Idiotic Musings from the West

An article about rise of anti-India anti-hindu racism
Excellent, finally they get what they deserve. Divine justice.....hindus, plan your next destination to run to as you and jews are priority target and unlike jews we have no bibi but babaji will send rescue planes for sure.
Running away from Problems is indeed Numero Uno trait. Won't invest money in Politicians, Institutions and in Hand Behind the Curtain to save their asses because of Short Term Greediness. Drains away Wealth in pointless Showcase events like Marriages and ego assets. They will definitely be struck in two hostile gangs one is obvious and another is Native Whites who are currently tolerating their existence. But, there will be a day when libbus are outnumbered by UK RW and they will not only become target of usual but also of RW. . Maybe they will jump fence to Australia since its quite vast. Maybe USA also since they always welcomes obedient submissive workers. NZ is too crowded. Canada situation will be same as UK.
Running away from Problems is indeed Numero Uno trait. Won't invest money in Politicians, Institutions and in Hand Behind the Curtain to save their asses because of Short Term Greediness. Drains away Wealth in pointless Showcase events like Marriages and ego assets. They will definitely be struck in two hostile gangs one is obvious and another is Native Whites who are currently tolerating their existence. But, there will be a day when libbus are outnumbered by UK RW and they will not only become target of usual but also of RW. . Maybe they will jump fence to Australia since its quite vast. Maybe USA also since they always welcomes obedient submissive workers. NZ is too crowded. Canada situation will be same as UK.
Nah, libbus take easy path and convert to whoever that doesn't mess around with their feel good talk adn rather take their neck. Australia and US are same. Cowards eventually face the music somewhere....this is what happens when you lose your identity.
Cant say if it is just media propaganda, but it is shocking if true !!!


And here is an article trying to debunk the claim..

Extreme misogyny to be treated as terrorism​

Home Secretary orders review of counter-extremism strategy to tackle violence against women and girls


The term "extreme misogyny" includes phrases like "men should not participate in womens sports " or "if you got a dick then you not a chick" or "men cannot give birth" etc..
Hindus need to migrate to New Zealand in big numbers. We are the largest religious minority there (at 2.7%, Muslims at 1.3%, Buddhists 1.1%, Sikhs 0.9%). Pump the numbers up to atleast 10% over next 2 decades. Will have a strong lobby there then.

Unfortunately, there is growing trend of the reversal of flow in our direction. With the rising cost of living in the developed world, several foreign citizens of the Indian origin are moving to India with their families. Many retired white people are settling down in the low-cost destinations like India.

This is inevitable for the underpopulated countries like NZ, AUS, UK, Japan, SK. Their ageing population cannot consume enough to sustain the economy. The high labor cost destroyed their manufacturing sector, hence not much scope for the export-driven growth either.
Unfortunately, there is growing trend of the reversal of flow in our direction. With the rising cost of living in the developed world, several foreign citizens of the Indian origin are moving to India with their families. Many retired white people are settling down in the low-cost destinations like India.

This is inevitable for the underpopulated countries like NZ, AUS, UK, Japan, SK. Their ageing population cannot consume enough to sustain the economy. The high labor cost destroyed their manufacturing sector, hence not much scope for the export-driven growth either.
Are you intoxicated ? India is a net exporter of people. 2 lakh people a year are giving up citizenship in India, plus even a larger number going out for jobs, studies and also thousands immigrating illegally.

This trend will continue in coming years as well. Most of the people that want to go back, don't go back because cities in India are shit holes.
Running away from Problems is indeed Numero Uno trait. Won't invest money in Politicians, Institutions and in Hand Behind the Curtain to save their asses because of Short Term Greediness. Drains away Wealth in pointless Showcase events like Marriages and ego assets. They will definitely be struck in two hostile gangs one is obvious and another is Native Whites who are currently tolerating their existence. But, there will be a day when libbus are outnumbered by UK RW and they will not only become target of usual but also of RW. . Maybe they will jump fence to Australia since its quite vast. Maybe USA also since they always welcomes obedient submissive workers. NZ is too crowded. Canada situation will be same as UK.
That's why you see many similarities here too, Dumb people of our constitution framing took everything from them in the name of PROGRESSIVE THINKING not understanding what neighborhood we were going to live.

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