Idiotic Musings from the West

I have seen everything now :roflb:

Probably the only thing where both Pro-hummus and MAGA supporters converge on SM is the opening ceremony.


People might find it weird but it is pretty normal. Muslims revere Jesus more than what majority of europeans do. Since Bible is a very important book in islam and for muslims, they ironically care for its sanctity more than what any average white guy would.
People might find it weird but it is pretty normal. Muslims revere Jesus more than what majority of europeans do. Since Bible is a very important book in islam and for muslims, they ironically care for its sanctity more than what any average white guy would.
Interesting fact,

Isa's name (Jesus) is mentioned in the Quran five times more than the number of times the name of the prophet of Islam (Muhammad) is mentioned, which indicates the importance of Isa as a figure for Muslims.

lol...india gave rise to south asia. even south east asia nd east asia rises by indian culture. nepal golden period is considered of licchvi kings, who was from bihar. south indian chola empire influence spread from srilanka, indonesia etc. sikh nd other hindu kings bring prosperity in pakistan etc. indian culture make thailand, laos, indonesia , myanmar, combodia, Singapore etc wealthy.
current time all our neighbours importing cheap goods, food etc from india. without cheaper indian cotton, bangladesh taxtile export go down. these countries enjoy less interest soft loans also from india. in exchange we got nothing....may be jealousy nd hate.
Racism is an American tradition. When I was in a military hospital many of my black patients complained about blacks being put on the frontline and whites in the back And more body bags of blacks and latinos then whites (mostly vietnam war). Native american had same issue and long history of racism and genocide. All people have faced this. Indians need to toughen up and stop reacting emotionally to everything. There was a time more than 50 years ago when my father wanted to change jobs and it took him 2 years to find one even though he was qualified for most of the jobs, If people are too soft it's better they stay in India.
Lot of the emotional blackmail Indians use in India cannot be used outside of India.
Correct, look how Koreans gave fought back when they were subjected racial violence. Hindus crib all day here that India has strict gUn laws in India and they cant self defend ecen in afeas where they are being subjected to systematic genocide and elimination. But when you are living in US, live in joint /majorly hindu communities -why dont you form your own common defence?

In western societies there is hate for anyone colored. That hate gets doubled if that colored is on avg more rich. That hate further intensifies if colored group simps and moves around headless chickens if there is blant racism against them. And Indians are exact that.
Correct, look how Koreans gave fought back when they were subjected racial violence. Hindus crib all day here that India has strict gUn laws in India and they cant self defend ecen in afeas where they are being subjected to systematic genocide and elimination. But when you are living in US, live in joint /majorly hindu communities -why dont you form your own common defence?

In western societies there is hate for anyone colored. That hate gets doubled if that colored is on avg more rich. That hate further intensifies if colored group simps and moves around headless chickens if there is blant racism against them. And Indians are exact that.
Thing is there is a fundamental difference between the indians who live in usa vs india. The indians in usa tend to come from docile communities (south indian, punjabi hindus, bengalis, gujuratis) whose communities don’t have any modern martial tradition (no offense). Meanwhile communities like Rajputs, Jats, Kumaonis, Gujjars, Ahirs, Pahadis, etc which have martial traditions like khukris, guns, swords, etc don’t come here that much.
Thing is there is a fundamental difference between the indians who live in usa vs india. The indians in usa tend to come from docile communities (south indian, punjabi hindus, bengalis, gujuratis) whose communities don’t have any modern martial tradition (no offense). Meanwhile communities like Rajputs, Jats, Kumaonis, Gujjars, Ahirs, Pahadis, etc which have martial traditions like khukris, guns, swords, etc don’t come here that much.
" Bengalis dont have martial tradition"
Literally more than 50% of the insurgents/rebels/freedom-fighters(as in actual fighters) were Bengalis. if you ever visit Andaman, go see Cellular Jail, where they have ledger of who stayed in what cell. Literally more than 50% of names associated with each and every cell is a Bengali hindu.

Looks like you fell for the 'martial races' and 'non martial races' propaganda of the Brits.
" Bengalis dont have martial tradition"
Literally more than 50% of the insurgents/rebels/freedom-fighters(as in actual fighters) were Bengalis. if you ever visit Andaman, go see Cellular Jail, where they have ledger of who stayed in what cell. Literally more than 50% of names associated with each and every cell is a Bengali hindu.

Looks like you fell for the 'martial races' and 'non martial races' propaganda of the Brits.
I’m not talking of martial capabilities. I’m talking of weapon carrying tradition (ie cultures in which people actually carry weapons).

Just like tamils don’t have a huge weapon carrying culture but sri lankan government forced them to have one.

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