Idiotic Musings from the West

Lol Himachal has to do with Punjab. Punjab is not Jats and Sikhs. E.g. Kandi area of Himachal, Punjab and Jammu are intertwined due historical, cultural, linguistical and relational factors. Similar south Punjab and Haryana are intertwined with upper Rajasthan.
HP cm's name is Sukhvinder Singh Sukhhu. His name sounds like a Punjabi. He might even be.
HP cm's name is Sukhvinder Singh Sukhhu. His name sounds like a Punjabi. He might even be.
Such names common in Punjab, Himachal and Jammu among Rajputs/Thakurs For eg - Ex Late CM Dhumal had some part of his family settled in Jalandhar Punjab while they originally belong to Hamirpur dist HP which is part of Kandi area.

While Sukhu belong to adjacent Nadaun area
Most of the "Martials" of the hills are the ones who moved to hills from Northern plains itself for better defence and protection. They intermarried with locals to raise the current populace there. Thats why Brahmins and Rajput predominate hills.

But I count those people Martial only who stayed behind fought with whatever means to fiercely preserve their culture.
That happened like 1000 years ago.
yes and inhostorical context recently too. Many clans moved to hills due to Islamic invasions..
Not really. Most clans who are here have been here forever and write vanshavlis to connect themsleves to greater vedic heritage.
All folks and fairytales. everyone migrates. they didn’t migrate enough to leave a noticeable genetic impact.
On the contrary Genetic impact migrations and invasions is infact quite visible and discernible. Seen rajputs and Brahmins with Mongloid features in hills? Thats result of intermingling
On the contrary Genetic impact migrations and invasions is infact quite visible and discernible. Seen rajputs and Brahmins with Mongloid features in hills? Thats result of intermingling
Mongoloids aren’t native to the hill. Ancient Aryas spread all across north india, we are descended of those.

I’m kumaoni brahmin but my east asian admixture is on par with other kumaoni brahmins, little more. Pahadis tend to have lesser upper eyelid exposure and more almond eye shape then mainland indians, but that’s due to environmental factors (weather, climate etc)
Mongoloids aren’t native to the hill. Ancient Aryas spread all across north india, we are descended of those.

I’m kumaoni brahmin but my east asian admixture is on par with other kumaoni brahmins, little more. Pahadis tend to have lesser upper eyelid exposure and more almond eye shape then mainland indians, but that’s due to environmental factors (weather, climate etc)
Even then that does not change fact I stated that most brahmin and Rajput clans in hills descend from them. Environmental Factors do matter. I have seen many dark Indians who migrated to colder western countries have taller, fairer complexion kids. Hills have seen Gurkha invasions also. There are many factors that govern features but that does not belie the fact the Many Brahmins and Rajpoot's clans migrated to hills due to factors like invasion.

I know enough Pahadi families having people having dark complexion, to fair complexion, From having North western features to Pahadi features within same group. So I dont need convincing regarding facial features.

PS: Its OT If you want.. Lets continue in Chit chat.
Even then that does not change fact I stated that most brahmin and Rajput clans in hills descend from them. Environmental Factors do matter. I have seen many dark Indians who migrated to colder western countries have taller, fairer complexion kids. Hills have seen Gurkha invasions also. There are many factors that govern features but that does not belie the fact the Many Brahmins and Rajpoot's clans migrated to hills due to factors like invasion.

I know enough Pahadi families having people having dark complexion, to fair complexion, From having North western features to Pahadi features within same group. So I dont need convincing regarding facial features.

PS: Its OT If you want.. Lets continue in Chit chat.
There is no proof that they did. We have numerous inscriptions of kshatriyas rule in ancient times (Kunindas, Kunindas, Chands).
Punjabis are okay. I don’t blame them as geographically they were fucked. They were like the punching bags for foreign invaders as when u enter india, you enter via punjab.

They didn’t have the geography to wage guerrilla war, the resources to build an empire, nor the leadership. They were at best mercaniries when it comes to combat. Also empire building has more to do with martial abilities.

Not all invaders entered through Punjab. The Shakas and the Arabs entered via Sindh route.
Either way, that is poor excuse. If Punjab is the 'first place you enter when you arrive India'(true 90% of the time but not always), then Gandhara is literally the doorway to India. yet, at least they managed to have local kingdom of decent repute: the Kabul Shahis, who wrested back control of Kabul from the Abbasids and Saffarids, then held on till the Ghaznavids.
Not all invaders entered through Punjab. The Shakas and the Arabs entered via Sindh route.
Either way, that is poor excuse. If Punjab is the 'first place you enter when you arrive India'(true 90% of the time but not always), then Gandhara is literally the doorway to India. yet, at least they managed to have local kingdom of decent repute: the Kabul Shahis, who wrested back control of Kabul from the Abbasids and Saffarids, then held on till the Ghaznavids.
We all have historical moments. Marathas were enslaved after khilji brutally destroyed them only for them to rise under Shivaji and have victories vs mughals afghans deccan sultans and even portugese and europeans (yes they wiped out inferior westoid garrisons)
Shahis rule extended to some part of Punjab, rest of the the part was ruled by Gurjar - Pratihara. That explans why Punjab Haryana Himchal and Jammu have sizeable Gurjar/Rajput population . Again what may look Punjab from existing state boundaries - but older definition of Punjab was based around clans and the region encompassing such clans extended from east delhi to west NWFP , from Jammu to Upper reaches of Rajasthan. Shahis took shelter in Kangra after defeat... Tells you the extent of the rule. Even Ranjit Singh was not the only Jaat empire, there existed many. Shahis, tomars, gurjars , jats all had kingdoms

Before someone say oh they are not Punjabis - Punjabis are not seperate race. They are collection of Jats, Khatris(Kahstriyas), Brahmins who were not localized to just land of five rivers but were intertwined with regions which are separate states in modern times. Bellow are just the Jaat kingdoms that region had.

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