not going to do the heavy lifting of Pakjabis due their own political struggle with Pakjabs.

They will be a lapdog of China/USA for this decade. With Global situation is getting deteriorating Pakjabis will be Burmed permanently since the Awaam will more and more hungry.

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