What's preventing Gormint from floating a tender tomorrow to develop a engine and funding it completely? I mean that's how works in West right? Gormints float a tender for development of something to fund it completely. Contrary to all, the Western MIC Companies spend very less on Internal R&D funds in terms of Military Applications- of course the Internal R&D spending was enabled because they are present in parallel in Civilian sector like GE or Pratt and Whitney or Boeing.
I just don't understand how GoI works all cluelessly. Do they always suck up to DRDO chaps? Do GoI/MoD somehow magically expect Private Sector to be proficient which they were denied until License Raj era and compete with DRDO who were fed fatly all these years?
Float the tender, get a quote and proceed- what's so hard in this for this Gormint? Why Gormint is fixating on deciding price by itself? Are babus that retarded? You go to a vendor and ask for a quote- they say a price- you bargain and bring it down to which it is acceptable. As for how the vendor comes to such price, its their internal mechanisms.
Do babus randomly throw figures like 1B or 2B for development and expect vendors to suck up to it? Float the tender, allow companies to quote their price and select the lowest. The very concept of them fixating the price is extremely retarded because its not absolute, its all relative.