So Coast guard intercepted Porki ship and rescued Indians that were kidnapped by them![]()
Daring rescue: Indian Coast Guard ship intercepts Pakistan maritime vessel, saves 7 fishermen | India News - Times of India
India News: Seven Indian fishermen were rescued by the Indian Coast Guard after being apprehended by a Pakistan Maritime Security Agency ship near the
“Strategic stability”You forgot depth
He is ”Chinese Doctor”. He was not able to qualify NEET and thus went China/Russia way. How much worth his Medical education is in his own eyes can be judged by his choice of becoming a Youthuber and not a practitioner.sorry little offtopic, here this same guy and his friend also did psy ops for china before
on railway station Chinese were scanning opaque bottles
this guy is saying "yeh technologically itne advanced hai ki yeh bottle ko scan kar ke bata dete hai alcohol hai ki nahi"
if he is a real doc how can an opaque bottle content can be scanned/spectroscope
Their entire awam is divided into two groups. For one group their time is reserved for kissing the rear ends of anyone with 5$s. IMF, US, China, Arabs, you name it, they will kiss it.
Tfw taliban has nicer phone than meNice footballs.
View attachment 15779
ഇന്നില്ലാഹി ഇന്നലെയും ഇല്ലാഹി പാക്കി മൂഞ്ചിയൂൻ.Nice. The frontiers are collapsing or rather closing gradually onto the capital or core areas with every passing day.
Paxtan's or rather Paxtanis's situation in these core areas is like a frog in a cauldron on slow simmer. It takes time to reach boiling point . Initially you ignore it , then you think this too will pass & by the time you realise the intensity it's too late.
Areesh is a prick. In order to prick him someone should post the news & write this "inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un " below the news with the comment saying since both the killer & killed were momins this ayah applies to them both .
Alhamdulillah !
> Hindu-kush holidays
> Yoga programme
> Guessable shithole
What is this identity crisis called?
Pakistan has proven cricket can be profitable without India. That’s why we can afford to snub them
Pakistan has proven cricket can be profitable without India. That’s why we can afford to snub them
The BCCI has acted with no regard for Pakistan or any other country in world cricket. This is why the response should be in equal