Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Guy literally enjoying that bike and will do jihad if someone stole it.

Indian Bike manufacturers were a unique case where they were supposed to be decimated in 2005 due to advent of cheap chinese bikes. But nearly after 2 decades we are pretty much dominating every continent and with upcoming entry into Zoorope.
Reliability at affordable cost is the key


ya allah what have you done to the mard-e-momin , ( read 6ft tall handsome blue eyes hypnotize) porkies. look how they are saying kafir's words "jai hind" and scamming money from kafirs. look at their poor state even idolizing bhimrao and bapu with bhagwa police flag in behind. what have they done to get this ?? :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: .first selling their mothers to chinese (lil dicc) and now even stealing from kafirs. please send those black jets ASAP and carpet bomb whole porkistan, ya allah 😭😭.

PS - that boot thumping and saluting was epic:bplease::bplease::bplease:
He's talking from his own experience living all his life in Terroristan.

Pakistan is a malnourished economy that has an external trade (merchandise) of a glorious 80 billion USD. The entire country has a primary energy demand of 70 Mtoe.

And you know about their industry; stitching underwear and fashioning stuff out of scrap is called "manufacturing" there.


Obviously such a country don't need many ports; their only two major seaports are located in Karachi.

And like every other Pakistani, this guy does think we are sem2sem; so it's apparent why he thinks we don't need port infrastructure upgrades.

Let's not forget even the energy they consume is affordable only because of IMF bailouts and remittances. The day IMF kisses them goodbye they won't be consuming shit.

Indian industry consumes close to 740 TWh electricity.

Paki "industry" consumes fewer than 30 TWh.

Their households are the biggest electricity consumer because they don't pay and paki government supplies them with the energy they get from IMF bailouts which they get one after the another.

They're just one IMF bailout skip away from turning into afghanistan.
"India me ghurbat bohot hai, India should spend money on it's poor"

Meanwhile some of biggest paki cities have this in the name of consumption.





@Gslv Mk3

Yup, this is it.

This is what is considered as a "shopping mall" in the paki cities ranking between 10 to 20, beyond that you can imagine how much prosperity they're gonna be having. Even in top 10, you don't have much apart from 1 or 2 small malls.

Entire country is Karachi-Islamabad-Lahore centric. You all will notice but you will never hear a paki mentioning anything beyond these 3 cities. Because there hardly is anything beyond these 3. Everytime a paki kangs, it's always "Saar my lahore is this and that, our karachi also has this, our islamabad is da best"... Reason why the entire south asia cityscapes thread on SSC is filled with content from same 3 places by pakis apart from occasional rare mentions of some monuments in some city.

You will never see a paki while comparing his country to others posting or showing anything outside this loop, even within the loop DHAs/cantts and housing societies are kanged upon.

All the remittance income, bailout money, real estate wealth and investments of pakiland are concentrated into them and the fat commodore is a part of that "KIL-Loop" echo chamber and hence he thinks that we're sem2sem unaware of the drastic income and wealth inequality within his own shithole. I mean I can't imagine in 2024 any Indian tier-4 or tier-5 town to not have automobile showrooms, malls (even if low BuA) and organised retail outlets including quick serve restros.


ya allah what have you done to the mard-e-momin , ( read 6ft tall handsome blue eyes hypnotize) porkies. look how they are saying kafir's words "jai hind" and scamming money from kafirs. look at their poor state even idolizing bhimrao and bapu with bhagwa police flag in behind. what have they done to get this ?? :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: .first selling their mothers to chinese (lil dicc) and now even stealing from kafirs. please send those black jets ASAP and carpet bomb whole porkistan, ya allah 😭😭.

PS - that boot thumping and saluting was epic:bplease::bplease::bplease:

Maharastra policemen talking in Pakistani Punjabi accent :bplease:
Mashallah! So much development?
"Indian ocean should be renamed Arabian ocean, African ocean", just look at the map retard, India is the crown of "Hind Mahasagar", it's ours and belongs to Indian Blue Water Naval Dominance.

We are the largest economy in the Indian Ocean littoral region & has the most capable military in this part of the world. We are the only country on the shores of the Indian Ocean to split the atom, graze the surface of the Moon & place an orbiter in the orbit of Mars.

We are truly the crown of the Indian Ocean; this is true even if you look at it from a historical/ civilizational perspective.

Pakis can cope lol.

We can impose a naval blockade in strait of hormuz if India block's pakistan trade in malacca strait

Lmao, Paki thinks we can only blockade their trade in the Malacca Straits. Did he forget Karachi?

Pakis despite all their rhetoric about "muh strategic planning" hasn't developed an alternate port for POL handling. This is despite the experience they had in 1971, when we targeted their oil storage facilities in Keamari, Karachi.

The only port capable of handling oil in Pakistan is Karachi, which is merely 170 km away from the Indian border.

Also, they still rely on refined petroleum product imports to satisfy 45% of their demand, as local refineries are too inefficient/ outdated.

To make matters further worse, they don't have any strategic petroleum reserves.

In case of a prolonged conflict with us they'll have their ass handed over to them. Now you know why they're investing in Tactical Nuclear weapons.
We are the largest economy in the Indian Ocean littoral region & has the most capable military in this part of the world. We are the only country on the shores of the Indian Ocean to split the atom, graze the surface of the Moon & place an orbiter in the orbit of Mars.

We are truly the crown of the Indian Ocean; this is true even if you look at it from a historical/ civilizational perspective.

Pakis can cope lol.

Lmao, Paki thinks we can only blockade their trade in the Malacca Straits. Did he forget Karachi?

Pakis despite all their rhetoric about "muh strategic planning" hasn't developed an alternate port for POL handling. This is despite the experience they had in 1971, when we targeted their oil storage facilities in Keamari, Karachi.

The only port capable of handling oil in Pakistan is Karachi, which is merely 170 km away from the Indian border.

Also, they still rely on refined petroleum product imports to satisfy 45% of their demand, as local refineries are too inefficient/ outdated.

To make matters further worse, they don't have any strategic petroleum reserves.

In case of a prolonged conflict with us they'll have their ass handed over to them. Now you know why they're investing in Tactical Nuclear weapons.
i see many pakistani, nepali nd bangladeshi makes this claim in social media,,,,that india is british thing nd came in picture only after 1947 by british. these chutiyas (including many indians) dont know these fact:-
1:- around 3000-3500 years ago (1000 BC approx) greeks starting to calling this land indus, due to indus river. which they name after sindhu/indu river in sanskrit. later Persian starting to call hindu to that land people. so india nd hindu name is as old as 3000+ years.
2:- near 300 BC magesthiniz wrote book about mauryan empire nd name it "indica". very similar to india name.
3:- 1492 colombus leave Portugal in search of india. but he reached america instead. he thought he reached india, so he name native people red indian.
4:- indian ocean name given first time near 1515 in maps. why? coz its near india, if anyone hv common sense😝.
5:- british established "east india company" near 1600 in england.....even before they came to india in 1608. later other european countries also made their version of east india company for business with india nd south east countries.
so all these points proof india nd indian ocean name is far older concepts than british. even when they hv no civilization 😂😝.

He was doxxed long ago. He went private after suspension and deleted his content on YouTube. Used to larp as some hoor on twitter posting FaceBook-tier boomer romantic posts/jokes and aII with a typical fake girl DP.

Biggest mistake he did was banning everyone pointing out he's Shahid basically confirming that the doxx is affirmative :lol:.

Also why do these pakis use "Batt, Dar" surname? Paki punjabis have some surreal inferiority complex-ridden identity crisis that they larp as any ethnicity at any part of the day.
Let's not forget even the energy they consume is affordable only because of IMF bailouts and remittances. The day IMF kisses them goodbye they won't be consuming shit.

Indian industry consumes close to 740 TWh electricity.
View attachment 13604

Paki "industry" consumes fewer than 30 TWh.
View attachment 13605

Their households are the biggest electricity consumer because they don't pay and paki government supplies them with the energy they get from IMF bailouts which they get one after the another.
View attachment 13608

They're just one IMF bailout skip away from turning into afghanistan.

For comparison's sake, China consumes 9,220 TWh last year while India consumed 1,440 TWh, a ratio of 6.4:1 whereas Pakistan consumed 83.1 TWh last year, a ratio of 17.3.

India needs to catch up to China in terms of consumption because that's the surest way of economic production or activity.
Congratulations, L1 easy bid, and bidder is a realtor/builder with no experience in aviation. Atleast sem2sem achieved haha

The earnest money to participate in this bidding process is just 50 crore PKR, and the bidders who have well established domestic/foreign airlines as backers didn't even deposit that amount. Gives you a brief idea how unattractive this deal is. All they did is copy copy Air India's privatisation.
I presume they will try to sell 100% PIA next, instead of giving it to this builder.
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