Idiotic Musings from the West

I’m not talking of martial capabilities. I’m talking of weapon carrying tradition (ie cultures in which people actually carry weapons).

Just like tamils don’t have a huge weapon carrying culture but sri lankan government forced them to have one.
No indian culture has a tradition of carrying weapons in public. Been to Rajasthan, been to himachal and uttarakhand. The only people i saw carrying knives/khukris etc. were people who were serving coconut water and food on the streets.
No indian culture has a tradition of carrying weapons in public. Been to Rajasthan, been to himachal and uttarakhand. The only people i saw carrying knives/khukris etc. were people who were serving coconut water and food on the streets.
In public yes. But in homes we keep.
you won’t see folks carrying weapons in public even in ameirca unless u live in like bumfuck ohio or alabama
" Bengalis dont have martial tradition"
Literally more than 50% of the insurgents/rebels/freedom-fighters(as in actual fighters) were Bengalis. if you ever visit Andaman, go see Cellular Jail, where they have ledger of who stayed in what cell. Literally more than 50% of names associated with each and every cell is a Bengali hindu.

Looks like you fell for the 'martial races' and 'non martial races' propaganda of the Brits.
I think there is some historic basis behind the "martial" and "non-marital race" theory, if you look into the social structure of Bengali Hindus.

I find it fascinating that there is an acute lack of Bengalis identifying as Kshatriyas, rather they will identify as Kayastha or kulina.

In pre-independence literature the upper casts were "Bamun-Kayent". And the lower casts were "Duley". Most of the time the people performing the role of Kshatriyas per say were "Hindustanis" (North Indians) or Muslims.

I think one more fact that portrays Bengali Hindus as primarily a merchant society is that the legend "Manasa Mangala" (Which tells the story of how Manasa was accepted among the Gods) identify Chand Sadakar (a merchant) as the most powerful man on Earth. The story is said to be a contemporary of Early Islamic rule in Bengal.

But I do believe when push comes to shove any society can become martial. Like the students resistance movement against the British or the Mukti Bahini.
I think there is some historic basis behind the "martial" and "non-marital race" theory, if you look into the social structure of Bengali Hindus.

I find it fascinating that there is an acute lack of Bengalis identifying as Kshatriyas, rather they will identify as Kayastha or kulina.

In pre-independence literature the upper casts were "Bamun-Kayent". And the lower casts were "Duley". Most of the time the people performing the role of Kshatriyas per say were "Hindustanis" (North Indians) or Muslims.

I think one more fact that portrays Bengali Hindus as primarily a merchant society is that the legend "Manasa Mangala" (Which tells the story of how Manasa was accepted among the Gods) identify Chand Sadakar (a merchant) as the most powerful man on Earth. The story is said to be a contemporary of Early Islamic rule in Bengal.

But I do believe when push comes to shove any society can become martial. Like the students resistance movement against the British or the Mukti Bahini.

This is pretty much because the entire Kshatriya bengali class was wiped out at the end of the Pala dynasty and wholesale replaced by Kannadiga Sen dynasty. at the advent of islamic age of bengal, the kannadiga kshatriyas were all killed or converted.

You know who are historically the most overrated 'martial' people of India ? Punjabis. Never had their own kingdom literally till 1800s, forget empire. Every single kingdom based outta Punjab since the days of Alexander = foreign conquerors.
Bengal at least had Shashanka who beat the Pushyabhutis to a pulp ( that is harshavardhana's dynasty) and then the Pal empire. Punjab is literal one and done with Ranjit Singh. Thats it.
Thing is there is a fundamental difference between the indians who live in usa vs india. The indians in usa tend to come from docile communities (south indian, punjabi hindus, bengalis, gujuratis) whose communities don’t have any modern martial tradition (no offense). Meanwhile communities like Rajputs, Jats, Kumaonis, Gujjars, Ahirs, Pahadis, etc which have martial traditions like khukris, guns, swords, etc don’t come here that much.
Prabhu same community origin mix is in south africa who tout guns. Forget guns atleast communties should come together to form one voice on common causes. Even more than preserve and dessiminate culture to your prodigies (well same for Indians living in India)
Thing is there is a fundamental difference between the indians who live in usa vs india. The indians in usa tend to come from docile communities (south indian, punjabi hindus, bengalis, gujuratis) whose communities don’t have any modern martial tradition (no offense). Meanwhile communities like Rajputs, Jats, Kumaonis, Gujjars, Ahirs, Pahadis, etc which have martial traditions like khukris, guns, swords, etc don’t come here that much.
This is not the reason.
Ever seen Chinese people going chitti-chitti-bang-bang about China in murrica or answer racism with chitti-chitti-bang-bang ? No.
Why ? Because Chinese, like us, are highly educated people who come to murrica on H1B, have to wait years, sometimes decades, to get citizenship, work jobs where they must earn to pay off the house, then send kids to school.
Look around you through the entire world. The upper middle class is the LEAST revolutionary/activist class on the entire freaking planet. Everywhere. This is because upper middle class is the zone where you are a wage earner and dependent on being employed but make enough money for comfortable life.
Ie, if you get ratted on/say something shitty in the heat of the moment and get reported on and you get fired, its game over.

Who are the highly activist class worldwide ? the poor - who have nothing to lose and the children of the elites - who ALSO have nothing to lose but have shit tons of 'Bank of Mum-n-Dad' funds to do whatever they wish.
Why are moozies so rebellious/activist in the west ? because most of them are taxi drivers, shawarma shop owners, corner store owners, ie, small business or menial work. People who work these jobs dont care about being blacklisted - what are you gonna do ? run a campaign against local shawarma shop that the owner supports Hamas ? unless you get bigmedia involved, it will at best affect 5% of his sales.
Get the taxi driver fired ? well no probs, he will go find a job as a warehouse worker or bus driver somewhere.
This is not the reason.
Ever seen Chinese people going chitti-chitti-bang-bang about China in murrica or answer racism with chitti-chitti-bang-bang ? No.
Why ? Because Chinese, like us, are highly educated people who come to murrica on H1B, have to wait years, sometimes decades, to get citizenship, work jobs where they must earn to pay off the house, then send kids to school.
Look around you through the entire world. The upper middle class is the LEAST revolutionary/activist class on the entire freaking planet. Everywhere. This is because upper middle class is the zone where you are a wage earner and dependent on being employed but make enough money for comfortable life.
Ie, if you get ratted on/say something shitty in the heat of the moment and get reported on and you get fired, its game over.

Who are the highly activist class worldwide ? the poor - who have nothing to lose and the children of the elites - who ALSO have nothing to lose but have shit tons of 'Bank of Mum-n-Dad' funds to do whatever they wish.
Why are moozies so rebellious/activist in the west ? because most of them are taxi drivers, shawarma shop owners, corner store owners, ie, small business or menial work. People who work these jobs dont care about being blacklisted - what are you gonna do ? run a campaign against local shawarma shop that the owner supports Hamas ? unless you get bigmedia involved, it will at best affect 5% of his sales.
Get the taxi driver fired ? well no probs, he will go find a job as a warehouse worker or bus driver somewhere.
Correct take.

At least among Telugus, certain castes who are capable of extreme violence, do migrate to USA i.e Kammas and Reddys.

But, the moment they land in USA, they soften up because most of them are on H1B visas with a ton of education loan to pay back home in India i.e they can't afford to sabotage their careers in USA.
This is pretty much because the entire Kshatriya bengali class was wiped out at the end of the Pala dynasty and wholesale replaced by Kannadiga Sen dynasty. at the advent of islamic age of bengal, the kannadiga kshatriyas were all killed or converted.

You know who are historically the most overrated 'martial' people of India ? Punjabis. Never had their own kingdom literally till 1800s, forget empire. Every single kingdom based outta Punjab since the days of Alexander = foreign conquerors.
Bengal at least had Shashanka who beat the Pushyabhutis to a pulp ( that is harshavardhana's dynasty) and then the Pal empire. Punjab is literal one and done with Ranjit Singh. Thats it.
do u forgot these kings from punjab:-
1:- king puru who ruled near 326 BC..who was king of current day pakistan. he defeated Alexandre army.

2 :- after that hun powerful king mihirkul rule near 520 AD approx, with afganistan, pakistan nd north india etc in his empire. he was following shaivism. he was also powerful king of pakistan nd afganistan region before sikh empire. yes he was from central asia, but he adopted indian culture etc.
3:- punjab region nd other near+far regions also ruled by kushan dynesty (king kanishk) near 30 AD approx. he was greek but adopted hinduism nd buddhism also. so we can say he was indo greek king. coz he spread indian culture more.
u can say they were outsiders, but they settled their nd become part of our culture. thats why in some indias central asian (huns) nd strippi (greek) genes found. although their r other invaders also.
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Correct take.

At least among Telugus, certain castes who are capable of extreme violence, do migrate to USA i.e Kammas and Reddys.

But, the moment they land in USA, they soften up because most of them are on H1B visas with a ton of education loan to pay back home in India i.e they can't afford to sabotage their careers in USA.
Its not just the telegus, its pretty much true for most non-muslim Asians. Iranians are the only exception to the non-muslim rule, where they too keep their heads down and dont create trouble ( but then again, a significant % of iranians in the west are moozies in name only).

The class that has the most to loose doesnt want to rock the boat. Its just that simple. Upper middle class is the class that has the most to loose- you can be an IT professional and one wrong twitter post and you are fired. With no reference. Good luck finding another job in the same city in 90% of the cases unless you are literally 'trinity the matrix hacker' level person.

Whereas you can literally be the most racist redneck white dude around or the most insanely islamist dude around and if you live by lifting boxes, you will get hired in one week flat by somoene.

Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc. all punch significantly below their demographic weight (though Chinese punch a lot harder than Indians due to their socio-political cohesion) because they are almost exclusively comprised of highly qualified, highly skilled upper middle class immigrants. Its the same reason why indians, chinese, east asians etc. dominate the 'highest income earners' category in the west.

But the pitfall is, we are also the most vulnerable to societal pressure/disapproval.
do u forgot king puru who ruled near 326 BC..who was king of current day pakistan? he defeated Alexandre army. after that indo greek (hun) powerful king mihirkul rule near 520 AD approx, with afganistan, pakistan nd north india etc. he was following shaivism nd his greek god also. he was also powerful king of pakistan nd afganistan region before sikh empire. nd we r definitely forgotting some other kings of punjab before sikh. yes that area definitely face most invasion in indian subcontinent.
Bhai, that is why i said 'since Alexander'. Aka his period, give or take 10 years or so, given that Chandragupta defeated all of Alexander's satraps in the Indus by 310 BCE and then ate everything east of Indus till Qandhar after defeating Seleucus in 305 BCE.

Mihirkul wasn't a desi. he was a hun. Son of toramann the hun, who's father ( Khingala i think, i may be wrong) literally came across the Khyber.

There literally is no kingdom of any note in Punjab that is locally run from 310 BC to 1800s. Not one. Nil, nada, zip, zilch.
Its all Shaka, Kushana, Parthava,Huna, etc. rulers. or being vassals of some empire or another from the ganges plain ( Magadh, Gupta, Pratihara, Pushyabhuti, etc).

Even during Ghaznavi-ghori period, Punjab had no independent indegenous ruler of note - during Ghazni's time Punjab is split between Kabulshahis and Rajputana. By the time Ghori arrives, Punjab is owned by the moozies.
This is pretty much because the entire Kshatriya bengali class was wiped out at the end of the Pala dynasty and wholesale replaced by Kannadiga Sen dynasty. at the advent of islamic age of bengal, the kannadiga kshatriyas were all killed or converted.

You know who are historically the most overrated 'martial' people of India ? Punjabis. Never had their own kingdom literally till 1800s, forget empire. Every single kingdom based outta Punjab since the days of Alexander = foreign conquerors.
Bengal at least had Shashanka who beat the Pushyabhutis to a pulp ( that is harshavardhana's dynasty) and then the Pal empire. Punjab is literal one and done with Ranjit Singh. Thats it.
Mate world conquering Alexander had its defeat in Punjab. Unlike rest of India - North west of India has seen continuous numerous invasions. Even a rope when continuously rubbed against the wall of the well makes dent in it. Had invasions been as "successful" without resistance you would have had Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Jammu all been converted wholesale.

Punjabis Kingdom? Mate Kuru, Puru, Gandhara, Kekaya, Madra, Sivi and Trigarta, all belong to the same region. The history of this region is long and its cradle of vedic civilization.

But being the frontier region and region really being bunch of fiercely independent small clans since time of vedas (janpadas, sanghas) - You could say that it was easy ruling by co opting some of these clans -- than these clans uniting to form single kingdom.
This is not the reason.
Ever seen Chinese people going chitti-chitti-bang-bang about China in murrica or answer racism with chitti-chitti-bang-bang ? No.
Why ? Because Chinese, like us, are highly educated people who come to murrica on H1B, have to wait years, sometimes decades, to get citizenship, work jobs where they must earn to pay off the house, then send kids to school.
Look around you through the entire world. The upper middle class is the LEAST revolutionary/activist class on the entire freaking planet. Everywhere. This is because upper middle class is the zone where you are a wage earner and dependent on being employed but make enough money for comfortable life.
Ie, if you get ratted on/say something shitty in the heat of the moment and get reported on and you get fired, its game over.

Who are the highly activist class worldwide ? the poor - who have nothing to lose and the children of the elites - who ALSO have nothing to lose but have shit tons of 'Bank of Mum-n-Dad' funds to do whatever they wish.
Why are moozies so rebellious/activist in the west ? because most of them are taxi drivers, shawarma shop owners, corner store owners, ie, small business or menial work. People who work these jobs dont care about being blacklisted - what are you gonna do ? run a campaign against local shawarma shop that the owner supports Hamas ? unless you get bigmedia involved, it will at best affect 5% of his sales.
Get the taxi driver fired ? well no probs, he will go find a job as a warehouse worker or bus driver somewhere.
Not to mention indians aren’t even oppressed IRL. It’s all a bunch of white incels who hate indians and make racist jokes.
This is pretty much because the entire Kshatriya bengali class was wiped out at the end of the Pala dynasty and wholesale replaced by Kannadiga Sen dynasty. at the advent of islamic age of bengal, the kannadiga kshatriyas were all killed or converted.

You know who are historically the most overrated 'martial' people of India ? Punjabis. Never had their own kingdom literally till 1800s, forget empire. Every single kingdom based outta Punjab since the days of Alexander = foreign conquerors.
Bengal at least had Shashanka who beat the Pushyabhutis to a pulp ( that is harshavardhana's dynasty) and then the Pal empire. Punjab is literal one and done with Ranjit Singh. Thats it.
Punjabis are okay. I don’t blame them as geographically they were fucked. They were like the punching bags for foreign invaders as when u enter india, you enter via punjab.

They didn’t have the geography to wage guerrilla war, the resources to build an empire, nor the leadership. They were at best mercaniries when it comes to combat. Also empire building has more to do with martial abilities.
Mate world conquering Alexander had its defeat in Punjab. Unlike rest of India - North west of India has seen continuous numerous invasions. Even a rope when continuously rubbed against the wall of the well makes dent in it. Had invasions been as "successful" without resistance you would have had Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, Jammu all been converted wholesale.

Punjabis Kingdom? Mate Kuru, Puru, Gandhara, Kekaya, Madra, Sivi and Trigarta, all belong to the same region. The history of this region is long and its cradle of vedic civilization.

But being the frontier region and region really being bunch of fiercely independent small clans since time of vedas (janpadas, sanghas) - You could say that it was easy ruling by co opting some of these clans -- than these clans uniting to form single kingdom.
Himachal has nothing to do with punjabis lmao
Himachal has nothing to do with punjabis lmao
Lol Himachal has to do with Punjab. Punjab is not just Jats and Sikhs alone. E.g. Kandi area of Himachal, Punjab and Jammu are intertwined due historical, cultural, linguistical and relational factors. Similar south Punjab and Haryana are intertwined with upper Rajasthan.
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Punjabis are okay. I don’t blame them as geographically they were fucked. They were like the punching bags for foreign invaders as when u enter india, you enter via punjab.

They didn’t have the geography to wage guerrilla war, the resources to build an empire, nor the leadership. They were at best mercaniries when it comes to combat. Also empire building has more to do with martial abilities.
Most of the "Martials" of the hills are the ones who moved to hills from Northern plains itself for better defence and protection. They intermarried with locals to raise the current populace there. Thats why Brahmins and Rajput predominate hills.

But I count those people Martial only who stayed behind fought with whatever means to fiercely preserve their culture.

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