Idiotic Musings from the West

Sorry but I can’t cheer to that. Muslims were bigger enemies to Hindus than the Brits were.
well...british killed 100 millions indians in famine nd did many destroying acts in india. how can be they r lesser criminal than muslim. do u think past crimes wash away?? their genration proud of their british empire. will they dont commint same crime again, if they got oppertunity?
well...british killed 100 millions indians in famine nd did many destroying acts in india. how can be they r lesser criminal than muslim. do u think past crimes wash away?? their genration proud of their british empire. will they dont commint same crime again, if they got oppertunity?
both are like flip sides of a single coin.. on a broader scale britishers were those same representing christian faith.
Both hate so called polytheists to their core, both wants to be the solo cult to dominate the all, both wants to wipe the infields either by inquisition or by beheading, both spreads on same method of decepcion and brainwashing. Only difference is islam is way more vocal and brute for current time frame for its said goals, while christianity has found its way to compensate the lack of that masculine force via decepcion and money power.

But both have the same end goal... to wipe us Hindus clean.
both are like flip sides of a single coin.. on a broader scale britishers were those same representing christian faith.
Both hate so called polytheists to their core, both wants to be the solo cult to dominate the all, both wants to wipe the infields either by inquisition or by beheading, both spreads on same method of decepcion and brainwashing. Only difference is islam is way more vocal and brute for current time frame for its said goals, while christianity has found its way to compensate the lack of that masculine force via decepcion and money power.

But both have the same end goal... to wipe us Hindus clean.

The main basic difference is, Christianity is better than Islam at convincing the pagans they are not the enemy and strike when they reach critical mass. Islam is better at convincing their own people to not give a shit about progress and peace and stability and wage war against the pagans.
This is why Islam has a more 'active conquest' methodology against pagans while christianity has a more ' infiltrate and dominate power circles and convert the masses' methodology.
Basically, christianity is Shakuni. Islam is Duryodhan.

I have also said that if religions were a 100m olympic race for violence in history, the #3-8 ( Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, dead Euro-pagans, etc) are basically the half langra or knock-kneed 16 year old high school kids. Christianity is Carl Lewis, Islam is Usain Bolt.

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