Indian Air Force: News & Discussions

These fighters are done with their shelf life they are to be kept at museum not on front line air base. IAF for their import fetish keep beating these dead horse

None of the flying aircrafts, and I repeat, NONE of the flying aircrafts have exceeded their airframe life.

You can say they are outdated, they are obsolete, but not past their shelf life. Yes, not even the Mig-21s.

They never ground jaguar or mig21 but has no problem groundings the entire dhruv helicopters fleet.

What happened to LCA crash report. They should release more details regarding engine's oil pump failure. IAF's maintenance capabilities are not upto the mark.
What happened to LCA crash report. They should release more details regarding engine's oil pump failure. IAF's maintenance capabilities are not upto the mark.
Something Something Walchandnagar Industries....Analysis... Something Something bypass Checks on Oil Something... Conspiracy.... Something Something on event of Largest Exercise at that time.
Something Something Walchandnagar Industries....Analysis... Something Something bypass Checks on Oil Something... Conspiracy.... Something Something on event of Largest Exercise at that time.
@Kattar also said it.
But what's the actual source of this rumour. Any tweet, video ?
Not that this would be of much comfort, but does anyone have an idea where India is placed in number of air crashes per year. Taking into consideration flying time and other factors, again barely comforting things.
@Kattar also said it.
But what's the actual source of this rumour. Any tweet, video ?

Source is a experienced veterinarian very good in analyzing issues with birds as they fly. He has seen birds behavior in multiple trees across India, Himalayas and even when they nest on a big boat at sea.

Happen to personally know him very well since 2 decades, and he mentioned this in detail in a long casual discussion.
Source is a experienced veterinarian very good in analyzing issues with birds as they fly. He has seen birds behavior in multiple trees across India, Himalayas and even when they nest on a big boat at sea.

Happen to personally know him very well since 2 decades, and he mentioned this in detail in a long casual discussion.
So which of the 3 aircraft suffered a bird hit ? The LCA Mk-1 which was the first LCA to crash or the An-32 or the Jaguar ? Or are you speaking in code. I'm confused.
So which of the 3 aircraft suffered a bird hit ? The LCA Mk-1 which was the first LCA to crash or the An-32 or the Jaguar ? Or are you speaking in code. I'm confused.
It's about a conspiracy going on that lca tejas was made to crash by deliberately taking out the engine oil from the jet instead of accidentally bypassing to check whether there is enough engine oil in jet.
The crash of tejas on the day when highest level officials we're present to see the military strength show, and this "mistake of neglecting to check engine oil" never happened before, does somewhat help the conspiracy.
So which of the 3 aircraft suffered a bird hit ? The LCA Mk-1 which was the first LCA to crash or the An-32 or the Jaguar ? Or are you speaking in code. I'm confused.
It's about LCA maiden crash during exercise in Jaisalmer.
A trusted birdie spends its days next to Desi beauty's data analysis systems and often flies through most inaccessible cabins in Walchand Hirachand's company. Happened to sit on the same branch as the birdie after a long time for a short talk soon after first crash of Desi beauty. Here is what the birdie said,

# Group of Desi beauties takes off for high profile exercise where top most political and military bosses are waiting to watch what the beauties can do

# Immediately after takeoff, pilot of one beauty reports engine sound is not as usual and something is amiss though Sensors don't show anything abnormal yet

# Flight controllers ask Pilot to continue as planned, maybe they don't trust the pilot ears or decided to take the risk

# Fortunately things go fine at the dance stage but the beauty's engine seizes up when its almost back home. Pilot safely ejects and the beauty goes down very gracefully even without pilot at controls

# Experienced birdies at Walchand Hirachand run through beauty's data and figure out that a lubricant oil was drained / not loaded. They share related data to Amrikan supplier who confirms their suspicion

# Looks like somebody figured out how to drain the oil without triggering sensors immediately and did it hoping for spectacular crash before or on dance stage

# Top aatmanirbhar Maanav is unofficialy updated of actual reason for crash. Naturally enraged, he orders multiple top brass at Vayu Sena should personally take sorties on Desi beauty to affirm they will take good care of Desi beauty and not abandon her lusting after imported hotties. Top Brass forced to do needfull to cool down Maanav

# Actual story is carefully buried to avoid embrassment to Vayu sena and Desh. It is decided to make Oil Pump scapegoat for official records

Did employees of Walchand Hirachand's company make a public spectacle of the fact that some folks at Vayu Sena physically sabotaged Desi Beauty in sheer desperation to derail its brilliant safety record? Did they leak to press about how rotten our Sena is when it comes to import vs Desi? Did they talk within hearing distance of aam jantha of how this is very similar to driving Arjun In reverse gear for KMs until gearbox was damaged beyond repair to call it faulty?
Not that this would be of much comfort, but does anyone have an idea where India is placed in number of air crashes per year. Taking into consideration flying time and other factors, again barely comforting things.
24 crashes in 4 years, which is on a relatively higher side. Not disproportionately high, but high enough.
It's about LCA maiden crash during exercise in Jaisalmer.
reminds me of an anecdote.

when i was in 11th standard , it was a boarding school. there used to be an old temple near by, we used to go there once in a while. that temple used to have a old man who was the care taker, he must be in his 70's or 80's by then. he used to say, he was a technician in IAF before taking sanyas. one of his stories was about sabotage being pretty common in IAF to settle petty disputes. some one gets angry at some one, loosen a few screws here and there, nobody would know if there is a crash.

could be a story he made up to scare the kids or it could be true. can't say for sure.
reminds me of an anecdote.

when i was in 11th standard , it was a boarding school. there used to be an old temple near by, we used to go there once in a while. that temple used to have a old man who was the care taker, he must be in his 70's or 80's by then. he used to say, he was a technician in IAF before taking sanyas. one of his stories was about sabotage being pretty common in IAF to settle petty disputes. some one gets angry at some one, loosen a few screws here and there, nobody would know if there is a crash.

could be a story he made up to scare the kids or it could be true. can't say for sure.
It used to pretty common in the merchant navy . Heard many anecdotes from friends & relatives . I'm referring to personnel here not the vessel.

If the crew didn't like someone especially an argumentative person or someone whose work ethic was slack or a newbie trying to be uppity after a few warnings he'd disappear.

No idea if it still happens today.

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