DRDO and PSU's

• Brags about SDRs
Talks how we managed to integrate Software Defined Radios in tanks...the latest technology in the world.
We're behind the curve, not the world...even amateur radio guys in US use this thing.
• Brags about Atharva
How we managed to mount a T-90 turret on a T-72 hulls; the Atharva.
I don't know what benefits it has, what problem it solves but this is a dumb idea as it doesn't addresses the biggest issue of T-72/90s; it's ammunition and instead complicates other things.
• Ramjet artillery shell
"We're the only country that's working on developing a Ramjet based 155mm artillery shell with collaboration from IIT"
My guy the very picture that's used by everyone while talking about IIT Madras's ramjet shell, this one...
View attachment 12861
...is copy pasted from Nammo's brochure...
View attachment 12862
Nammo and Boeing have not just developed but even completed the internal tests and are now waiting for US Army evaluation.
Furthermore this whole concept of Ramjet shells have a serious issue that needs to be talked...the warhead. The size and weight of an 155mm shell is constrained, so when you start adding additional stuff in it you lower the size of the warhead. For example, this is an Excalibur shell compared to the actual warhead (yellow) in it
View attachment 12863
In case of ramjet powered shell more space gets taken up by the propellants resulting in further decrease in warhead.
• PAD is ballistic missile
The poor anchor mentions how we have Prithavi Air Defence...shuts him up by saying Prithvi is a ballistic missile not an ABM. Genuinely felt bad for the guy
• Brags about AK-203
I've nothing to say...
• Wishes for F-22
Mentions how Muricans are just selling us F-16 by rebranding as F-21...then says that if they're willing to sell F-22 then it would make any sense.
F-22 is so scarce that even USAF has been able to get it in sufficient numbers.
• Disses F-35
Calls F-35 a White Elephant followed by "zyada bik nahi raha hai".
What should I say? Just gonna leave this Lockheed Martin's very subtle flex here...
View attachment 12856
• Disses PLAN
Outright calls Indian Navy the only Blue Water Navy in the area and denies PLAN to be one.
Three aircraft carriers and just a couple of Type-055s fielding more VLS cells than the whole Indian Navy combined...but ya, no Blue Water Navy.
• Disses PLAN carriers
Calls PLAN carriers substandard (which is to some extent true, but only for the converted Russian one) and points to the very famous incident of PLAN carriers showing signs of cracks on its deck.
Sadly those cracks were either on just the top anti-skid rubber coating or even worse, just some liquid spills...the whole incident was later rebuked as a hoax.
• Gets bit too nostalgic about Chakra
Mentions that we operate a Russian nuclear submarine on lease.
Nerpa was leased for 10 years in 2011...it's been more 3 years since boi has gone.
• PLAN submarine tech
Mentions how our "submarine technology" is quieter than Chinese.
Again a fact that used to be true. PLAN diesel submarine were very noisy, just like the Russian one's there based on. But it's no longer the case and they've improved a lot. Also I don't know what exactly we've as "our" technology in diesels.
• Disses Pakistan WWR
Pakistan has a war fighting capacity of just 1 to 2 days, maximum 3 days.
CAG was so harsh about the pathetic condition of our own War Wastage Reserve that the eventually the publishing itself was stopped. Also we're supposed to prepare for a two front war unlike China.
• Disses PLA MIRV
Claims our current standard is 6-8 MIRVs in ICBM which would be increased to 10...as compared to just 3 on Chinese one
Again, very old data. Definitely China used to have just 3 MIRVs but as I said...used to have. DongFeng-5 is supposed to be 6-8 with some estimates of even 10. DongFeng-31 is supposed to be more than 3 and DongFeng-41 clearly being a 10er.

Aaaaaaaa...my one hour and seventeen minutes 😬

PS : The anchor seemed way more informed than a Major General rank officer
Bhai, he was talking about nuclear and everyone knows that scene or a case when a Chinese diesel submarine surfaced right infront of USA fleet which was exercising near western pacific and mind you this event was in late 90s and early 00s.

And he also mentioned about Shandong carrier problems.According to you, It seems like Chinese have developed new technologies that they can manufacture 85,000 ton aircraft carrier within 5 years which even seasoned Americans are unable to replicate.

Something regarding chowmeins is surely fishy and you can debunk it, right?
Last edited:
Does anyone have any pic of the Dhruv with all 4 blades folded along with the tail boom?
Bhai, he was talking about nuclear and everyone knows that scene or a case when a Chinese diesel submarine surfaced right infront of USA fleet which was exercising near western pacific and mind you this event was in late 90s and early 00s.
Then he might be right on that because he was not clear on what he was referring to.

But then again this topic has its own nuances. Nuclear submarine Vs diesel electric submarine on AIP. Or Nuclear submarine Vs when the engine is running.
And he also mentioned about Shandong carrier problems.According to you, It seems like Chinese have developed new technologies that they can manufacture 85,000 ton aircraft carrier within 5 years which even seasoned Americans are unable to replicate.
First thing first, most of the problems of Shandong turned out to be hoax in later satellite pictures. The only significant problem (in my opinion) that Shandong can theoretically happen would be related to its propulsion, as it's based on Russian and they've somewhat of a sketchy reputation in naval propulsion.

Now coming to part of Chinese shipbuilding capability and how it seems impressive than even the seasoned US of A.

For USA the motive was always to field an excellent quality technology but given the cost, at very reduced numbers; 190 F-22s or just 21 B-2s. The Russian (being the only adversary to USA) trick to counter this was to field good technology at unprecedented numbers. US had a max of 8,000 M1 Abrams at its peak and Russian fielded close to 15,000 T-72/80/90s. And this is how things were at a "stalemate" for a very long time until China came in the picture. The Chinese idea is to field relatively comparable technology at a number equal to or even more than USA.
37 Type 052 against 94 Arleigh Burkes. Perhaps even more impressive; US has 9 active Ticonderoga class cruiser and China plans to build 16 Type 055s.

But don't take it from, whatever I said was my level best to get +9999 social credits. Just go through this Center for Strategic and International Studies article
You may say that it's a propaganda piece, the group is funded by CCP...then here's an article from US Naval Institute
If even this is rebukable then here's the same USNI's report to the US Congress
And if even this is not enough, then here's a declassified slide from US Navy itself
Something regarding chowmeins is surely fishy and you can debunk it, right?
The only thing fishy about Chinese is that they've a mission and vision; to be near peer adversary of USA. And when the academia, government, military, industry and civilian all works for the fulfillment of same mission they tend to achieve things in a year that would have taken decades. Again, don't take this from me...
Israelis came together for a single goal; to survive despite having exponential disadvantage. And now see, from small arms to armoured vehicle to intelligence.
Polish forces were just somehow sticking then they found the mission; to prepare for a possible Russian invasion. Now they're on their way to become the most formidable army in Europe.
Same goes for China. From being just an extension of USSR in terms of military equipment they now field close to 200 5th generation fighters.

Just honestly answer yourself...do we've any such unifying long term vision?
Believe me, if I ask all the stakeholders (academia, military...) to write down what they really strive for on a piece of paper, not even two would match.

Again a long ahh post...sorry 😏

Indigenous marine utility copter set to fly by May next year​

Is this a marine derivative or variant of the LUH or ALH?
Are there any like this equivalent in other countries. US Navy or Russian Navy? US Navy seems to emphasis on Soft-Kill
Multiple with most of them already ready for user trials. This is not something new and infact it already has a dedicated designation called ATT or Anti-Torpedo Torpedo.

Atlas SeaSpider, Germany
Countermeasure Anti Torpedo (CAT), USA
Rafael TorBuster, Israel
Saab Torpedo 47, Sweden
Paket-E/NK, Russia
Aselsan ZARGANA, Turkiye
Leonardo C303/S - MITE, Italy
Though not officially confirmed but Chinese too are speculated to have

For more than a decade these were in consideration but at a slower and kind of tinkering pace as people thought soft-kill and decoys would be enough, and more importantly cost effective. But after Ukraine proved the efficacy of USV swarm attack against even destroyer type targets, everyone's now scrambling to get one of these.

Is this a marine derivative or variant of the LUH or ALH?
It's simply ALH/Dhruv with folding main-rotor and tail assembly.
Then he might be right on that because he was not clear on what he was referring to.

But then again this topic has its own nuances. Nuclear submarine Vs diesel electric submarine on AIP. Or Nuclear submarine Vs when the engine is running.

First thing first, most of the problems of Shandong turned out to be hoax in later satellite pictures. The only significant problem (in my opinion) that Shandong can theoretically happen would be related to its propulsion, as it's based on Russian and they've somewhat of a sketchy reputation in naval propulsion.

Now coming to part of Chinese shipbuilding capability and how it seems impressive than even the seasoned US of A.

For USA the motive was always to field an excellent quality technology but given the cost, at very reduced numbers; 190 F-22s or just 21 B-2s. The Russian (being the only adversary to USA) trick to counter this was to field good technology at unprecedented numbers. US had a max of 8,000 M1 Abrams at its peak and Russian fielded close to 15,000 T-72/80/90s. And this is how things were at a "stalemate" for a very long time until China came in the picture. The Chinese idea is to field relatively comparable technology at a number equal to or even more than USA.
37 Type 052 against 94 Arleigh Burkes. Perhaps even more impressive; US has 9 active Ticonderoga class cruiser and China plans to build 16 Type 055s.

But don't take it from, whatever I said was my level best to get +9999 social credits. Just go through this Center for Strategic and International Studies article
You may say that it's a propaganda piece, the group is funded by CCP...then here's an article from US Naval Institute
If even this is rebukable then here's the same USNI's report to the US Congress
And if even this is not enough, then here's a declassified slide from US Navy itself
View attachment 12896

The only thing fishy about Chinese is that they've a mission and vision; to be near peer adversary of USA. And when the academia, government, military, industry and civilian all works for the fulfillment of same mission they tend to achieve things in a year that would have taken decades. Again, don't take this from me...
Israelis came together for a single goal; to survive despite having exponential disadvantage. And now see, from small arms to armoured vehicle to intelligence.
Polish forces were just somehow sticking then they found the mission; to prepare for a possible Russian invasion. Now they're on their way to become the most formidable army in Europe.
Same goes for China. From being just an extension of USSR in terms of military equipment they now field close to 200 5th generation fighters.

Just honestly answer yourself...do we've any such unifying long term vision?
Believe me, if I ask all the stakeholders (academia, military...) to write down what they really strive for on a piece of paper, not even two would match.

Again a long ahh post...sorry 😏
Bhaijaan, Americans defense establishment is known to COAX it's own government into believing many things, courtesy, cold war bomber gap, missile gap, etc.
Peer adversary?
This doesn't mean you gain the capability to make 85,000 ton within 5 years and then boast about shipbuilding but still don't send your weapons far away, Why so shy?

Here INS vikrant and INS Vikramaditya from time to time perform training together.
In that video in which you are calling General sir as delusional, he himself pointed out how Shandong was launched in 2019 or similar date but then took 3 years for refit.
What refit? After so soon launch.

Let me tell you what it is happening here.
If this type of refit happens here in India then it is bad quality but if Chinese do it, then it is "OH! advancement", great.
Regarding, USA defense guys report.
This is aged time tradition straight from cold war time.
you are calling General sir as delusional
Countered some points with backing, kind of concluded that most of his info is perhaps based on older intelligence, said that the anchor seems more informed than him despite being a civil servant...but I don't think at any point I called him delusional.

If you're trying to introduce this "he called major general sir delusional" to get an upper hand in this conversation then just don't. Please don't go that route
Bhaijaan, Americans defense establishment is known to COAX it's own defense establishment into believing many things, courtesy, cold war bomber gap, missile gap, etc.
Peer adversary?
And what exactly is the problem in overestimating your adversary?

I'm glad you are aware about bomber gap. I'd hope you'll also be familiar with the F-X program then. For the uninitiated here, the USAF "overestimated" MiG-25 to be some highly capable multirole fighter and started working on a counter for that; ultimately resulting in F-15. But later when Viktor Balenko defected with his MiG-25 US realised that it was just a simple interceptor with a Mach more than it's contemporaries, nothing more.
But what harm did the overestimation did to US when it ultimately resulted in one of the most capable fighters?

As for your point of how can Chinese come up with this level of shipbuilding capability, I don't have much left to show you to back my point. I've added think tank reports, US Naval intelligence report and what not. The only thing one can do now is go to Dalian shipyard with a mass spectrometer and confirm how much of 50,000t of Shandong is actually metal. But that much for just winning an argument on DFB? I think the risk is bit more than the reward.

As for not leaving the dock or returning for refit...I've clearly mentioned how they're still stuck with Russian propulsion and they've been always problematic.
Then he might be right on that because he was not clear on what he was referring to.

But then again this topic has its own nuances. Nuclear submarine Vs diesel electric submarine on AIP. Or Nuclear submarine Vs when the engine is running.

First thing first, most of the problems of Shandong turned out to be hoax in later satellite pictures. The only significant problem (in my opinion) that Shandong can theoretically happen would be related to its propulsion, as it's based on Russian and they've somewhat of a sketchy reputation in naval propulsion.

Now coming to part of Chinese shipbuilding capability and how it seems impressive than even the seasoned US of A.

For USA the motive was always to field an excellent quality technology but given the cost, at very reduced numbers; 190 F-22s or just 21 B-2s. The Russian (being the only adversary to USA) trick to counter this was to field good technology at unprecedented numbers. US had a max of 8,000 M1 Abrams at its peak and Russian fielded close to 15,000 T-72/80/90s. And this is how things were at a "stalemate" for a very long time until China came in the picture. The Chinese idea is to field relatively comparable technology at a number equal to or even more than USA.
37 Type 052 against 94 Arleigh Burkes. Perhaps even more impressive; US has 9 active Ticonderoga class cruiser and China plans to build 16 Type 055s.

But don't take it from, whatever I said was my level best to get +9999 social credits. Just go through this Center for Strategic and International Studies article
You may say that it's a propaganda piece, the group is funded by CCP...then here's an article from US Naval Institute
If even this is rebukable then here's the same USNI's report to the US Congress
And if even this is not enough, then here's a declassified slide from US Navy itself
View attachment 12896

The only thing fishy about Chinese is that they've a mission and vision; to be near peer adversary of USA. And when the academia, government, military, industry and civilian all works for the fulfillment of same mission they tend to achieve things in a year that would have taken decades. Again, don't take this from me...
Israelis came together for a single goal; to survive despite having exponential disadvantage. And now see, from small arms to armoured vehicle to intelligence.
Polish forces were just somehow sticking then they found the mission; to prepare for a possible Russian invasion. Now they're on their way to become the most formidable army in Europe.
Same goes for China. From being just an extension of USSR in terms of military equipment they now field close to 200 5th generation fighters.

Just honestly answer yourself...do we've any such unifying long term vision?
Believe me, if I ask all the stakeholders (academia, military...) to write down what they really strive for on a piece of paper, not even two would match.

Again a long ahh post...sorry 😏
As an aside, from a former service guy, the only thing that's lacking in the Chinese military is not the tech or the capability of their industry - even if we assume that most of it is show, their tech is certainly better than fucking 1974 helmets, no sight SIGs infantry. Their naval propulsion is suspect, as is some of their sensor tech.

But the biggest problem that the chinese have is a lack of hard experience and men motivated enough to do the job to the logical end.

But tech wise, they far outstrip us.
Countered some points with backing, kind of concluded that most of his info is perhaps based on older intelligence, said that the anchor seems more informed than him despite being a civil servant...but I don't think at any point I called him delusional.

If you're trying to introduce this "he called major general sir delusional" to get an upper hand in this conversation then just don't. Please don't go that route

And what exactly is the problem in overestimating your adversary?

I'm glad you are aware about bomber gap. I'd hope you'll also be familiar with the F-X program then. For the uninitiated here, the USAF "overestimated" MiG-25 to be some highly capable multirole fighter and started working on a counter for that; ultimately resulting in F-15. But later when Viktor Balenko defected with his MiG-25 US realised that it was just a simple interceptor with a Mach more than it's contemporaries, nothing more.
But what harm did the overestimation did to US when it ultimately resulted in one of the most capable fighters?

As for your point of how can Chinese come up with this level of shipbuilding capability, I don't have much left to show you to back my point. I've added think tank reports, US Naval intelligence report and what not. The only thing one can do now is go to Dalian shipyard with a mass spectrometer and confirm how much of 50,000t of Shandong is actually metal. But that much for just winning an argument on DFB? I think the risk is bit more than the reward.

As for not leaving the dock or returning for refit...I've clearly mentioned how they're still stuck with Russian propulsion and they've been always problematic.
more than the propulsion its the lack of power generation and the EMALS route that they went for catapult.

They are having a hard time propelling a J15 to lift sufficient speeds at the moment. They'll crack it eventually.
But the biggest problem that the chinese have is a lack of hard experience and men motivated enough to do the job to the logical end.
Reminded me of this masterpiece Screenshot_2024-10-21-21-54-43-01_6bcd734b3b4b52977458a65c801426b0.jpg
But jokes aside, as more and more combat would get limited to just pushing buttons and moving joystick this motivation factor would start to get sidelined. Moreover, if they get just a taste of full fledged COIN let alone LSCO, they'd overcome this disadvantage too.
more than the propulsion its the lack of power generation and the EMALS route that they went for catapult.

They are having a hard time propelling a J15 to lift sufficient speeds at the moment. They'll crack it eventually.
I call this the "Curse of Kuznetsov"
Chinese made a better carrier than Kuznetsov from a Kuznetsov itself, heck we made a better carrier using an predecessor design...all while poor guy was just sitting in the docks. So every single moment he curses Vikramaditya, Liaoning and Shandong.

Btw, Chinese have already matured the technology of miniaturized PWR on their submarines. So at some point in future they might even try to retrofit one on carriers.
If you're trying to introduce this "he called major general sir delusional" to get an upper hand in this conversation then just don't. Please don't go that route.
Bhaijaan, you yourself are questioning General sir comprehensive knowledge capability in your own previous posts.
He is involved in ongoing research in IIT madras.
He is helping there in how to make the budding link between academia and our own industry, which was missing somewhat in previous congress era, Pretty big thing.

I know he didn't mention anything new, but there were some highlights for me types and in the Doval era finding info is difficult.

As for your point of how can Chinese come up with this level of shipbuilding capability, I don't have much left to show you to back my point. I've added think tank reports, US Naval intelligence report and what not. The only thing one can do now is go to Dalian shipyard with a mass spectrometer and confirm how much of 50,000t of Shandong is actually metal. But that much for just winning an argument on DFB? I think the risk is bit more than the reward.

As for not leaving the dock or returning for refit...I've clearly mentioned how they're still stuck with Russian propulsion and they've been always problematic.

I thought 10 feet China man were capable with their own engines.

Regarding that, let me tell you INS vikrant went into trail in 2022 as of 2024 it is fully inducted. Two years! That's it.
Your Shandong as mentioned earlier was launched with fanfare in 2017 but attained IOC in 2020.
So, let's not go there and also I didn't point out numerous various sea trials.
Prior to getting inducted, the Shandong underwent nine sea trials over the course of 18 months, this suggest problems with not only engines but many critical equipments too, like arresting gears, electronic equipments, piping installations, etc.

And what exactly is the problem in overestimating your adversary?
You yourself are willing to accept this, let me tell you Navy and General sir whom you say is telling old news know this.

So, please, tame down your making fun of General Narayanan sir.
General sir comprehensive knowledge capability
previous congress era
Doval era finding info is difficult.
10 feet China man were capable with their own engines
Your Shandong
like arresting gears, electronic equipments, piping
General sir
tame down your making fun of General Narayanan sir.
So many red flags for me to stop this conversation with you for once and all.
I'm not going to argue with you anymore; you're right on all your assessments.

But sadly the path you've chosen; like emphasising on adding Sir and saying that I'm making fun of him when I'm just engaging in constructive criticism (for example I've not said anything against his idea of a ramjet FSAPDS, because I think if properly executed then it has some merit) and perhaps this attitude of "how can you say anything to him, he's a Maj Gen" may feel very righteous for a short span of time but when it'll fail in the long run, and trust me it'll, you'd be left heartbroken.

When BOSS was being implemented then there must have been someone like me who'd have pointed out the shortcomings in it. But there must have been someone like you too with the age old, "how can you question this/him" argument.
Fast forward few years and now all the skeletons are out of the closet.

View: https://youtu.be/CO7dr7HWbfg

By the way this is my real name. You've no idea what my pseudonym used to be on DFI, perhaps then you'd have known what making fun of someone looks like.
So many red flags for me to stop this conversation with you for once and all.
I'm not going to argue with you anymore; you're right on all your assessments.

But sadly the path you've chosen; like emphasising on adding Sir and saying that I'm making fun of him when I'm just engaging in constructive criticism (for example I've not said anything against his idea of a ramjet FSAPDS, because I think if properly executed then it has some merit) and perhaps this attitude of "how can you say anything to him, he's a Maj Gen" may feel very righteous for a short span of time but when it'll fail in the long run, and trust me it'll, you'd be left heartbroken.

When BOSS was being implemented then there must have someone like me who'd have pointed out the shortcomings in it. But there must have been someone like you too with the age old, "how can you question this/him". Fast forward few years and now all the skeletons are out of the closet.

View: https://youtu.be/CO7dr7HWbfg

By the way this is my real name. You've no idea what my pseudonym used to be on DFI, perhaps then you'd have known what making fun of someone looks like.

Read your old posts regarding what you said in your CRITICISM, it is still there.

Let's not go to DFI name game, because I am still here with my original name.

And for your this analogy-
how can you say anything to him, he's a Maj Gen", if you think I am this type of people, you are wrong, try understanding little bit more.

Let's move out of this.
On another front, I keep hearing SiC are being used in turbine blades where TET reaches well above 1800°C, look like we are seeing some progress there although from different source.

View: https://x.com/SolidBoosters/status/1838480272431460689
I hope folks here consider the fact that not only does China have enormous manufacturing capacity not only compared to us but also with the collative west ,they also control critical raw material supplies like rare earth materials that are used for things from thermal cameras to turbine engines.

The sheer amount of vidhwa villap happening in open source USN circles is actually insane
USN is so overstretched that ship especially carrier crews have to be deployed months longer than their scheduled time.
They are not able to get a simple frigate project going.
Older shipyard workers are concerned about how they themselves are the last gen of the workers.
A comment by a guy that joined a US shipyard .. He was the youngest at the age of 24 when he joined .. He is still the youngest 8 years later.
They are sure to fail the AUKUS deal because they simply do not have enough submarines to give to the australians for training.. and their own production rate is half of what they require as per their own force projections hence having no capacity for the austrailians.
Literally the only cope I have is that we have better mountain troops. In terms of training not equipment lol.
also control critical raw material supplies like rare earth materials that are used for things from thermal cameras to turbine engines.
REM monopoly with the Chinese is mostly a function of it's treatment viz refining which is a highly polluting industry. There are enough REM around the world & if the west didn't bind itself to environmentally strict laws they wouldn't be in the situation they're in today. To make matters worse , they went and antagonized Russia another big source of REM .

Right now the West is in the process of finding via medias. Whether they will be in a position to completely bypass China time will tell.

Literally the only cope I have is that we have better mountain troops. In terms of training not equipment lol
By 2032 you'd see only Agniveers there & all over the IA. The last of the jawans recruited under the previous system will be retiring then .
I hope folks here consider the fact that not only does China have enormous manufacturing capacity not only compared to us but also with the collative west ,they also control critical raw material supplies like rare earth materials that are used for things from thermal cameras to turbine engines.

The sheer amount of vidhwa villap happening in open source USN circles is actually insane
USN is so overstretched that ship especially carrier crews have to be deployed months longer than their scheduled time.
They are not able to get a simple frigate project going.
Older shipyard workers are concerned about how they themselves are the last gen of the workers.
A comment by a guy that joined a US shipyard .. He was the youngest at the age of 24 when he joined .. He is still the youngest 8 years later.

They are sure to fail the AUKUS deal because they simply do not have enough submarines to give to the australians for training.. and their own production rate is half of what they require as per their own force projections hence having no capacity for the austrailians.
Literally the only cope I have is that we have better mountain troops. In terms of training not equipment lol.

Aah, so this is why they want G2...

In the below pic you can see State Dept, US army, USAF, USN and Muhreens, the camera is held by the Chinese


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